Why Unhappy People Become Liberals

25 Nov 2010 20:35 #51 by daisypusher
We can agree on the goals of true freedom and equality. :thumbsup:

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25 Nov 2010 20:35 #52 by archer

daisypusher wrote: If the social liberals do not want to be credited with corporatism - perhaps they need to join the tea party... :wink:

Sorry but the tea party hardly argues against corporate control of this nation and government.....they would all but eliminate corporate taxes (some actually have argued that there should be no taxes on corporations). What a boon to corporate interests that would be....more money to pour into our election process, more money to bribe our representatives......we are a corporate nation now, but i hope liberals will at least keep up the good fight for the non-corporate citizens and small businesses.

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25 Nov 2010 20:42 #53 by jf1acai
Who is it that actually pays corporate taxes?

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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25 Nov 2010 20:47 #54 by daisypusher
That was a joke..... since they claim they want less government. Time may tell.... Why do you cling to the hope that liberals are the answer? I see all officials paying off their cooperate friends. Where/when have the liberals stopped corporatism? By keeping Bernanke, Obama/social liberals continue the failed Bush/conservative central planning....

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25 Nov 2010 21:11 #55 by ckm8
Where has the right fended off the corporatists either? What I have been saying is that the politicians are owned. The only power we have left is the power of our votes. As long as the corporatists in control can keep us more focused on what divides us then on what unites us they will be able consolidate their power and we will find our votes meaningless.

Mussolini created fascism. He was not a leftist. If you study the history of Italian fascism you will see that it was neither a left nor right ideology but at a right angle to both- more like the diametric opposite of libertarianism.

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25 Nov 2010 21:21 #56 by archer

daisypusher wrote: That was a joke..... since they claim they want less government. Time may tell.... Why do you cling to the hope that liberals are the answer? I see all officials paying off their cooperate friends. Where/when have the liberals stopped corporatism? By keeping Bernanke, Obama/social liberals continue the failed Bush/conservative central planning....

I don't know that liberals are the answer, seems neither the liberals nor the conservatives have any answers. All I do know, and this is just for me, the liberals, when they actually act like liberals, are closer to my own beliefs than are the tea party or the Republicans. I have seen in my lifetime....as your pretty average middle class citizen, better times during democratic administrations than republicans.....I have fewer disagreements with liberal policies than with conservative ones. One example, I disagreed with Bush's tax cuts, I thought they were short sighted then, and for me it has been proven that they were. When you have a surplus you save it for a rainy day....not squander on a feel good policy to bolster your presidential appeal. Any fiscally sound family knows this simple truth.....saving is a good thing because you don't know what tomorrow will bring. I'm not particularly happy with Obama, he has certainly lost sight of the base that sent him to the White House, and he may well lose in 2012 because of that. But, I still believe that he was the better alternative....McCain just scared me and he still does. I suspect senility carefully camouflaged.

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25 Nov 2010 21:24 #57 by daisypusher
So we go from "Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right" to "If you study the history of Italian fascism you will see that it was neither a left nor right ideology...." I always appreciated the person touch in all of your comments. At this point of self contradictory statements, it is apparent that you need to sort out your beliefs. Please take the time to do so. I feel like I am getting another case of asshole poisoning and will take a break as well.

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25 Nov 2010 21:36 #58 by jf1acai

What I have been saying is that the politicians are owned. The only power we have left is the power of our votes. As long as the corporatists in control can keep us more focused on what divides us then on what unites us they will be able consolidate their power and we will find our votes meaningless.

Agree. As long as they can keep us distracted and divided, they can keep us conquered.

Where did that strategy come from? :wink:

I'm going to try this one more time, and if "Topic Review" prevents posting it, I'm going to say to h*Il with it and go to bed!

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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25 Nov 2010 21:36 #59 by daisypusher
Archer, thank you for your sincere response. I have not voted for either Democrats or Republicans for many years because both parties support the current fleecing of the American people. The tea party is a new and interesting alternative and it will be interesting on how it plays out. It was also interesting to watch the Republicans attempt to co-opt that group. Some say I wasted my vote all these years, but to vote for the least of two evils is still a vote for evil.

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25 Nov 2010 21:59 #60 by archer

daisypusher wrote: Archer, thank you for your sincere response. I have not voted for either Democrats or Republicans for many years because both parties support the current fleecing of the American people. The tea party is a new and interesting alternative and it will be interesting on how it plays out. It was also interesting to watch the Republicans attempt to co-opt that group. Some say I wasted my vote all these years, but to vote for the least of two evils is still a vote for evil.

The tea party will only be an alternative when they can stand on their own rather than trying to co-opt the Republican party. I would have more respect for their movement if they did that. At some point the more mainstream (moderate?) Republicans are going to push back. The tea party has enough differences with the Republicans that they need to go it alone, or they will end up marginalized over the long term. JMHO.

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