Make a choice!

12 Aug 2010 19:52 #11 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic Make a choice!

JMC wrote:

CinnamonGirl wrote: JMC they both suck. Why do you always go back to "well he is better than Bush"

I always say 'don't ever grade yourself on a curve.' If we did that with this site where would we be?

The world is not flat ,it is curved! We all are judged on a curve. Superman was a cartoon.

That is not what I meant, I meant grading yourself by other people or sites that suck.

Can someone remind me who called JMC a flaming lib?? :sissies

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12 Aug 2010 20:11 #12 by chocolove
Replied by chocolove on topic Make a choice!
hmmmmm I haven't heard everyone blaming this mess on Obama...I have heard just the opposite!

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12 Aug 2010 21:31 #13 by fordgirl
Replied by fordgirl on topic Make a choice!


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12 Aug 2010 23:48 #14 by Local_Historian
Replied by Local_Historian on topic Make a choice!
Reinstate Reagan!

Zombie Reagan for president!

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13 Aug 2010 00:01 #15 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Make a choice!




That was awesome!!! I have never seen it. Thanks! And I love your name. Total ford guy here. I am going to share that on Facebook. And just looking at those pictures and seeing all the happy Iraqis and the freedoms they would have never had without us just pisses me off more when I here the liberals keep saying it was a mistake and a waste. Which basically means they are saying that they could care less about those women and children who never had rights and were being raped and tortured. They are basically saying that their lives mean less than American lives. That is so selfish that I am ashamed that Americans are actually saying it.

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13 Aug 2010 08:32 #16 by Scruffy
Replied by Scruffy on topic Make a choice!

The Viking wrote:


That was awesome!!! I have never seen it. Thanks! And I love your name. Total ford guy here. I am going to share that on Facebook. And just looking at those pictures and seeing all the happy Iraqis and the freedoms they would have never had without us just pisses me off more when I here the liberals keep saying it was a mistake and a waste. Which basically means they are saying that they could care less about those women and children who never had rights and were being raped and tortured. They are basically saying that their lives mean less than American lives. That is so selfish that I am ashamed that Americans are actually saying it.

Let me ask you this: are you calling for the military invasion of other countries that are run by dictators, that rape and torture their people? Why haven't we freed those people?

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13 Aug 2010 09:27 #17 by Whatevergreen
Replied by Whatevergreen on topic Make a choice!

Why haven't we freed those people?

Because they don't have oil.

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13 Aug 2010 10:57 #18 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Make a choice!

The Viking wrote: That was awesome!!! I have never seen it. Thanks! And I love your name. Total ford guy here. I am going to share that on Facebook. And just looking at those pictures and seeing all the happy Iraqis and the freedoms they would have never had without us just pisses me off more when I here the liberals keep saying it was a mistake and a waste. Which basically means they are saying that they could care less about those women and children who never had rights and were being raped and tortured. They are basically saying that their lives mean less than American lives. That is so selfish that I am ashamed that Americans are actually saying it.

Viking, I am all for helping other countries, when their people ask for our help. You cannot force a democracy on a society that has no vested interest in it, and hasn't earned it for themselves. It's like pulling a P. Diddy - buying a 16 year old a $200K Bentley when they won't appreciate it, won't try hard to maintain it, and won't give a d@*n when they wreck it. That video is a pretty propaganda piece, but does it reflect reality? You are making sweeping generalizations about things like women's rights being so awful under Saddam without listening to what they have to say, only what the American spin machine has put out there. Have you even looked into the reality of the current situation for women and children; do you truly think that rape and child prostitution is a thing of the past. It pisses me off that you would claim to be ashamed of those who question such a narrow-minded, biased viewpoint and imply that we are less patriotic for questioning the efforts of our government. You have no problem questioning our government's efforts to increase jobs and effectively deal with illegal immigration, yet you swallow hook line and sinker that we are doing our best for women in Iraq. BS.
Conditions in Post-War Iraq

So where are the unveiled women? Secular Iraqi women now find their rights under greater threat than before. America’s ‘war against terrorism’ has led both to the creation of more terrorists and to the increase in power of fundamentalist movements that oppose what freedoms Iraqi women still possess. Such groups have exploited the chaotic situation after the war to create an atmosphere of intimidation. Professional women are finding themselves effectively banned from education, work, or even going shopping unless they wear hijab. Islamic leaders, both Shi’ite and Sunni, have acquired a firmer grip on Iraqi society. For women, that means greater terror and enslavement.

