This is what happens when you can't afford healthcare

25 Aug 2013 19:04 #31 by Pony Soldier
Walter should be banned. Scum.

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25 Aug 2013 19:38 #32 by archer
We don't ban here, but then again most posters will remove such information when asked.

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25 Aug 2013 19:48 #33 by PrintSmith

Conservative Voice wrote:

Printsmith wrote: Seems rather, shall we say, hypocritical for CV to demand a source from Fred while attempting to dodge providing one for his own blatantly absurd assertion, doesn't it?

Conservative Voice wrote: And can you show my quote where I -- as you claim -- demanded a source from Fred?

Still waiting.

As am I. when do you plan on getting around to substantiating your claim that the man wasn't seen by doctors when the need first arose? We're on page 4 now CV, any idea when you plan on admitting that you either lied or swallowed what the echo chamber was telling you without first chewing it to make sure it was fit for consumption?

But, since you are attempting to avoid going there, mostly because you can't and you know it, I'll indulge you this once in your attempt to divert attentions away from your lies. When one adds their voice to the chorus they are necessarily singing the same song. Now it's your turn CV, substantiate your claims.

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25 Aug 2013 21:08 #34 by PrintSmith

towermonkey wrote:

PrintSmith wrote: There is a basic flaw in the "progressive" logic. Health care is a service which must be paid for, not a right which one enjoys. No one has a natural right to the services of another without paying for those services, that is slavery and involuntary servitude, something that is prohibited by our Constitution. Doctors and surgeons may elect to reduce their charges or donate their services, but as a society we do not have a right to compel them to accept an amount that is less than what they feel is proper for the services they render or to tell them that they will render services for absolutely no compensation.

What a strawman this is. Nobody has EVER proposed that healthcare professionals do their job for free. Do you consider all police volunteers? Firefighters? When attempt to score points by flinging feces, you dilute your overall point and render the whole post moot.

Nor did I make such an allegation. Since I considered reduced or donated as a choice of the doctor, I also included both scenarios under what should not be done by society. Back when I was in primary and secondary school, teachers actually noticed if you didn't maintain such consistency when writing and deducted points from your score accordingly, so I learned to maintain consistency when writing. My apologies for confusing you.

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25 Aug 2013 21:18 #35 by jf1acai

Walter, I've reported you for violating the Terms of Service regarding the posting of personal identifiable information. You have no right to post information about anyone's employer on this forum. I would think you'd know better and I would ask you to remove it.

W****, you have made this information publicly available for years. To try to claim a TOS violation at this time is absolutely ridiculous, IMO.


BTW, I think you should be proud of what you have accomplished, rather than apparently trying to deny it. While I disagree with you on many issues, I acknowledge that you have done many good things.

Stand up for what you believe in, and admit the errors you have made - pobody is nerfect.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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25 Aug 2013 21:59 #37 by archer

jf1acai wrote:
W****, you have made this information publicly available for years. To try to claim a TOS violation at this time is absolutely ridiculous, IMO.

Which is his right to do....not anyone elses.

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25 Aug 2013 22:02 #38 by FOS
Amen archer. That should be true for everyone. right?

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25 Aug 2013 22:04 #39 by archer
Yes it should, and I have always held that opinion. But do you agree with CV that Walter should not have posted what he did?

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25 Aug 2013 22:26 #40 by FOS
I do agree archer. I know from personal experience the kind of damage that can be done.
When I, or anyone else is posting on a community website in their free time, their business should not be a subject of discussion.
My only real issue here is that the person in question has used his real name. He has even provided a picture in the form of an avatar but he has not mentioned his employer and he has every right to keep his private and public life separate. Just as I, or anyone else does.
It would be easier to swallow if the person in question would acknowledge that as he decries this behavior from Walter, he has used this tactic against others many times in the past. I am happy to provide examples if needed.


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