Vice Lord wrote: Joke all you want now but when the indictments come down I think i'll be the only one laughing
Since indictments come from a grand jury....would this be a federal or state case? I just need to know who to watch out for!
This goes beyond state. It's even higher than Federal...
This is up to the Reality level. Unfortunately, since VL seems to be in his own Reality, actually serving the papers in the rest of our shared reality might be troublesome.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Wait a minute, vl, is a union leader, and the unions have oblama in their back pockets (just the way things are done in Chicago), so oblama could write an Executive order, making all real estate lawyers the highest lawyer in the land.
Gosh, I'm sorry, I made you look like afool vl, please forgive me.
Simply amazing. You guys crack me up. Note how careful I was to avoid posting anything said by VL. I'm scared Sh**less. BTW when did words become real estate? Oh, I know. It's property.. right? Intellectual? Isn't that an oxymoron in VL's case or just moron? Yes, now I see the connection. I've heard often enough that I don't know anything and this just proves that point.