This is what happens when you can't afford healthcare

26 Aug 2013 09:26 #51 by Pony Soldier
I take the posting of any job related details personally since I've had letters written to my employer. It is wrong for you to post that information. If CV wants to post it, that's his prerogative.

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26 Aug 2013 10:01 #52 by Photo-fish
We all have personal and professional information available to find on the internet. That does not give anyone the right to drag it out and post it (off topic or on) for all to see. Even if you know who the person is away from these forums. You really should not assume that they are OK with having their personal or professional activities posted on their behalf.

If you would not want it done to you, then don't do it to anyone else.

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26 Aug 2013 10:06 #53 by ScienceChic

archer wrote: To SC....I think maybe there needs to be some additional moderators/administrators to help monitor this site. If we can't trust the posters to follow the TOS, then there should be someone to step in and delete/star/or in someway remove personal information when it appears.....posters should not feel that they are one argument away from having another poster take revenge by posting personal information not intended for the public.

I agree, but I also have very high standards when it comes to moderators. It's very difficult to find members who don't take things personally and can remain fair and objective, are on here on a regular basis that they can help with any consistency, and who want to volunteer that extra time and effort. It's not hard, but it is time-consuming and has to be done to my professional standards. :) That being said, I would love any offered help and if you are interested, let me know and I'll call you.

My personal opinion on privacy is that if we participate online, then we really aren't - it's frankly a facade. That being said, that is not how we run this site - if you wish to remain "anonymous" you are free to do so and we will protect that desire by removing personally identifying information that others post. If you put it up yourself, then it's your responsibility. That bio for CV is public knowledge, but it doesn't need to be associated with CV the username here on MMT unless CV wishes it. Being's as CV has put out there who he is, and anyone is free to do a Google search and find it and more, it is disingenuous on his part to claim it's personal info, but we will honor his wishes, silly though it may be in the big picture because it's not private at all based on what he's told people about himself. I understand that there have been issues in the past with employers being contacted, and I will keep my opinion of that matter to myself; suffice it to say, I don't ever see that as being an issue here. Again, this is all my personal opinion speaking, not my official policy.

I have a friend who was at a round table of start ups once and one of the presenters was explaining how his company could 100% guarantee keeping everything about you private if you signed up for their service. My friend called him out on it and offered to test the guy's name (he'd registered himself for the highest level). Within minutes, he'd found his mortgage info, home address, credit scores, speeding tickets, divorce decree, and other unsavory personal information that he showed the guy on his iPad rather than tell the group out loud and the guy turned sheet white, sat down, and didn't say another word.

It may be harsh of me to say, but if you've bought a house, gotten a mortgage or a credit card ever in your lifetime, paid taxes and social security to a government assigned ID, then you are not unknown. Anywhere. Does that mean that we trace you? No, it does not, that info doesn't matter to me at all to run this business.

How I operate personally is I expect that anything I do is public so I don't do anything that is illegal or would dishonor me or my family.
...Or I make sure there are as few of material witnesses as possible that I trust completely and I never ever speak of it again. :biggrin:

Back on topic to healthcare. People do stupid stuff with their health whether they have health care or not - preventative care is one of the least used reasons that we visit the doctor - we go only when we realize something is wrong, although us women are better about going for yearly checkups because it's been ingrained in us to do so (and if you want birth control pill prescriptions, you Have to). Americans are as a whole lazier, wasteful, fatter, and spoiled. We expect quick fixes with pills rather than healthy lifestyles that require discipline and effort every day.

Just my 2 cents.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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26 Aug 2013 10:22 #54 by FredHayek
Great point about the healthcare. I have heard for decades that healthcare needs to be more about preventing it in the first place but increasing obesity and diabetes rates seem to show it is all talk.
It must be frustrating for so many doctors to offer free advice on how to prevent this in the first place but instead see people refusing to eat healthy and keep up a long term program of moderate exercise.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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26 Aug 2013 12:11 #55 by BuyersAgent
SC, you said above, "this is all my personal opinion speaking, not my official policy," now I'm not clear on what your official policy is. ?? Thanks.