None of the likely future rulers of Iraq – chosen and supported by the American Bush administration – make a single reference to women’s rights in their political programmes. The achievement of women’s rights should happen from the grass roots: through the explicit abolition of all kinds of discriminative laws and the establishment of a secular state by the Iraqis themselves. ... by_the_day ... 27s_rights ... 41860.html
Have you been over there and talked with the people? My husband has. While they are grateful that Saddam is gone, a good portion of them don't feel that their lives have improved much (some even feel their freedoms are worse because the violence is worse with Al-Qaeda terrorizing their cities and Islamic fundamentalists gaining more power), and they worry what the future holds for them and their children when we reduce forces there (we aren't leaving, we've built too many, too big of permanent bases and have too much economic interest in their natural resources). Was it a mistake to invade? Yes, in the manner in which we did it. We should have had the support of the rest of the world to help end atrocities, and most importantly, we should have had the backing of the Iraqi people. Is it a waste? Only if we don't do our best to get the Iraqi people strengthened and vested in their own government so that what we started doesn't epically fail.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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13 Aug 2010 11:24 #19 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Make a choice!

Science Chic wrote:

The Viking wrote: That was awesome!!! I have never seen it. Thanks! And I love your name. Total ford guy here. I am going to share that on Facebook. And just looking at those pictures and seeing all the happy Iraqis and the freedoms they would have never had without us just pisses me off more when I here the liberals keep saying it was a mistake and a waste. Which basically means they are saying that they could care less about those women and children who never had rights and were being raped and tortured. They are basically saying that their lives mean less than American lives. That is so selfish that I am ashamed that Americans are actually saying it.

Viking, I am all for helping other countries, when their people ask for our help. You cannot force a democracy on a society that has no vested interest in it, and hasn't earned it for themselves. It's like pulling a P. Diddy - buying a 16 year old a $200K Bentley when they won't appreciate it, won't try hard to maintain it, and won't give a d@*n when they wreck it. That video is a pretty propaganda piece, but does it reflect reality? You are making sweeping generalizations about things like women's rights being so awful under Saddam without listening to what they have to say, only what the American spin machine has put out there. Have you even looked into the reality of the current situation for women and children; do you truly think that rape and child prostitution is a thing of the past. It pisses me off that you would claim to be ashamed of those who question such a narrow-minded, biased viewpoint and imply that we are less patriotic for questioning the efforts of our government. You have no problem questioning our government's efforts to increase jobs and effectively deal with illegal immigration, yet you swallow hook line and sinker that we are doing our best for women in Iraq. BS.
Conditions in Post-War Iraq

So where are the unveiled women? Secular Iraqi women now find their rights under greater threat than before. America’s ‘war against terrorism’ has led both to the creation of more terrorists and to the increase in power of fundamentalist movements that oppose what freedoms Iraqi women still possess. Such groups have exploited the chaotic situation after the war to create an atmosphere of intimidation. Professional women are finding themselves effectively banned from education, work, or even going shopping unless they wear hijab. Islamic leaders, both Shi’ite and Sunni, have acquired a firmer grip on Iraqi society. For women, that means greater terror and enslavement.

