Tattoos are also cyclical. Perhaps they will go out of style, perhaps they will become a norm.
I've heard all kinds of reasons why people get ink - a personal memorial, a personal victory commenorated, because they think it looks cool, because they get off on the pain of it.
For a fad, it's been growing - even grandmas are getting them, housewives, etc. I'm going to say it's a lot more mainstream than fad anymore.
things that are taboo may become mainstream, but rarely does something accepted/mainstream become taboo. I think tattoos are here to stay, too many have them, and like them, for it to suddenly become taboo. It's not for me, but I don't have a problem with one, or a few on anyone else....just can't even get my mind around those who have their whole body done.......pain has never been something I would go out and pay money for.
Smoking, once universal, is now taboo. Personally I could understand one or two vibrant tattoos, but the people who pay to cover themselves with bad tattoos is beyond me. Boredom & masochism?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
I know this will start controversy but I am going to put it out there anyway. It is IMO either part of the Anti-God movement or done totally unaware of God's word.
God put us here and expects us to come back to him the same as we were born, without Tattoos or piercings. We are according to Old Testament, to be buried in a simple shroud and a plain simple box or casket. Lavish funerals and Caskets are actually against his wishes.
I've been searching my thoughts and experiences to determine why I have no use for tattoos. My reaction to seeing them during sporting events is revolting. I still do not know why I have such a strong negative reaction.