Make a choice!

13 Aug 2010 16:01 #21 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic Make a choice!
Staying with the stated parameters, there was really only one choice, and only one reason for making that choice.

I chose Bush because I believe the SCOTUS justices that he nominated are all that stand between the continuation of the nation and the total erosion of the Constitution, the foundation upon which the nation was built.

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13 Aug 2010 18:02 #22 by RHT08
Replied by RHT08 on topic Make a choice!

PrintSmith wrote: Staying with the stated parameters, there was really only one choice, and only one reason for making that choice.

I chose Bush because I believe the SCOTUS justices that he nominated are all that stand between the continuation of the nation and the total erosion of the Constitution, the foundation upon which the nation was built.


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13 Aug 2010 19:22 #23 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic Make a choice!
One thing you will come to know about me, RHT08, is that I can't be baited into acting the fool so easily. I have posted in the appropriate thread should you wish to continue our discussion regarding Ms. dishonest and her encounter with Sheriff Wegener.

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13 Aug 2010 20:30 #24 by major bean
Replied by major bean on topic Make a choice!

The Viking wrote:


That was awesome!!! I have never seen it. Thanks! And I love your name. Total ford guy here. I am going to share that on Facebook. And just looking at those pictures and seeing all the happy Iraqis and the freedoms they would have never had without us just pisses me off more when I here the liberals keep saying it was a mistake and a waste. Which basically means they are saying that they could care less about those women and children who never had rights and were being raped and tortured. They are basically saying that their lives mean less than American lives. That is so selfish that I am ashamed that Americans are actually saying it.

Please consider that the people of Iraq were encouraged to overthrow Hussein by years of sanctions under Daddy Bush. The thinking was: the people of Iraq would rise up and depose Saddam. But they proved gutless and quite content to keep their heads low and not risk anything for their posterity and future of their country. They demonstrated that they were deserving of their ruler, Hussein.
Please consider, also, that we were lied to by George W as a pretense to wage war against a country that gave us no threat.

Major Bean

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13 Aug 2010 21:22 #25 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Make a choice!

major bean wrote: Please consider that the people of Iraq were encouraged to overthrow Hussein by years of sanctions under Daddy Bush. The thinking was: the people of Iraq would rise up and depose Saddam. But they proved gutless and quite content to keep their heads low and not risk anything for their posterity and future of their country. They demonstrated that they were deserving of their ruler, Hussein.
Please consider, also, that we were lied to by George W as a pretense to wage war against a country that gave us no threat.

There WERE WMD's. Clinton knew it and they were seen there. And they WERE there when we invaded. I know people first hand who were in charge of cleaning them up and storing them AFTER Sadaam was gone. People in America think they know EVERYTHING just because they media told them what they think. They are clueless as to what really goes on and what is hidden from the public in military actions. You guys really think they tell us and the media everything that happens and everythign they do? That is more than naive. Bush did not lie. At worst, even if they hadn't found WMD's he would have only been wrong in his intel. Which by the way is the same thing, that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, most of the congress, and most other nations all believed. That 'Bush Lied' statement does not hold any water with anyone other than the far left conspiracy theorists anymore.

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13 Aug 2010 21:44 #26 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic Make a choice!

major bean wrote: Please consider that the people of Iraq were encouraged to overthrow Hussein by years of sanctions under Daddy Bush. The thinking was: the people of Iraq would rise up and depose Saddam. But they proved gutless and quite content to keep their heads low and not risk anything for their posterity and future of their country. They demonstrated that they were deserving of their ruler, Hussein.
Please consider, also, that we were lied to by George W as a pretense to wage war against a country that gave us no threat.

Come now bean. Are we to believe that the same people who, nearly 19 months after his inauguration, claim that it is much to soon to be expecting Obama to have made any headway regarding the mess left to him by a previous administration, are the ones who are claiming that within 8 months of taking office that the previous president should have been in a position to muddle through the intelligence of the last 10 years to find that the prevailing thought, as expressed by his predecessor and all of the major Democrat talking heads in Congress, in addition to the Republican leadership at the time, for a number of years, regarding the existence of WMD in Iraq was totally without merit? That he should have ignored what was accepted as true for the past 4 years or more because he had some intelligence that ran contrary to that well established position despite the ongoing campaign of deception that Hussein was running in an attempt to convince his neighbors that he was still as powerful and dangerous as he had been in 1991 when he was most certainly known to be in possession of such weaponry?

Iraq committed, whether you wish to admit it or not, acts of war against this nation prior to our turning our military loose to end Saddam's reign of terror. That is simply a fact that cannot be disputed. The nation of Iraq was a threat to the national security of the United States of America and her allies due to the existence of, and willingness to use, the largest armed force in the region. Iraq was giving aid and succor to terrorist organizations.

As to the Iraqi people themselves, they are the most recent example of what happens when a government is allowed to deprive its citizens of the ability to resort to armed resistance to combat a tyrannical oppressor. If we allow this nation to be similarly disarmed via unconstitutional dictates such as the post 1986 select fire weapons ban enacted by Congress, we will have subjected ourselves to the same possibility. Bolt action hunting rifles and semiautomatic small arms are not sufficient to resist against an armed government force equipped with significantly superior firepower in the individual hands of well trained troops. The Iraqi people had firsthand experience regarding the fate of those who expressed opposition to the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. He unleashed chemical weapons against the citizenry. He mowed them down from attack helicopters. How soon we forget the brutality with which he squelched the opposition to his rule that rose up immediately after the First Gulf War and the lack of support that those who rose in opposition to him received from the nations of the world, including this one, that encouraged them to rise up against their oppressor.

You are certainly entitled to your own beliefs bean, but ignoring history to support that belief doesn't really help bolster your premise.

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13 Aug 2010 22:02 #27 by Martin Ent Inc
Replied by Martin Ent Inc on topic Make a choice!
For all of those that have seen the light but need a tutorial:

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13 Aug 2010 22:05 #28 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Make a choice!

Martin Ent Inc wrote: For all of those that have seen the light but need a tutorial:

:lol: I love that one! I'll bet it is a huge seller after the November elections.

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13 Aug 2010 22:10 #29 by PrintSmith
Replied by PrintSmith on topic Make a choice!
I love the disclaimer at the end.....
"The Obama Bumper Sticker removal system does not get rid of higher taxes, mandatory health insurance or high unemployment. Satisfaction is not guaranteed because, well, you've already proven you don't make very good decisions."

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13 Aug 2010 23:26 #30 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Make a choice!

PrintSmith wrote: I love the disclaimer at the end.....
"The Obama Bumper Sticker removal system does not get rid of higher taxes, mandatory health insurance or high unemployment. Satisfaction is not guaranteed because, well, you've already proven you don't make very good decisions."

It is so true. Anytime there is a driver in the left lane trying to prove a point by slowing down traffic, I can almost guarantee I will see an Obama bumpersticker. Whenever I see those bumperstickers on a car, I try to get around them quickly, as I know they are not very good at making decisions.

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