JeffCo school board decision draws questions re:transparency

21 Sep 2014 11:30 #91 by PrintSmith
There obviously were many parents and others who were upset with the former board because they voted in the current board members by large margins (the smallest being nearly 8% and the largest being over 20%) in the last elections.

The anger from many teachers, present and former, and parents with the new board members started with the announcement of the election results and has continued unabated ever since. The new board hasn't been in place long enough to evaluate their results, hence opposition to their presence on the board can be nothing other than ideologically driven. There are no limits to the lies and distortions that these people are willing to sink to in an effort to create division, diversions and confusion, as events to date show quite clearly. Take the letter you quoted from a former student and class president. He was under the impression that AP History classes would be discontinued entirely and was making an impassioned plea to keep AP History in the course offerings. Where did he get such an absurd idea? From the disinformation being continually spewed forth from Save Our Jeffco Schools perhaps?

From that same post by SC is a fear mongering piece by one Nicolas Garcia filled with so many unsubstantiated "anxieties, fears, most-likelies, and mightbes that to consider it as anything other than a biased hit piece is to ignore reality as it exists.

And please SC, you and I, along with any thinking, rational person, know that the sick-out was a union organized event. To pretend otherwise would also be to ignore reality as it exists. Of course the union is going to deny organizing an illegal act by their union members, would you expect that the union heads are willing to admit publicly to violating the law?

As to your concern that merit based pay is using pre-merit based pay evaluations, maybe that is the primary reason 98% of the teachers are receiving the merit pay this year? For some odd reason that reality is left out of your, and the union's, critique of the system. Why would that be?

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21 Sep 2014 14:22 #92 by jf1acai

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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21 Sep 2014 15:10 - 21 Sep 2014 15:11 #93 by Blazer Bob
My understanding is that the evaluation system was approved by the board and the union prior the the board deciding to use it to gage raises.

Could this be the system? I do not know but it was one of the first hits on a search. It does seem unlikely to me that any project like this would come in ahead of schedule and anyone with an oz of brains and a few oz of cynicism knows that 5 year studies are a way to kick the can down the road. With the added kicker of a 33 million grant.

"Jefferson County Strategic Compensation Evaluation
DEC 2011
In 2010, Jeffco Public Schools in Colorado was awarded $32.7 million over five years from the U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Incentive Fund to implement a program to reward teachers for student growth and improve staffing and professional development, particularly in the district’s highest need schools. Our evaluation of the Jeffco Strategic Compensation initiative is designed to meet four primary objectives:

Measure the level, quality, and relevance of implementation
Examine whether the initiative is associated with improvements in key intermediary outcomes
Asses the program’s effectiveness in improving student outcomes
Identify the mechanisms and dosage associated with the largest gains in student achievement

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22 Sep 2014 13:50 #94 by ScienceChic
Posted one hour ago on the Support Jeffco Kids Facebook Page :

The Conifer Teachers have issued a Press Release
(posted in its entirety b/c it is a press release)

Friday, September 19, 2014 was an important day for educators in Jefferson County. Throughout the entire district, individuals chose to take collective action to raise community awareness of the Jefferson County Board of Education’s new unilateral decision making model. Since the seating of new board majority, educators, administrators, parents and students throughout the District have repeatedly expressed concerns about the negative implications of a non-inclusive approach to decision making. One need only consider the countless letters, emails, and public comments reaching out to the District’s administrators and educators as evidence of the public’s concern at being shut out of the decision making process. Regrettably, these concerns have proven to be well founded and have compelled numerous educators at CHS & Standley Lake H.S., to take an appropriate and measured response in an effort to raise public awareness of this issue.

Specifically, the Board’s insistence on censoring the college preparatory AP US History curriculum will, if successful, require teachers to completely ignore certain aspects of American history rather than teach the entirety of American history in a context that promotes and develops crucial, college level, critical thinking skills. Educators, parents and students alike were all deeply disappointed to learn that the impetus for this censorship is school board member Ms. Julie Williams, who proposed the creation of a review committee but proceeded to solicit selective input from an exclusive group of her supporters days before the discussion on the review criteria for censoring the long established AP curriculum. A decision of such far reaching importance should include everyone, not just a handful of supporters from one board member.

Similarly, the Board’s teacher compensation proposal is also highly problematic. It has been erroneously stated by numerous board members that Jeffco teachers are against merit based pay. Nothing could be further from the truth. And while we do not believe that such misinformation is being intentionally spread by the new Board of Education, such a complete and absolute misunderstanding of the facts is yet another indication of the ineffectiveness the Board’s current mode of operation. We hope the Board agrees with us that the best decisions are informed ones, and that shutting out opposing views from the decision making process is an ineffective practice that only serves as a detriment to arriving at informed decisions. Such a practice is unreasonable, unprofessional, and will only lead to future unnecessary conflicts between administrators and educators, with the students being caught in the middle.

Given the consistent academic success of Jefferson County Schools, a merit based compensation program is greatly to the advantage of the overwhelming majority of Jeffco teachers. Merit based pay is not the issue. This issue is the use of an arbitrary, nontransparent evaluation system that vests absolute authority in administrators to determine all levels of teacher effectiveness. And while we are the first to recognize and express our gratitude for the dedication of administrators throughout the district, many of these evaluators have not been in classroom for years, and most are evaluating scholastic departments in areas where they’ve never been certified to teach. Even first year administrators with no previous experience are empowered to evaluate all members of a department that they are not recognized by the district to teach. It is clearly an unreasonable and untenable position for the Board to insist that an administrator who is not recognized by the district as qualified to teach in a given scholastic area should nonetheless be empowered to evaluate every teacher within that department. This is clearly not a best administrative practice.

