Holy War in No. Carolina City!

08 Oct 2010 16:25 #31 by Nmysys
Heck Scruffy, you aren't going soft, you are turning into a Conservative!!!!!!!

Score one for the good guys!!!! :bash

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08 Oct 2010 16:55 #32 by Jonathan Hemlock
John Adams - “The Christian religion, as I understand it, is the brightest of the glory and the express portrait of the character of the eternal, self-existent, independent, benevolent, all-powerful, and all-merciful Creator, Preserver and Father of the Universe, the first good, the first perfect, and the first fair. It will last as long as the world. Neither savage nor civilized man, without a revelation, could have discovered or invented it.” “Religion and virtue are the only foundations, not only of Republicanism and of all free governments, but of social felicity under all governments and in all the combinations of human society. Science, liberty and religion are the choicest blessings of humanity: without their joint influence no society can be great, flourishing, or happy.”

Thomas Jefferson – in his first message as President. I shall need the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our fathers, as Israel of old, from their native land, and planted them in a Country flowing with all the necessities and Comforts of life; who has covered our infancy with his providence, and our riper years with his wisdom and power; and to whose goodness I ask you to join with me in supplications that he will so enlighten the minds of your servants, guide their counsels, and prosper their measures, that whatsoever they do shall result in your good and shall secure to you the friendship and approbation of all nations.”

James Madison – “We have all been encouraged to feel the guardianship and guidance of that almighty Being whose power regulates the destinies of nations, whose blessings have been so conspicuously displayed to this rising republic, and to who we are bound to address our devout gratitude for the past, as well as our fervent supplications and best hopes for the future.”

Benjamin Franklin – in 1790 to Dr. Stiles, President of Yale College. You desire to know something of my religion. Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we render him is in doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion. As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals, and his religion, as he left them to us, is the best the world ever saw, or is likely to see.”…

Daniel Webster – “I maintain that in any institution for the instruction of youth, where the authority of God is disowned, and the duties of Christianity derided and despised, and its ministers shut out from all participation in it proceedings, there can no more charity, true charity exist,…

These are just a few quotes from a few of the same people your copy and pasted article cites. See what you can find if you read more than just Dan Brown's fictitious yet fun novels?

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08 Oct 2010 18:09 #33 by Travelingirl
It's too bad there are so many in our country who deny, ignore, loathe, etc. the fact that our country was founded on Christian principles but still enjoy the benefits and all the blessings that go along with it. They don't realize or simply refuse to accept that this is what makes America great and unique to all other countries in the world and why so many dream about making a life here for themselves and their families. God Bless America!

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08 Oct 2010 18:26 #34 by Jonathan Hemlock
:woo hoo:

Well...another country heard from! Thanks for you input and insight. I can't imagine a nation which allows God not to be central to its actions and its ambitions. Those nations that have abandoned God have also eventually collapsed. That is not what I choose for ours.  :Thanks:

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09 Oct 2010 10:58 #35 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Heck Scruffy, you aren't going soft, you are turning into a Conservative!!!!!!!

Score one for the good guys!!!! :bash

Nah. I'm just trying to be honest and view the world with reality based goggles. That's going to land me on both the right and left side of the fence.

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09 Oct 2010 11:05 #36 by Scruffy

Jonathan Hemlock wrote: I now realize the futility of my efforts. I don't know why I am so frequently deceived into thinking that when someone asks a question, they may actually want the answer. Good job Scruffy, I was fooled again.

If I ask you to read Bertrand Russell's "History of Western Philosophy" as a refutation of your request for me to read the two books you cited, would you do that? If I asked you to read Wittgensteins "Philosophical Investigations," would you? If I asked you to watch the movie "Religulous" by Bill Maher as an answer to your posts, would you?

What I am requesting is that you please answer, in you own words, citing comments, articles, and quotes, reasons why you think this country was founded on Christian principles. Telling someone to go read a book to answer a question is a bit unreasonable, wouldn't you say?

I would seriously like to know your reasoning. You could start by taking LadyJazzers post and refuting it line by line, or even in more general terms. Or not.

Edit to add: - I see you did. Spoke too soon. I'll look over your quotes, see if they are accurate and get back to you.

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09 Oct 2010 11:58 #37 by Jonathan Hemlock
sounds reasonable.

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09 Oct 2010 15:40 #38 by Nmysys
Don't count on Scruffy being reasonable very long, especially when he tells you to respond to questions by LJ.

I know I have no interest in Maher's Religulous, so I would answer no to that one, but would read the others.

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09 Oct 2010 16:43 #39 by Scruffy

Nmysys wrote: Don't count on Scruffy being reasonable very long, especially when he tells you to respond to questions by LJ.

I know I have no interest in Maher's Religulous, so I would answer no to that one, but would read the others.

Religulous is actually quite interesting, although he does get a couple facts wrong. Other than that, he asks very penetrating questions and brings up issues which nobody can answer. The two books will put you to sleep very very quickly and I'll bet you good money that you would never be able to get through the Wittgenstein folly.

Don't discount LJ. She has her opinions, but chooses to answer in kind to those who give her sh**. Walk a mile in the other persons shoes before you dismiss them.

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09 Oct 2010 16:55 #40 by Nmysys
Not interested in Lj's shoes are any other apparel, and I have her on ignore so I don't have to put up with her ridiculous attacks. If just once she had an argument instead of an attack, it might be different, but enough is enough.

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