USA, We're #11

13 Sep 2010 09:32 #31 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic USA, We're #11

Wayne Harrison wrote:

Wayne Harrison wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: it will take decades for libs to rebound if they ever do!

Looks like the Republicans may take another one in the shorts -- in Delaware, as the Tea Party candidate may be the primary winner tomorrow.

That is the difference between people like you who say they are not happy with the way the country is going and the Tea Party. You don't really want change. You look at this race where the Republicans have a total RINO moderate at best winning and now the Tea Party very fiscally conservative, fiscally responsible candidate may overtake him and you say we are 'taking it in the shorts'. You would rather just win and have status quo big government Senators. We would rather take a risk and try to vote in that change that the Dems just talk about. I like O'Donnell. She has baggage but is just what the majority of Americans say they want in our government. And you know when the Big government Republicans are attacking her, that she is doing something right.

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13 Sep 2010 09:44 #32 by archer
Replied by archer on topic USA, We're #11
It scares me that so many will jump on the tea party bandwagon because they use the right buzz words....."fiscal conservative" sure gets your adrenaline rushing. But you care little what other views these candidates hold, or what scandals may be in their background or what flaky views they may hold that could, and very well may, ruin everything this country has stood for. Nope, you wantyour fiscal conservative no matter what it costs this country, no matter how corrupt or how far out in right field they may be. I call that voter irresponsibility.

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13 Sep 2010 09:46 #33 by Wayne Harrison
Replied by Wayne Harrison on topic USA, We're #11
First, don't tell me what I want and what I don't want, Viking. You have no idea and you don't speak for me. Also, don't tell me who I want to win.

My post was directed at Outdoor338 who keeps pompusly trumpeting how the Republicans are going to take over in November. I'm just pointing out the Republicans have their own problems and may be a dying party, if the Tea Party takes hold.

As I've stated and restated, whoever wins, nothing will really change. Special interests control Washington.

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13 Sep 2010 09:58 #34 by outdoor338
Replied by outdoor338 on topic USA, We're #11
Archer, you should talk about what the people want and it ain't barry O, we should have checked into his ties with bill aires, rev wright and others, speaking of corrupt, you speak of obama...

Wayne, the liberals will spanked big time in november, you know it and I know..everyone knows it, even your liberal president knows it. He's even admited to it..I never said republicans were saints, there all bad both sides, I've made that clear..spin it however you want..

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13 Sep 2010 10:17 #35 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic USA, We're #11

archer wrote: It scares me that so many will jump on the tea party bandwagon because they use the right buzz words....."fiscal conservative" sure gets your adrenaline rushing. But you care little what other views these candidates hold, or what scandals may be in their background or what flaky views they may hold that could, and very well may, ruin everything this country has stood for. Nope, you wantyour fiscal conservative no matter what it costs this country, no matter how corrupt or how far out in right field they may be. I call that voter irresponsibility.

You really have no clue about what the Tea Party movement is about do you? “what scandals may be in their background” or “how corrupt” Look at what happened to Dan Maes, original favorite of the Tea Party until the crap started coming out about things in his background. Most of the TP groups have dropped their endorsements of Maes like cow plops from the south end of a north facing cow.

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13 Sep 2010 10:38 #36 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic USA, We're #11
I don't believe the Dems will be doomed for decades like some on the Right. I heard similar words from Carville after November 2008.
As party loyalty continues to fall, more and more wishy-washy independents will determine who wins.
And right now the independents want to stop the spending & they are blaming the Dems for the high debt load.
Spend 3 dollars out for every 2 dollars we take in can't last!

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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13 Sep 2010 11:11 #37 by netdude
Replied by netdude on topic USA, We're #11
SS109 this is why you are one of the righties I keep off foe... you are at least reasonable. We won't agree on much, but we both do seem to care about our country and we just see different paths to keep it great. I have several friends on the right and we can discuss, and argue and because there is a mutual respect (lacking here) that allows us to come to a agreement, and that is that we do disagree with some of each others points but we NEVER just discount out of hand the others opinions.
But what many of the others here seem not to get is it takes a balance of ideologies and yes... bi-partisanship to keep us even keeled. If many on this board actually got their way, one extreme group in control of the country we would soon end up like Iraq in the late 1990's... that is what got the Iraqis there. But they are too blind to see that.... and that is not just sad, there is an unpatriotic component to their hate... and that is that they don't seem to see that we ARE ALL AMERICANS. We all LOVE our country... and we all are ENTITLED TO OUR OWN opinion... and name calling is assinine and childish. I slipped a few weeks ago and regretted it for I went down to their level. And I won't do that again.
They want to shut down the left and left-center voices on 285Bound and they are succeeding. Many on the left just are done with the name calling and chest thumping.

And foe is a good thing cuz I won't have to see all the negative attacks on me for stating my mind.

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13 Sep 2010 11:22 #38 by Spykster
Replied by Spykster on topic USA, We're #11

outdoor338 wrote: spykster, the demonCrats, are out of the ditch and heading towards the cliff..people have now seen through obama, and are bailing on the dems, it will take decades for libs to rebound if they ever do!

Here Here !!! You know, B.O. is skinny enough to where you could almost see through a matter of fact, if he stands sideways and sticks out his tongue, he looks like a zipper... :lol:

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13 Sep 2010 11:23 #39 by Spykster
Replied by Spykster on topic USA, We're #11

Wayne Harrison wrote: As I've stated and restated, whoever wins, nothing will really change. Special interests control Washington.

Yeah right...whatcha smokin' I want to try some !!!

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13 Sep 2010 12:01 #40 by FredHayek
Replied by FredHayek on topic USA, We're #11

Spykster wrote:

Wayne Harrison wrote: As I've stated and restated, whoever wins, nothing will really change. Special interests control Washington.

Yeah right...whatcha smokin' I want to try some !!!

Sorry Wayne, have to agree with Spykster here. While 50% of things will stay the same, too much spending, too many foreign entanglements, too much debt, the other 50% will matter greatly. Slowly approaching socialism like "W" with his Medicare prescription plan or Obamacare & an anti-business regulatory enviroment.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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