Furthermore, there is no mechanism to ensure transparency. Teachers within a given scholastic department have no means whatsoever to compare and contrast their evaluation with other similarly situated educators. There is no intradepartmental transparency, no interdepartmental transparency, no community-wide transparency and least of all, district-wide transparency. Every teacher has to take, as a matter of faith, that they are treated on par with their coworkers. Again, this is not a best administrative practice. On the contrary, it is among the worst conceived practices in in this or any other profession, and one that teachers will continue to insist be rectified.

To bring attentions to these matters, on Friday, September 19, numerous educators at CHS and Standley Lake H.S. made the choice to raise community awareness by working within the framework of the district’s employment mandate. The decision to raise community awareness was also made in consultation with administration in an effort to minimize any negative impact on students. Our goal was not to be disruptive, but rather to act in such a way so as to avoid the larger, more costly future disruptions looming on the horizon. And while Friday’s effort involved both JCEA members and non-members, it was nonetheless independent from any corrective efforts currently being taken by the JCEA. In taking Friday’s action, all employees judiciously adhered to the proper procedure for arranging such absences and went so far as to inform the school’s administrative team well in advance of what was to transpire.

Moreover, we were all given the impression that the schools would remain open, and even worked together to provide ample time to develop detailed substitute lesson plans. It wasn’t until the following day that any participating teacher was apprised of the board’s decision to abandon all efforts to find substitute coverage. It is our hope and expectation that the district and their respective administrative teams will accept the responsibility for unilaterally shutting down the affected schools, as this decision was made without informing the acting teachers.

As dedicated professionals with a passion for education, we always hold the very best interests of our students at heart. But many educators have come to realize that something must be done to make our silenced voices heard again. It is our sincere desire to build upon the successes we’ve achieved together over the past several years by encouraging the new board to embrace us as partners in the decision making process, as in years past, rather than treat us as obstacles that have to be overcome. We hope that our respective communities can find strength and understanding in knowing that we are all in this together, and remain passionate about working on behalf of the best interests of our students.

It is our greatest desire that we reestablish the collaborative and cooperative atmosphere that has been the hallmark of relations between Jeffco teachers, administrators, parents and students for years past. The effectiveness of this approach is well justified by the prestigious position Jeffco schools enjoy on both the state and national levels. By working as a team again, we can all address the issues that are dear to us, while avoiding squandering scarce resources and attempting to solve non-existent problems. In the final analysis, we are all dedicated professionals striving to build a better future for our youth. It is in this spirit of service to our students that we ask the board to consider both our concerns and the best interests of Jeffco’s students.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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22 Sep 2014 14:32 #95 by ScienceChic
If you haven't seen the email that Julie Williams sent out, it is posted at this link .

In case anyone's interested, there is a rally scheduled today at the Conifer RTD Park N Ride in Aspen Park (between the Loaf N Jug and Big O Tires) from 4-6pm.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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22 Sep 2014 14:38 - 22 Sep 2014 14:39 #96 by Blazer Bob

ScienceChic wrote: Posted one hour ago on the Support Jeffco Kids Facebook Page :

The Conifer Teachers have issued a Press Release
(posted in its entirety b/c it is a press release)

LOL. Apparently you and Conifer teachers have something in common. Never use a word if you can make it a sentence. Never use a sentence when you can make a paragraph. :biggrin:

I would still like to know the position of the teachers on the eval system before it was used to allocate raises.

There is no perfect or perfectly fair evaluation system. I shake my head at idea that the people being evaluated object to the expertise of the administrators that are paid to manage and evaluate them.

They should be able to fire all the administrators and use their salaries to give bigger raises to the teachers. See how simple that would be.

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22 Sep 2014 14:40 #97 by MountainRoadCrew
A post was split out and moved here .

This issue has much potential to become heated and contentious. The Courthouse is where we wish to respectfully debate and discuss this issue from any perspective. If you wish only to hurl insults, you are free to do so in The Ring . If you have any questions, please Direct Message us anytime and we'd be glad to answer them.

Thank you.

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22 Sep 2014 21:38 #98 by HEARTLESS
Drove by the supporters at 4:30 PM. The support was as expected, three people holding a sign. :whistle:

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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23 Sep 2014 06:21 - 23 Sep 2014 06:22 #99 by RenegadeCJ
Wow. That was written by a lawyer...or a politician. Lots of words, but danced around and never really said anything.

Pretty straight forward to me. Why don't you like the new compensation system? In any private sector job, your boss reviews you on an annual basis. You get a raise, or you don't, or maybe you get promoted, or fired. Your boss may not be a specialist in your specific job, but they know if you are doing a good job based on what you are producing. The principles know what teachers are good, as do the parents. Good ones should get raises, and bad ones should be fired.

Regarding reviewing the curriculum, the teachers who are protesting this are claiming that the sky is falling, and being dramatic. They want to review...that is all. Nothing wrong with reviewing. We should do that with all subjects.

Regarding transparency. Fully support all meetings being open to the public. I also would support putting a camera in every classroom so that parents could log in and see exactly what the teachers are teaching, AND students who are sick could catch some of the work.

Would that type of transparency be ok with the teachers? Or only transparency when it doesn't hold them to account.

I think Douglas County should be held up as a great example of the future of schools. Jeffco should (if they aren't) use them as a standard and copy it.

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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23 Sep 2014 08:15 #100 by Nobody that matters
Somewhere in that grand wall of text, it said something about the new board 'not listening'.

I've emailed them. They listen very well. They just don't listen to the union's unreasonable demands. They listen just fine to the people that elected them.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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