Thank you president bush and military for taking out Usama

02 May 2011 12:45 #91 by The Viking

Kate wrote: It's called "taking the high road."

Leaving billions of people without closure is taking the high road? Really? You guys will stick by Obama no matter how stupid he is won't you?

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02 May 2011 12:50 #92 by outdoor338
no PC is needed here, take the high road with a proper muslim buried at sea???...Many republicans and democrats here today, unite and say screw usama!..

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02 May 2011 13:17 #93 by Kate

The Viking wrote:

Kate wrote: It's called "taking the high road."

Leaving billions of people without closure is taking the high road? Really? You guys will stick by Obama no matter how stupid he is won't you?

What would you rather we had done?

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02 May 2011 13:18 #94 by Pony Soldier
Head on a stake outside the Whitehouse.

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02 May 2011 13:18 #95 by LadyJazzer
I'm wondering how these wingnuts are already bitching about "not getting to see the body" before they have even completed all of the forensics? They are JUST NOW announcing that the DNA tests are coming back positive.

I think in the next 24-48 hours, they will release enough information that even the "deathers" will have their proof... (Of course, there are some who will never have closure...But they will the same ones that don't believe the long-form birth-certificate either.) I think they will release photos...(Real ones...not the Photoshop'd crap from FauxNews...)

The military is not dumb...They KNOW they have to produce sufficient proof, visual and otherwise, to satisfy EVERYONE...The Muslims...AND the "deathers".... I WANT THE LONG-FORM DEATH CERTIFICATE, AND I WANT IT NOW!

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02 May 2011 13:35 #96 by Kate
Oh, I see what you're all saying. We could have totally done a "Weekend at Bernie's" thing. Boy, did we miss a golden opportunity.

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02 May 2011 14:56 #97 by outdoor338

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02 May 2011 18:03 #98 by Nmysys

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02 May 2011 18:17 #99 by Nmysys

This is one of the reasons for burying Osama at sea........"When there is no land alternative, Islamic law dictates that the body be buried within 24 hours, and that was the basis," the official said. ...

Question...... Islamic Law dictates? Are you flippen kidding me? This man was responsible for the deaths of thousand of men, women and children on our soil not to mention thousands and thousands of other innocent people. Who gives a sh*t what Islamic Law dictates! This is our law and our citizens! Since when do we start living by what Islamic Law dictates? Oh that's right, when we elected a Muslim loving President who cares more about Muslim laws and traditions rather than American and Christian ones.

And then there is this...... The most hated man in the world and mass murderer. What do we do? .......
U.S. forces "took pains to observe Muslim law."

The religious rites were conducted on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea, with the ceremony starting at 1:10 a.m. and finishing at 2:10 a.m. ET.

"The body was washed and placed in a white sheet. A military official read prepared remarks, which were then translated into Arabic by a native speaker. The body of Osama bin Laden was placed on a flat board, which was then tipped up, and allowed to slide into the sea," the second official said.

RELIGIOUS RIGHTS? What the hell! Who is the hell goes out of their way to give special burial services and honor his Islamic laws as not to offend followers of one of the worlds worst mass murderers? When Charles Manson dies, should we honor him too? This is a total bunch of bullsh*t! They made sure to respect Osama's Muslim law but did not allow billions of people the satisfaction of closure because of it. Osama/Obama and their Muslim ways win again!


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02 May 2011 18:21 #100 by Something the Dog Said
Are you talking about the same Bush who had this to say about the search for Bin Laden:

"I truly am not that concerned about him," Bush said at a White House press conference on March 13, 2002."

"So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you"

http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives. ... 313-8.html

Or the same Bush who when the military had Bin Laden sighted at Tora Bora in 2001 chose not to pursue him. ... Report.pdf

Or the same Bush who chose to withdraw most of the assets from the pursuit of Al Quaeda and Bin Laden to invade Iraq back in 2003?

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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