Verify his Muslim Beliefs

23 Aug 2010 16:20 #1 by Nmysys
"If you check President Obama's last trip over-seas, his wife left just after their visit to France. She has yet to accompany him to any Arab country. Think about it. Why is Michelle returning to the states when 'Official' trips to foreign countries generally include the First Lady."

Here's one thought on the matter.

While in a Blockbuster renting videos I came across a video called "Obama." There were two men standing next to me and we talked about President Obama. These guys were Arabs, so I asked them why they thought Michele Obama headed home following the President's recent visit to France instead of traveling on to Saudi Arabia and Turkey with her husband.

They told me she could not go to Saudi Arabia, Turkey or Iraq. I said "Why not,(?) Laura Bush went to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Dubai." They said that Obama is a Muslim and therefore he is not allowed to bring his wife into countries that adhere to Sharia Law.

Two points of interest here: 1) I thought it interesting that two American Arabs at Blockbuster believe that our President is a Muslim, 2) who follows a strict Islamic creed. They also said that's the reason he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. It was a signal to the Muslim world, acknowledging his religion.

For further consideration, here is a response from Dr. Jim Murk, a Middle Eastern Scholar and expert on Islam. This is his explanation of what the Arab American's were saying.

"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law, particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant. This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe. She will stay home when he visits Arab countries. He knows Muslim protocol; this includes, bowing to the Saudi King.

Obama is regarded as a Muslim in the Arab world, because he was born to a Muslim father; he acknowledged his Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus.

Note that he downplays his involvement with Christianity, by not publicly joining a Christian church in D.C. and occasionally attending the chapel for services at Camp David.

He also played down the fact that America is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense.

He has publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel and he ignored the National Day of Prayer, something no other President has ever done. He is bad news! He conceals his true faith to the detriment of the American people." --- Jim Murk, Doctor of Philosophy in Middle Eastern Culture & Religion.

ACTIONS speak louder than words.

Another interesting item regarding Sharia Law..

Why has Barack Hussein Obama insisted that the U.S. Attorney General hold the trials of the 911 Muslim Terrorists in Civilian Courts as Common Criminals, instead of as Terrorists, who attacked the United States of America?

If the Muslim Terrorists are tried in Military Tribunals, convicted and sentenced to death, by LAW, Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the United States, would be required to sign their Death Warrants.

He would not be required to sign the death warrants if they are sentenced to death by a Civilian Court.

Recently, Muslim Jihadist, Army Major Hassan slaughtered non-Muslim, soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas rather than go to Afghanistan and be a part of anything that could lead to the deaths of fellow Muslims. He stated that Muslims 'could not and should not kill fellow Muslims.'

Is the motive for Barack Obama's insistence on civilian trials, to make sure he doesn't have to sign the death warrants for the Muslim Terrorists? Why would he, as President of the United States, not sign the death warrants for Muslim Terrorists who attacked the United States and murdered over 3,000 U. S. Citizens on 9/11? Could it be that he is FORBIDDEN by his RELIGION to authorize the execution of Muslims?

Think about that! Open your eyes, ears and mind to who the President is, how he behaves and what he is doing.

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23 Aug 2010 16:49 #2 by archer
Replied by archer on topic Verify his Muslim Beliefs
my, my....lets take the word of a couple muslims in guys are a laugh a minute

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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23 Aug 2010 16:58 #3 by Scruffy
Replied by Scruffy on topic Verify his Muslim Beliefs
What if Obama was a Muslim? So what?

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23 Aug 2010 17:06 #4 by Wayne Harrison
Fact check: Michelle Obama skipped that part of the trip so she could be back in time to see her girls off to their first day at their new school. It was widely reported.

By forwarding this email, you are encouraging this deceitful story instead of spreading the truth that the First Lady chose to be a good mother instead of continuing on a glamorous global trip. If you'd like to read one of the many, many news articles supporting this information, you can start here: ... 046656.ece

American presidents have been photographed bowing to, kneeling in front of, holding hands with, and even kissing foreign monarchs and dignitaries for years. Obama is not the first to bow to a foreign head of State.