Kathy G. Hansen

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26 Aug 2013 12:57 #56 by ScienceChic
It's all in the TOS:

As I posted on another thread in response to towermonkey's post :

towermonkey wrote: After reading SC's response and cavalier attitude towards it, I think I'll join you and not bother to post here anymore.

Science Chic wrote: I'm sorry if that's how you read my post towermonkey, because that's not how I meant it at all. If you notice, all personal references identifying CV's employer were taken down - not left up. If I had a cavalier attitude, they wouldn't have been. I take personal identifiable information being posted very seriously and take care of it as soon as I see something happening. This thread that CV started is of his own accord, I wrote and suggested he remove it as he identified himself and maybe he doesn't want to do that, but it's entirely up to him.

My own personal opinion has nothing to do with how I operate this business, I merely stated that because I felt it important to let everyone know that they need to be careful if they do wish to try to remain as anonymous as possible - very few realize how much of their information is already out there. I also pointed out that we do not track anyone who registers here as we do not need to do anything of the sort to run this business. I take that privacy afforded our members seriously as well.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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26 Aug 2013 13:07 #57 by homeagain
IF you own a "Smartphone" and IF you are on ANY social media website (Facebook,etc.)YOU
do NOT have anonymity....Even attempting a low profile/under the radar is USELESS because
your every move is being (collectively) signed up for it when you EMBRACED
the "have to have" technology.....STFU.......and get use to it.....JMO...... :smackshead:

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26 Aug 2013 13:33 #58 by The Boss
This thread is bunk.

This guy is not getting what he needs...that is money to buy what he wants...because of the internet, TV and radio. If we had not invented such alternative methods of entertainment, this guy would be showing his balls off at the circus, we would pay a few bucks to see them and then talk about them and start rumors and jokes for decades. He would have all the money he needs and can hire whoever he wants to drain those things.

His health care concerns are his. Big deal, a few people neglect themselves and end up needing public assistance. This is not a reason to turn our trade and financial systems in side out. Not a reason to have forced health risk insurance or any major public involvement. Not a reason to manage this guy's life. This is an exception, not the rule. Let the guy go get care under our safety net and move on. Guys don't rush to the dr. for just about anything anyway.

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27 Aug 2013 14:02 #59 by PrintSmith
What I'm most disappointed by is now I have lost the entertainment factor of watching what CV came up with next to avoid any attempt at substantiating his contention that the man's scrotum grew to 132# because he couldn't afford to have it addressed "when the need first arose". Oh well, it's not like I would have gotten an answer anyway.

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28 Aug 2013 18:39 #60 by UNDER MODERATION
Replied by UNDER MODERATION on topic This is what happens when you can't afford healthcare

Walter L Newton wrote: And these are certainly myths. I wish conservatives would get out of their cocoons, venture further than the Loaf and Jug and actually experience the world as it really is.

France is one of my favorite places to play in and I don't mean as a tourist. I know Paris like a native, when I go there I stay at small hotels in the most average of Parisian neighborhoods and I know a few dozen folks there, both French and American ex-pats.

Frances heath care system is single payer and most of the population affords itself of the service. You can still see a private doctor, you can still arrange your own medical life map, but no matter if you are politically far-right, right, center, left of center or full blown fascist... no political party would think of taking nationalized health care off the table.

Why. Because it works. Those are not myths above, those are basically facts. I've availed myself of the French healthcare system (that's right... guests are welcome). I found it to be as well run, staffed and efficient as anything I could get here in Conifer.

Nope... I've never scheduled an elective surgery in France, or had to stick around for some long term care, but I know people who have... who do.

I haven't heard a horror story yet. Sure, you can find anecdotal tales, I can find the same thing on one one these mountain forums complaining about Conifer Medical Center (my recommendation for general medical help up here)... but no one can show me that the French healthcare system is busted or doesn't work.

Good post my friend

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