Why Unhappy People Become Liberals

24 Nov 2010 09:26 #11 by FredHayek
Liberal Response: Of course conservatives are happier, ignorance is bliss, and the Left likes to think that people who disagree with them are stupid, like "W" and Palin.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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24 Nov 2010 09:28 #12 by Martin Ent Inc
Liberals have to be TOLD what to think.

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24 Nov 2010 09:30 #13 by JusSayin

Martin Ent Inc wrote: Liberals have to be TOLD what to think.

And the inability to use their brain is why you see so many of them repeat the same things over and over and over again in their posts.

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24 Nov 2010 10:55 #14 by ScienceChic
This is way too simplistic of a worldview and a disingenuous title to boot by Prager. Because there aren't any unhappy conservatives? And ALL liberals are unhappy? Yeah, right.
A couple of reviews of Brook's book, which I think say much about it.
By Richard Bennett "truthinista" (Atlanta)

On page 4 Brooks distinguishes between three distinct forms of happiness. they can be summed up as "fleeting feelings of happiness", "happiness on balance" and "moral quality of life".
The first is similar to joy or euphoria, second is like an emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to tell honestly whether we are living , all things considered, a happy life. This is the level most often studied by social scientists and, and it is the level measured in the survey data used in this book. The third form is of happiness measurement is eudaimonia, (A) "Moral quality of life (that) has little to do with a sense of happiness-it is the well-lived life, in which a person realizes his or her true potential...Aristotle termed (it) eudaimonia...an activity of the soul expressing virtue" Brooks is not interested in this form of happiness! But for liberals it is possibly the most important sense of what is meant by "happiness". What is the import of someones self reported state of happiness when no account is taken of of his aims? Eudaimonia is such an important concept to serious thinkers that it is actually the subject of a brilliant new book authored by Duke University Philosopher Owen Flanagan. The title is The Really Hard Problem-Meaning in a Material World.
Read Gross National Happiness by all means, but don't spend too much time or be too convinced that Brooks is saying something astounding and revelatory. He is merely reflecting the fact that conservatives are more likely to be church going, hard working, married and convinced of the rightness of their way of life and their own values. Of course such people are going to be "happier" than someone who wrestles with the real existential issues of life!
Brooks characterizes eudaimonia as the quest to live virtuously. Can we really respect a book that purports to say something definitive about happiness and yet does not even consider actual virtue?

By a reader (Oregon, USA)

I could hardly be more pleased that someone who is a conservative is chiming in on the subject of happiness, since I suspect that most academics are liberals, and a full range of viewpoints is essential to good research. But if you're interested in objectively reported happiness research, I'd point you towards books by Christopher Peterson, Ed Diener, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Robert Biswas-Diener, and Martin Seligman.

Prager has a habit of making grandiose assumptions about the left that have absolutely no basis in real life. Like the article that Lionshead cited by him in this thread: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href=" 285bound.com/Forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5611&hilit=prager " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5611&hilit=prager<!-- l --> saying that liberals have an aversion to acknowlledging sad facts. Now he's saying that us liberals are unhappy - which is it? We can't acknowledge sad facts but we're unhappy anyway. Yeah, that makes sense.

Conservatives are more likely to donate charitably, but is that because they are more likely to be rich, more likely to be religious, more likely to be happier, or something else? Or does giving make them more happy, hence they are happier? How you phrase the question will affect the results, especially with as subjective of a topic as "happiness". http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Edi ... han-wealth

Rather, to the horror and dismay of Teddy and RT I'm sure, liberalism is not a mental disease nor are liberals inherently bitter, angry, or sad. Liberalism is a trait evolutionarily selected just as conservatism is. Both are required for the survival of our species, or neither would be in existence today. Articles like Prager's do nothing more than to emphasize our differences rather than celebrate the strengths of both so that we may move forward and improve our quality of life, individually and societally. Here's a blog that states differences and finding common ground well: http://www.randy-henderson.com/http:/ww ... ompromise/

Martin Ent Inc wrote: Liberals have to be TOLD what to think.

JusSayin wrote: And the inability to use their brain is why you see so many of them repeat the same things over and over and over again in their posts.

Another fine example of Scruffy's thread about insults. These statements are complete Bull.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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24 Nov 2010 10:58 #15 by JusSayin

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24 Nov 2010 11:05 #16 by archer

JusSayin wrote: Zzzzzzzz...Zzzzzzzzz...Zzzzzzzzzz...

truth puts you to sleep?

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24 Nov 2010 11:28 #17 by FredHayek
Have to agree with SC on this, right now I know many more angry Republicans, maybe because they are out of power in the Senate & White House and feel impotent because their agenda isn't making it into legislation.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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24 Nov 2010 11:30 #18 by jf1acai

truth puts you to sleep?

No, but a full tummy and a warm room may, and, of course, that other thing..... :wink:

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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24 Nov 2010 11:59 #19 by Travelingirl

Martin Ent Inc wrote: Liberals have to be TOLD what to think.

The Left look to the media and Ivy League elites to do their thinking for them which creates intellectual mediocrity. Intellectual mediocrity was one of the reasons for Rome's collapse. Historian Edward Gibbon explained that "the minds of men were gradually reduced to the same level, the fire of genius was extinguished." Another historian, Tocqueville wrote, "When all fortunes are middling, passions are naturally restrained, imagination limited and pleasures simple."

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense, despite what the media and Ivy League elites try to tell us and we know they are not to be trusted.

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24 Nov 2010 12:12 #20 by netdude
Conservatives think for themselves? REally? Every freaking post in the Ring and the Courthouse by a conservative is a quote or a link from some right wing blog/site. None are from neutral sites and little if any posts have original thought... you guys are a bunch of blathering parrots... give me a break.

You folks really DO live in a alternate reality....

I have not been on 285 Bound for a while and now I now why....

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