Why Unhappy People Become Liberals

24 Nov 2010 19:24 #31 by daisypusher
It may not be that SC is the liberal exception - it may be that she is conservative and does not know it yet... :)

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24 Nov 2010 22:49 #32 by ckm8
Liberals are more unhappy. We look at the real world, not a cartoon version where everything fits our vision of right and wrong (where we are always right of course) When our politicians disappoint us we are unhappy about it unlike conservatives who simply find a way to excuse their behavior or dismiss them as RINOs. We believe science so we don't have the happy faith that God will save us from our excesses. We know that the only ones to fix the damage we do will be us, or our kids. We don't have the luxury of painting everyone in the middle east as evildoers. We know that every day we bomb and kill folks who don't have a clue of why we're waging war on them. That our actions destroy others lives simply to allow us to tool down the highway in our dually with cheap gas. We know that if we don't fix our healthcare system thousand will die of inadequate care. We can see that most of those who need public assistance aren't lazy meth addicts, but honest people who have hit a rough patch. Yeah, it's easy to be all jolly when you live in the fantasy land Rupert Murdoch has crafted for you. Liberals live in the real world. Being a grown up is hard work, but it's also more rewarding.

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24 Nov 2010 23:37 #33 by Blazer Bob

ckm8 wrote: Liberals are more unhappy. We look at the real world, not a cartoon version where everything fits our vision of right and wrong (where we are always right of course) When our politicians disappoint us we are unhappy about it unlike conservatives who simply find a way to excuse their behavior or dismiss them as RINOs. .

HELLO, earth to ckm8, earth to ckm8, come in-over. Which party lost incumbents in the primaries?

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24 Nov 2010 23:44 #34 by Residenttroll returns

daisypusher wrote: It may not be that SC is the liberal exception - it may be that she is conservative and does not know it yet... :)

SC knows. She's just having difficulty coming to the RIGHT side.

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24 Nov 2010 23:59 #35 by ckm8
Look at the incumbents that lost- Blue Dogs. Not proud liberals. It's the dangerous road Obama walks. No one likes a moderate. When you make both sides angry you end up with twice as many people angry with you. Never forget your base.

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25 Nov 2010 00:31 #36 by Blazer Bob

ckm8 wrote: Look at the incumbents that lost- Blue Dogs. Not proud liberals. It's the dangerous road Obama walks. No one likes a moderate. When you make both sides angry you end up with twice as many people angry with you. Never forget your base.

If this post is directed at mine, look at the part of your post I quoted. My response specified primaries. <scratching my head>

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25 Nov 2010 10:52 #37 by ScienceChic

Residenttroll wrote:

daisypusher wrote: It may not be that SC is the liberal exception - it may be that she is conservative and does not know it yet... :)

SC knows. She's just having difficulty coming to the RIGHT side.

:VeryScared: :faint: :biggrin:
I've said before that I can't be labeled/boxed/stereotyped. I am a proponent of both liberal and conservative ideologies, depending on which topic we are discussing.

travelingirl said this earlier:

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense

As a moderate liberal, I strongly believe in personal responsibility (and have surprised more than a few conservatives here and on PC on this topic). I think I even made PrintSmith's jaw drop once! ;)

Limited gov't: I believe in efficient, effective government. It shouldn't be too big and it shouldn't be too small, it should be just right. Programs should be available that benefit the population without being abused. Cuts must be made rationally. Requirements should be modified as need be - like SS. When it was instituted, the life span was much shorter than it is today and life expectancy should be taken into account for the starting age. Science policy should be a much more integral part of government.

Free markets: how many of them are truly free these days? Supply and demand is all well and good, but when corporations can unduly influence legislation their way, or get unfair tax breaks, or special treatment, then it's not free any longer. Look at the airport scanners - most other countries don't even bother cuz they know they are useless, yet the companies that make them have bought off our government officials and begun a PR campaign touting their safety and effectiveness that's all BS. Oil vs renewable energy, don't even get me started. Wall St., ugh.

Individual liberty: absolutely! I want the freedom, and lack of condemnation, to choose my birth control, partner, whether I own a gun or not, and how to raise my kids. But I also want stronger public education campaigns to reduce the rate of abortions, I want gays in committed relationships to have the same legal rights as married heterosexuals without having to go through extra cumbersome hoops that we receive automatically with that marriage certificate. I don't want rapists, murderers, drug dealers, or felons to be able to own a gun - they lost that right when they committed a crime, nor do ordinary people need machine guns to hunt with. How I raise my kids is my business, and how you raise yours is your business, but all childhood vaccinations should be mandatory. No if, ands, buts, or religious exemptions. Period.

Traditional American values: too vague, changes with each generation. It used to be tradition to own a slave, it used to be tradition that the wife stayed home, cooked, and raised the kids without exception; these values change and must be defined better. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yes. Hard work translated to success, yes. The rich gaining favors with tax breaks and business loopholes that allow them to get richer without working as hard, no. The gap is widening and it's not because the all the poor are lazy; and it's not a good path for a healthy civilization.

Strong national defense: yes, and we've always had that and thank god. We have the most heavily armed citizens in the world and I think that's a good thing. But our defense budget is so bloated that it's eating us alive - we are spending way too much, and losing way too much due to lack of oversight and outright stealing - it needs to be tightened up and run not like it's on unlimited funds.

This blog post hits the nail on the head for why I'm Proud To Be A Liberal:
Proud To Be Liberal
Why Liberal values are American values
By Brian Elroy McKinley

Just as Liberals get their label by standing for Liberty, Conservatives get their label from the desire to "conserve" a style of living.
If you don't want to be forced to live under a foreign set of values, don't force others to live under yours. Instead, fight for the freedom to believe as you want while others believe as they want. Freedom of choice, as long as it does not infringe on another's rights, is the foundation upon which this nation was built. Liberalism is the ideology that strives to defend that freedom for everyone. And for that reason it pleases me to no end to state that I am proud to be Liberal.

http://www.nytimes.com/books/00/11/26/s ... ebate.html
Conservative vs Liberal - A Debate
March 4, 1956
I don't agree with everything either in the liberal argument or the conservative argument in this post, but like some of the points brought up (fun quiz: see how well you know me by guessing what I wouldn't agree with in the liberal argument!)

Alright, football's started so I've gotta go. Felt I had to defend myself from such spurious, wild accusations, impugning my good character! :biggrin: Have a bountiful, wonderful Thanksgiving!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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25 Nov 2010 11:02 #38 by Scruffy
That might be the best post ever, SC. Even handed and thoughtful without an insult in sight.

Are you married? Cuz if not.....

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25 Nov 2010 13:43 #39 by daisypusher
And SC demonstrates why social liberals muddied the waters by calling themselves liberals. In this way they can reference classical liberal ideals and few note the difference.

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25 Nov 2010 15:46 #40 by ScienceChic
Scruffy - thanks Sweetie! Yes, I am married, but love to make new friends! You should come to a 285Bound lunch sometime!

dp - A sincere question, to what differences do you refer? When I say I'm a liberal, my intention is that I am a social liberal and classical liberal, basically just a liberal. No liberals I know desire to overspend outside of the budget on wasteful, inefficient, ineffective programs. I realize that they've been painted that way, but no one I know who is a lib believes in that. If there are other areas where there are differences between social vs classical liberal, please enlighten me as I may very well have missed it! Thanks! :)

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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