JeffCo school board decision draws questions re:transparency

03 Mar 2014 12:17 #41 by Mountain-News-Events
Per @JeffcoSchoolsCo
The first board of ed. community engagement mtgs about the 2014-15 budget will be held tonight, 6 -7:30 p.m.Standley Lake HS, Evergreen HS.

Community Engagement Meetings - 2014-15 Budget

Members of the Board of Education will be hosting a series of community meetings in Jeffco schools. You are invited to attend one of these meetings and make your voice heard about the 2014-15 budget. Read a Letter to Stakeholders .

Monday, March 3, 6 -7:30 p.m. – Standley Lake High School and Evergreen High School
Wednesday, March 5, 6-7:30 p.m. – Chatfield High School and Arvada West High School
Saturday, March 8, 9:30-11 a.m. – Lakewood High School and Dakota Ridge High School

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10 Mar 2014 18:21 #42 by Mountain-News-Events
From Jeffco Cares

Thursday, Mar. 13 @ 6:30 pm the Jeffco BoE will meet in special session
- to provide staff Budget Priority Direction for the 2014/15 Budget Development Process
- for a Legislative Update
- for the selection of community reps for the Performance Evaluation Council (1338)
Here's a link to the district website for details

Mar 13, 2014 - Special Meeting-Study and Executive Sessions
Category: Preliminary
Location: Board Room, Education Center. 5th fl., Board Room, 1829 Denver West Drive, Bldg. 27, Golden, CO
Type: Procedural

1. Preliminary

1.01 Location: Board Room, Education Center

1.02 Call to Order: 6:30 p.m.

1.03 Roll Call

1.04 Approve Agenda

2. Study/Dialogue Session

2.01 Budget Development

2.02 Legislative Update
[This item has files attached ]

2.03 Selection of Community Representatives for the Performance Evaluation Council (1338) (GP-13)
[This item has files attached ]

3. Executive Session

3.01 Negotiations with Employee Associations

4. Adjournment

My Mountain Town Community Calendar - filter events by Category, date, or keyword to easily find events of interest. Add your community, church, or non-profit event to the calendar yourself! Click here to access the submission form. Businesses: please contact us for more information on adding your events! Questions? Email

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13 Mar 2014 11:32 #43 by ScienceChic
The Jeffco School Board is requesting public feedback on what qualities residents would like in a Superintendent. Please fill out the survey here: ... 03.11.html

The process to choose a new superintendent for Jeffco Public Schools is underway. Members of the Jefferson County Board of Education have hired Ray and Associates, Inc. to lead that work. Representatives of CESC are encouraged to participate in the process by attending a meeting with a representative from Ray and Associates, Inc. from 8:00 – 9:00 on Tuesday, March 18 in Conference Room 3A-3B at the Education Center. During the meeting, CESC members will be provided information about the search process and the timeline. There will also be dialogue to discuss qualities participants would like to see in the next superintendent.

Input can also be given by completing a confidential online survey or attending an open community meeting forum (see dates, times, and locations below.) The survey asks what qualities one thinks is most important in the selection of a superintendent. The survey link is:

Open Community Forums:

Tuesday, March 18
Education Center Board Room, 5th Floor – 9-10 a.m.
Alameda International High School auditorium - 7-8 p.m.
Conifer High School auditorium – 7-8 p.m.
Wednesday, March 19
Education Center Board Room, 5th Floor – 9-10 a.m.
Dakota Ridge High School auditorium – 7-8 p.m.
Arvada West High School auditorium – 7-8 p.m.

Posted on Jeffco Citizens for School Choice and Innovation Facebook Page :

The JeffCo school board will be giving district staff budget directions in tonight's board study session, tonight at 6pm. We hope this includes funding equity for JeffCo charter students. Please attend this evening at the District HQ board room.

The other side of the coin:
Current Price of WNW: $924,266.50 and more….
by jcsbw

Witt, Newkirk, and Williams have now directly cost the District almost $1 million dollars it did not have budgeted for this year. They have done this in less than four months. Please see our blog page The Current Price of WNW+Miller for a detailed breakdown.

WNW are wanting to reduce the Reserve Fund by $7.5 million dollars, giving a lot of it charter schools. As was noted in the letter from Kelly Johnson (“Broken Promise?“), this would violate a promise made by the District Board in 2012 to the taxpayers of JeffCo on how the revenue from 3A/3B would be spent.

Board of Education Meetings.

