Marginalization of Obama, Trump wastes no time

23 Nov 2016 20:56 #21 by ramage
You Know Who,
A very studied and knowledgeable response on your part. Perhaps you can make a living with your witty ripostes.

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24 Nov 2016 08:31 #22 by You Know Who

ramage wrote: You Know Who,
A very studied and knowledgeable response on your part. Perhaps you can make a living with your witty ripostes.

If you're studieing your responses, then I don't want to talk to you. Here's a tip: Just be yourself and say what you think- People can smell a phoney a mile away. I thought you sounded a bit like a text book


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24 Nov 2016 10:22 #23 by ScienceChic

ramage wrote: Science Chick'
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verb (used with object)
to make up for; make amends for; offset (some fault, shortcoming, etc.):

"Trump has yet to show me anything redeeming throughout this entire year, and a whole lot of despicable morals."
"Can anyone share what's redeemable about those he's been choosing for his transition team, or floated as possible cabinet appointments"

You are obsessed about redemption, what is it that needs to be redeemed? I think that you refer to definition #7. Could it be that their positions are in opposition to yours? Could it be that Trump won the election? Could it be that Trump and his transition team espouse a point of view that is not like yours? Could it be that Trump looks for experienced, knowledgeable individuals in their areas of expertise? Or is there some fault for which they must atone?
Please provide specifics so that this discussion can continue.

On the point of the topic, wasn't it great to see photos of Obama viewing the Acropolis.. Do you know what Trump was doing while Obama was playing tourist?

Yes, ramage I was referring to #7. I would hardly characterize my position as "obsessed", nor do I have any problem with people who hold positions different from mine. In point of fact, I believe it is a strength in our species that we have such diversity when it is applied, with equal consideration and compromise, as the pathway forward. My issue with Trump is the disrespect he shows entire groups of American citizens, and other people in the world. He is an egotistical narcissist who displays no awareness as to the effects of his words and actions on this country. He displays few qualities that make great leaders and I foresee him breaking "promises" he made (like all politicians) during his campaign. He is not going to be the savior his followers believe him to be.

My worry is not about him more so than the people who feel they now have license to behave in despicable ways, who are feeling righteous and justified to commit violence, harassment, and abuse of people they've been programmed to feel contempt for the last few decades. Trump is but the catalyst the priviliged have been massaging into existence with their lies, manipulations, and corruptions. I don't take kindly to selfish, lying manipulators who don't give a damn that their actions harm others and will lead to the ruin of our country.

As to Obama traveling or vacationing, how is that different than Any other president? They deserve breaks from work, it's healthy. And you are welcome to look back through my history of posts to see if you can find where I complained about a Republican president taking time off. The hypocrisy of either side complaining about that irritates the bloody hell out of me. So long as they are doing their job and responsive if there is an emergency, give it a rest.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Nov 2016 16:07 #24 by You Know Who

ScienceChic wrote:

ramage wrote: Science Chick'
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verb (used with object)
to make up for; make amends for; offset (some fault, shortcoming, etc.):

"Trump has yet to show me anything redeeming throughout this entire year, and a whole lot of despicable morals."
"Can anyone share what's redeemable about those he's been choosing for his transition team, or floated as possible cabinet appointments"

You are obsessed about redemption, what is it that needs to be redeemed? I think that you refer to definition #7. Could it be that their positions are in opposition to yours? Could it be that Trump won the election? Could it be that Trump and his transition team espouse a point of view that is not like yours? Could it be that Trump looks for experienced, knowledgeable individuals in their areas of expertise? Or is there some fault for which they must atone?
Please provide specifics so that this discussion can continue.

On the point of the topic, wasn't it great to see photos of Obama viewing the Acropolis.. Do you know what Trump was doing while Obama was playing tourist?

Yes, ramage I was referring to #7. I would hardly characterize my position as "obsessed", nor do I have any problem with people who hold positions different from mine. In point of fact, I believe it is a strength in our species that we have such diversity when it is applied, with equal consideration and compromise, as the pathway forward. My issue with Trump is the disrespect he shows entire groups of American citizens, and other people in the world. He is an egotistical narcissist who displays no awareness as to the effects of his words and actions on this country. He displays few qualities that make great leaders and I foresee him breaking "promises" he made (like all politicians) during his campaign. He is not going to be the savior his followers believe him to be.