None of the likely future rulers of Iraq – chosen and supported by the American Bush administration – make a single reference to women’s rights in their political programmes. The achievement of women’s rights should happen from the grass roots: through the explicit abolition of all kinds of discriminative laws and the establishment of a secular state by the Iraqis themselves. ... by_the_day ... 27s_rights ... 41860.html
Have you been over there and talked with the people? My husband has. While they are grateful that Saddam is gone, a good portion of them don't feel that their lives have improved much (some even feel their freedoms are worse because the violence is worse with Al-Qaeda terrorizing their cities and Islamic fundamentalists gaining more power), and they worry what the future holds for them and their children when we reduce forces there (we aren't leaving, we've built too many, too big of permanent bases and have too much economic interest in their natural resources). Was it a mistake to invade? Yes, in the manner in which we did it. We should have had the support of the rest of the world to help end atrocities, and most importantly, we should have had the backing of the Iraqi people. Is it a waste? Only if we don't do our best to get the Iraqi people strengthened and vested in their own government so that what we started doesn't epically fail.

I always do appreciate your well thought out posts, but I just read my posts again and I don't see anywhere where I called people 'less patriotic'. Not sure why you threw that in there. Just to get people to think I am saying that so they will be defensive right away before even reading my posts?

And what is up with the comment about 'we should have had the support of the rest of the world'? There were 39 other nations that also sent in troops with us to help end the atrocities. How many do you need? All of them? Granted not all of them sent a lot of troops, but they did send troops because most of the world supported this invasion.

I have to run for a bit but I will say this, I have many friends who have family members over there and I also know a couple who are serving there and they almost all agree that the people constantly tell them how grateful they are and how much better off they are now. So I am not sure who your husband has talked to, but apparently it isn't the same people who my friends have talked to on a daily basis.

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13 Aug 2010 11:59 #20 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Make a choice!

The Viking wrote: I always do appreciate your well thought out posts, but I just read my posts again and I don't see anywhere where I called people 'less patriotic'. Not sure why you threw that in there. Just to get people to think I am saying that so they will be defensive right away before even reading my posts?

And what is up with the comment about 'we should have had the support of the rest of the world'? There were 39 other nations that also sent in troops with us to help end the atrocities. How many do you need? All of them? Granted not all of them sent a lot of troops, but they did send troops because most of the world supported this invasion.

I have to run for a bit but I will say this, I have many friends who have family members over there and I also know a couple who are serving there and they almost all agree that the people constantly tell them how grateful they are and how much better off they are now. So I am not sure who your husband has talked to, but apparently it isn't the same people who my friends have talked to on a daily basis.

Thanks Viking, for saying that. You didn't say less patriotic, to me you implied it because you say that you are ashamed of Americans who say we made a mistake and it's a waste to go into Iraq, but since "only liberals say that", henceforth you are ashamed of liberal Americans. I take that personally because I see that as saying we are less patriotic because we have questioned the reasons for starting this war, how it's been handled, and the results we see currently. My apologies if that isn't what you meant, but I wanted to explain how I understood it. I never say that I'm ashamed of conservative Americans, I understand that we have differing philosophies and that balancing our philosophies is what will make this country stronger, more tolerant, and better able to withstand adversity. That's why I voted in this poll, but didn't put in my 2 cents. To me, trying to polarize our extremes by selecting 2 presidents that have been so controversial as the only choices only serves to divide us further. When we emphasize our anger at 2 presidencies in the history of this nation, we stop listening to each other, and lose sight of the big picture - that this is a great nation that has weathered many storms and will withstand many more. We make mistakes, but we must question our actions, learn from them, and change our actions if necessary.

Yes, we did have some other country's support us, but we also had very vocal opposition. And some of those who supported us did so not for our benefit, but because we were going to invade anyway and they felt they had no choice in order to help the stability of the region, in my opinion.

A question: are all the people you've talked to who have been over there only in the military? Or are they private contractors as well? DO they talk to the Iraqi women in depth, as well as the men? I think there are differences in what people say to military personnel versus private American citizens. I'm not trying to paint it as all, or even most, Iraqis feel life's worse, only that it's not all roses and champagne. Especially for the women - we have ignored the effect the war has truly had on them, and are not doing enough to help them gain equality in the new society we've pushed them into.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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