Thank you president bush and military for taking out Usama

02 May 2011 07:45 - 02 May 2011 07:46 #31 by AspenValley
My God, you are insane on top of being stupid. "Beaten by a better opponent"? It's way too early in the morning to have to deal with your nauseating stupidity.

I stand by my original observation that you are sick, twisted and delusional in your attitude towards this event. And delusional in a lot more to boot. "Better opponent"? Oh my God.

Catch ya all later.

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02 May 2011 07:45 #32 by Soulshiner
You need to let some fresh air into the bunker every now and then.

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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02 May 2011 07:48 #33 by kresspin
The US is waiting to see if bin Laden made a martyrdom video, to be released in the event of his death. He could have made one, urging his followers to strike the U.S.

It's a great day to be an American.

:fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave: :fwave:

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02 May 2011 07:49 #34 by outdoor338
Hamas is the only one so far that wants to attack american interests..others will follow, yep, its great to be an American!

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02 May 2011 08:04 #35 by navycpo7
Outstanding job, good things happen when the military is allowed to do the job they are trained for. Now the waiting game. All the military has been put on high alert. To include those here in the US>

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02 May 2011 08:39 #36 by LadyJazzer
And I'll say it again:

This keeps the whole Muslim constituency from getting bat-crap crazy that the U.S. defiled his body. And you can bet the farm that they took photos, DNA samples, and had him verified by 20 eye-witnesses before the wingnuts can start screaming for the "long-form death certificate."

And you can bet the wingnuts are ALREADY screaming: "Show us the body!" "Show us the long-form death certificate!"

Why would I apologize for saying that? Or think that someone else would need to comment on my remarks?

Jeez, you are a moron.

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02 May 2011 08:41 #37 by The Viking
Again, I don't have time to read all the posts as I have a busy day. But Bush does deserve HUGE credit Osama being killed. He is responsible for the fall of the Taliban in Dec of 2001 that rendered Osama impotent and almost irrelevent and put him in hiding for the last 10 years until our military had time to track him down and kill him like we just did.

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02 May 2011 08:45 #38 by Obam me

The Viking wrote: Again, I don't have time to read all the posts as I have a busy day. But Bush does deserve HUGE credit Osama being killed. He is responsible for the fall of the Taliban in Dec of 2001 that rendered Osama impotent and almost irrelevent and put him in hiding for the last 10 years until our military had time to track him down and kill him like we just did.


Good to see ya Viking! :thumbsup:

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02 May 2011 09:01 #39 by Vomitus
I have read some ignorant comments on this site over the past few months, but the ones here are bordering on just plain stupid!

First, yes Bush deserves credit for removing the Taliban and the ability of Al Quida to train in Afganistan. His intelligence forces kept up the skewer on Osama, et. al. Second, Obama deserves credit for making Afganistan his priority and keeping the skerer's temperature at high. But really all the credit goes to the intelligence community and to the men and women of our Armed Forces. They did not forget and they did something about it.

Now since the attacks of 9/11 Al Quida has diffused its leadership. It is no longer concentrated on the originators of the group (Osama, Zawahari. etc) Each country with a sizeable muslim population is a home to some form of Al Quida. Unless, modertae muslims do something about the radicals in their midst, we will have many more battles and deaths. This is not a victory of a war ending act, but rather a victory in a battle that will go on in most liklihood for at least one or two generations.

But we should savor this victory, it has been 10+ years coming and everyone involved, Bush, Obama, and most importantly the intelligence community and the Military should be proud.

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02 May 2011 09:14 #40 by The Viking
I can imagine the phone call. Ummmm Mr President, despite all of your speeches and votes against the war and how hard you are fighting to defund our military and military intelligence we have found Osama. Protocal dictates that we tell you that we are going to take him down but we thought you should know........ What's that? You are giving us permission to kill the man that we spent a decade tracking down and are about ready to attack? Well thanks I guess. Now you can take credit for giving the order despite your best effort to cripple our military. Now go stand in front of the podium, read your telepromtor and make yourself look like a hero and successful as a leader while we storm the compound and take him out. Have a good day Obama.

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