My worry is not about him more so than the people who feel they now have license to behave in despicable ways, who are feeling righteous and justified to commit violence, harassment, and abuse of people they've been programmed to feel contempt for the last few decades. Trump is but the catalyst the priviliged have been massaging into existence with their lies, manipulations, and corruptions. I don't take kindly to selfish, lying manipulators who don't give a damn that their actions harm others and will lead to the ruin of our country.

As to Obama traveling or vacationing, how is that different than Any other president? They deserve breaks from work, it's healthy. And you are welcome to look back through my history of posts to see if you can find where I complained about a Republican president taking time off. The hypocrisy of either side complaining about that irritates the bloody hell out of me. So long as they are doing their job and responsive if there is an emergency, give it a rest.

Don't worry about what they say, SC- You're normal and they're insane


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24 Nov 2016 17:34 #25 by ScienceChic

You Know Who wrote: Don't worry about what they say, SC- You're normal and they're insane


Bwahahahaha! Normal? Far from it and damn proud of that. :coolwink:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Nov 2016 18:35 #26 by You Know Who

ScienceChic wrote:

You Know Who wrote: Don't worry about what they say, SC- You're normal and they're insane


Bwahahahaha! Normal? Far from it and damn proud of that. :coolwink:

relatively normal I meant

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25 Nov 2016 08:09 #27 by FredHayek
The Left will have an difficult decision to make. Do they continue to call Trump a horrible human and constantly accuse him of racism and misogyny and have him respond by doing the bidding of the Republicans who support him? Or do they appeal to his vanity and applaud the man for his unexpected win. Trump wants to be liked, and loves applause. If the Dems want any of their agenda to remain, I think it would be better to play nice. Hillary ran a very negative campaign that lost her the Rust Belt. They wanted jobs that Trump promised, so he won.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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25 Nov 2016 08:55 - 25 Nov 2016 09:05 #28 by Rick

ScienceChic wrote: Rick, can you give me some examples showing how Obama tried to create a "socialist hell hole?" I don't see that at all in anything he's done, and since we had balance between the parties who controlled the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch, there wasn't as much to fear as there is now with one single party controlling both. And I say that as an Unaffiliated voter who shudders at the thought of Dems controlling everything as well. I still think we need to get a 3rd party in Congress in enough of a majority to start forcing more compromise and less useless partisan rhetoric.

To specifically address the quote I posted earlier, it was in reference to this exact post on Jim Wright's page (sorry i couldn't link to it form my phone earlier). This sounds exactly like Democracy got bought.

FH, what did the Tea Party control?

I keep seeing "Make American Great Again" and Trump calling for a "building back up of our military" and I'm honestly confused. Our economy is doing better than it was 8 years ago. Our military has never been reduced, our military spending is still ridiculously high, why does it need to be built more?

That old saying goes around and around in my head. "We have met the enemy and he is us." We seem to be heading toward to path that insists that we are at war with Muslims. A national registry? Have we not learned our lessons?

You Know Who, we do have some awesome members here - engage them with wit, logic, humor, and facts. Seek to understand so you can present a rational argument that will change minds, insults never make that happen.

I'd love to answer your questions SC, but I only come to this site when I want to have a peaceful and intelligent conversation. Unfortunately the infection has returned to this site which is incompatible with peace and intelligence. You can beg and plead for the infection to become compatible, but you should have learned by now that it does nothing but get worse until a antibiotic is applied. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Edit to add: I know that you know what I mean when I say that I come here for a different kind of conversation. I have another place you know about where I can dump my garbage and let it all out... I believe you have your own place as well called FB. I like this place because it's a relief from the nastiness and I keep hoping more people who feel the same way realize that and start posting here more. It would be easy enough to attract more hate, but then what would set this place apart?

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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25 Nov 2016 09:16 #29 by ramage
My worry is not about him more so than the people who feel they now have license to behave in despicable ways, who are feeling righteous and justified to commit violence, harassment, and abuse of people they've been programmed to feel contempt for the last few decades."

It is encouraging to see that you are concerned with Black Lives Matter and other liberal democrat groups that have incited violence.
You should call them out by name.

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25 Nov 2016 11:52 #30 by hillfarmer
Congratulations. You have all been taking notes from your idol Trump on how to project your attitudes and beliefs onto others and then vilify them for those attitudes and beliefs. The right wing has been especially good at creating false narratives and then repeating them over and over until they believed them. Taking peaceful protests and then twisting them into a narrative about how the liberal hordes are now spreading hate and burning cities down is just the latest example of your strange, twisted reality.

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