Thursday, March 13
Education Center, 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden
Board Room
- 6:30 p.m. Study Session

Budget development
Legislative update
Selection of community representatives for the Performance Evaluation Council

Thursday, April 3
Education Center 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden
- 5:30 p.m. Study Session
- 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting ... 03.11.html

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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07 Apr 2014 11:02 #44 by ScienceChic
There is a Bargaining session meeting at 4pm today, at the Ed Center, 1829 Denver West Drive #27, Golden, Colorado 80401 that the public is highly encouraged to attend. If you've missed what went down at last Thursday's BOE meeting, there were over 400 people who attended, and several decisions made by the Board that are not sitting well with parents and teachers at all.

There's a lot of information below, take it in piece by piece if that makes it easier. Videos are at the bottom.

From Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA) Facebook Page

Last night, the Jeffco school board majority voted to:
• CUT over $4 million dollars from EMPLOYEE SALARY INCREASES
• Transfer $3.7 million of mill funding to charters next year, to be $7.4 the year after (even though charters did not support nor work for 3A/3B)
• REFUSED to spend a measly $600,000 for 13 additional free full day kindergarten classrooms that would have impacted the lives of almost 500 low-income children (reasoning that there is no data to support full day kindergarten for poor kids as being helpful… in spite of the fact that there is a plethora of national data stating so!)

JCEA MEMBERS & THE JEFFCO COMMUNITY MUST TAKE A STAND! Please attend this Monday night’s bargaining session at the Ed Center, 4 pm (GO IMMEDIATELY AFTER SCHOOL); BE THERE EARLY!!! REPOST this to your FB page; and check your home emails this weekend for further detailed information!!

Ed Center:
1829 Denver West Drive #27
Golden, Colorado 80401

Recent articles on the Jeffco School Board Watch Blog
4-4 Board Regular Meeting Summary: Children of Poverty Don’t Matter
by jeffcoreport
4-4 Board General Meeting Summary: Public Comment
by jeffcoreport

**EdNote** The board room was standing room only, the overflow room at the Education Center was overflowing and people were standing in the lobby outside the boardroom hoping to get a seat. Probably more than 400 people. Perhaps, for the time being, while attendance is so high it would be wise for the board to hold all their meetings at a centrally located high school’s auditorium, like Lakewood High School. **EdNote**

Then began what should have been 45 minutes of public comment but Witt let it go on for more than 2 hours.

4-4 Board Study Session Summary: WNW vs. The Community
by jeffcoreport

The 5:30 pm Study Session started on time but set the stage for a very long and wearisome night. Bill Newman of Ray and Associates presented information on the superintendent search community forums and survey results.

April 3rd Meeting Review – Yet another view:
by jeffcoguardian

Study Session

1.02 Superintendent Search Update: Bill Newman of Ray & Associates – the firm heading up the district’s superintendent search – presented on the themes from the stakeholder forums that were held last month. You can see their report at here. Page 4 is interesting in that you can see what the different groups’ priorities are, including the BOE.

Published on Apr 4, 2014

In this video, Ken Witt appears to apply different rules to public comment depending on the topic the public is commenting on.

Published on Apr 6, 2014

In this video, despite clear direction from the community budget survey, Ken Witt opposes a slight expansion of free full-day kindergarten to schools with a free and reduced lunch population (a measure of poverty) of 35% or more. The cost to the district would be ~$600,000 annually, or about 0.09% of the proposed 14-15 budget. Also Julie Williams and John Newkirk are corrected about some mis-conceptions they have about kindergarten.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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07 Apr 2014 16:52 #45 by PrintSmith

ScienceChic wrote: There is a Bargaining session meeting at 4pm today, at the Ed Center, 1829 Denver West Drive #27, Golden, Colorado 80401 that the public is highly encouraged to attend. If you've missed what went down at last Thursday's BOE meeting, there were over 400 people who attended, and several decisions made by the Board that are not sitting well with parents and teachers at all.

Well it was pretty much a given that the public sector union folks would be unhappy with the direction the new majority planned on taking the board given that they ran on a reform platform instead of a "let's continue to throw more money at the problem and hope for a different result this time" one supported by the public sector unions for the last 30 years . . .

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07 Apr 2014 19:51 #46 by Venturer
Go Jeffco School Board! About time they get their act together and do what is best for the community. Stop wasting taxpayers money and get some charter schools who know how to teach instead of the mamby pamby let's not work our poor students too hard philosophy.

Now all we need to do is get more into the Elk Creek Fire District Board and stop the useless hemorraging of money.

From Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA) Facebook Page
Last night, the Jeffco school board majority voted to:
• CUT over $4 million dollars from EMPLOYEE SALARY INCREASES
• Transfer $3.7 million of mill funding to charters next year, to be $7.4 the year after (even though charters did not support nor work for 3A/3B)
• REFUSED to spend a measly $600,000 for 13 additional free full day kindergarten classrooms that would have impacted the lives of almost 500 low-income children (reasoning that there is no data to support full day kindergarten for poor kids as being helpful… in spite of the fact that there is a plethora of national data stating so!)

JCEA MEMBERS & THE JEFFCO COMMUNITY MUST TAKE A STAND! Please attend this Monday night’s bargaining session at the Ed Center, 4 pm (GO IMMEDIATELY AFTER SCHOOL); BE THERE EARLY!!! REPOST this to your FB page; and check your home emails this weekend for further detailed information!!

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08 Apr 2014 16:15 #47 by PrintSmith
Interesting developments at the open bargaining session last night. The public sector union declared an impasse in the negotiations, which, according to their contract means that the bargaining goes from being an open process to one conducted behind closed doors. Who is it that doesn't want transparency in the process again?

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08 Apr 2014 21:52 #48 by BuyersAgent
PrintS, as you know there are administrative steps in the process that both parties have to take along the path to litigation. Declaring the impasse is the "next step" and likely affords them certain remedies that are probably more their target than securing transparency. Of course we don't have the administrative contract they're actually following, but we can infer what it must say by the actions they've taken.

As elsewhere discussed, there is no requirement in Colorado that a Board contract with a public sector union, as teachers learned in Dougco, so it should be very interesting to see how this works out.

Kathy G. Hansen

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09 Apr 2014 09:05 #49 by Ashley
And behind closed doors doesn't offer an opportunity to get the entire story.

I've been out of the country and had leased my home in Jeffco but because of all the earthquakes and unrest many of us have been called back home and some of us staying elsewhere.

Quite a change in the Jeffco School District. It will be interesting to see how it does work out.

And who gets to pay all the legal fees?

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28 Apr 2014 12:10 #50 by ScienceChic
As a reminder of what's happened to date, the attorney for the school district left and has not been replaced. The current board hired an attorney to represent the board only (see page 1 & page 2 of this thread), over protests by the incumbent board members that they didn't receive enough time to interview the candidates, and questioning why an attorney was needed at all.

This attorney, representing a publicly elected board, is now costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars, and we don't even get to see the full invoices??? There's something really rotten in Denmark folks.

There's another BOE meeting this Thursday, get involved if you have concerns, questions, or support one side or another - this issue affects us all and the more voices that participate, the better/stronger our democracy.

Newest Invoice from Board’s Attorney
April 22, 2014 jeffkids

Take a look at the newest invoice from the attorney hired by the Board of Education to serve only the Board of Education without a public and transparent discussion by the entire Board.

This month, the taxpayers received a discount of $10,107.00, which also doesn’t match the contract terms.

Again, the information as to what this attorney is doing (services appear to be occurring nearly every day of the month again), has been redacted under the claim of “Confidential attorney-client privileged information.”

<snip> ...we have a hard time believing that confidential legal advice is given to this board in an invoice nearly every day within a one month period.

It really is past time for the public discussion of the hiring of this attorney and what specifically this attorney is doing for the board of education.

A Conversation Regarding the Attorney Hire And Contract Is Again Requested
April 21, 2014

Not All Attorney Information is Privileged
April 28, 2014

Support Jeffco Kids has shown you the redacted invoices received via CORA request for the Law Offices of Brad Miller.

Out of curiosity, we also have submitted a CORA and received the invoices of Caplan and Ernest (we’ll go more into detail regarding this subject in another post.)

Caplan and Ernest Invoices

We were quite surprised to see invoices with no information redacted at all – not even the names of individuals were redacted.

Jeffco School Board Watch:
Late Saturday Post: April 24th BOE Meeting Review
by jcsbw

May 1st BOE Meeting Agenda
by jcsbw

From the opposite perspective regarding the Charter Schools funding issue (see previous posts for why what the board is doing is controversial):
Equity for charter schools in Jeffco
By The Denver Post Editorial Board
Posted: 04/27/2014

There has been a lot of consternation in Jefferson County about the agenda of the new majority on the school board, much of it rooted in uncertainty over the board's direction.

Recently, one priority has begun to take shape — equity in charter school funding — and we like how it looks.

The children who attend charter schools deserve the same degree of taxpayer support as those who attend district-run public schools. Charters are public schools, too, though they have different governance structures.

Read more: Equity for charter schools in Jeffco - The Denver Post ... z30CmyCsaN
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"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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