So far, he hasn't kissed one.

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23 Aug 2010 17:31 #5 by LadyJazzer

archer wrote: my, my....lets take the word of a couple muslims in guys are a laugh a minute

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Just when I think it's safe....

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

Sheppard Smith...Fox News... Muslims in Blockbusters...

rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol: rofllol :lol:

You can't make this stuff up.

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23 Aug 2010 20:24 #6 by pineinthegrass
Another post from Nmysys that he just pulled from some right wing website or email and cut and pasted it here, after apparently doing no research on it first. It's all garbage so far as I can tell.

First, prove that Shepard Smith had anything to do with it. According to this NY Times article, he doesn't subscribe to the birther stuff, nor the claim Obama is Muslim...

The anchor has taken an unwavering stand against what he calls the “fantasy land” that some critics of Mr. Obama live in.

“It is the reporting of this news organization that Barack Obama is a citizen and he is not a Muslim,” Mr. Smith said, touching on a subject — Mr. Obama’s birth status — that has animated conspiratorial discussion in conservative circles, from relatively obscure far-right Web sites like Atlas Shrugs all the way up to the loudest mainstream conservative voice, Mr. Limbaugh.

Without specifically addressing Mr. Limbaugh (whom he said he enjoys), Mr. Smith said: “An unreasonable comment to me is beginning with a statement that is contrary to fact and moving on from that premise: ‘Barack Obama is not a citizen; he is a Muslim looking to take down the nation.’ When you begin with that premise, you are out of bounds.”

He said he was trying to counter “an ideological base” that argues: “The president is illegitimate. The country is off the rails. It’s been hijacked.”

Second, the stories in this post originated over a year ago. Back then, it was all anonymous...

In short, I see nothing to tie this to Shepard Smith, or any other specific source. Smith's name appears to of been added over a year later. Also, the claims themselves are not supported. Nothing is supported with specific names or evidence.

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23 Aug 2010 20:43 #7 by LadyJazzer
Since when has truth been an obstacle for copy-and-paste outrage-of-the-day slander from the usual right-wingers who hate Obama?

Thanks for doing further research. It just makes him look all the more foolish.

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23 Aug 2010 21:00 #8 by pineinthegrass

LadyJazzer wrote: Since when has truth been an obstacle for copy-and-paste outrage-of-the-day slander from the usual right-wingers who hate Obama?

Thanks for doing further research. It just makes him look all the more foolish.

OK, but hopefully you read that NY Times article and won't just assume Fox News or Shepard Smith are reporting stuff like that on their news shows. Maybe you'll see some on the conservative commentary shows on Fox, but even there I'm not sure I've heard the hosts take the position that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii, or that he is Muslim.

I think Shepard Smith is one strange character (OK, "different"). IMO, he puts too much of his "personality" into his news reporting. But I don't think he ever told that story. And apparently, he seems to believe the opposite.

I see Liberals dismissing Fox News reports all the time, just because they are Fox News. But leave the commentary shows out of it. I do think their news reporting has a slant to the right, but it's still mostly news. Same as MSNBC slants to the left in their news reporting.

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24 Aug 2010 07:41 #9 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic Verify his Muslim Beliefs
Bush, Clinton, & Obama have all thumbed their noses at Islamic male dominated culture by choosing female Secretary of States. It must really chafe the hide of misogynist Arabs to have treat female American diplomats as equals.
Maybe Michelle just didn't want to go? Many of the sites she visited on her trip to Spain are from the Moorish(Islamic) occupation.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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24 Aug 2010 08:06 #10 by bailey bud

Nmysys wrote: "An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law, particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant. This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe. She will stay home when he visits Arab countries.

Your source is a moron --- look up Princess Haya, wife to the ruler of Dubai.

Go to the Qatar Foundation's home page, and take a look at the photo of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah .

I can promise you Sharia is alive and well in both the UAE and Qatar.

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