Mitt guilty of felony perjury?

16 Jul 2012 20:27 #71 by pineinthegrass

Something the Dog Said wrote: Yet when Mitt signed the Bain documents recorded with the SEC to purchase an ownership interest in ChipPac (sorry for the typo), this was in 2001 when he was "retired" from Bain and, according to him, had no role in Bain operations.

I was responding to you statement that they "outsourced semiconductor manufacturing to china". My point was that ChipPac was already in Asia and Bain had nothing to do with moving US jobs there.

So far as the significance of the dates go, the factcheck articles have been much more convincing to me than anything you've come up with so far.

Do you really still feel Mitt could be guilty of felony perjury after reading the factcheck reports?

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16 Jul 2012 20:36 #72 by ScienceChic

Blazer Bob wrote:

:lol: Sorry, that struck me as funny.

(P.S. You really should have a :link: for where you got that, fyi, photos are under the same copyright rules as quoted text from articles. Not trying to single you out Blazer Bob, but letting everyone know who posts these memes - give at least the FB source where you found it in the chain of Shares if nothing else please).  :Thanks:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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16 Jul 2012 21:05 #73 by Blazer Bob
Don't worry about it, I know why you are picking on me. This is my story and I am sticking to it. Right click on the image select properties and the source is revealed. BTW I don't facebook and have no idea what "chain oif Shares" means.

Science Chic wrote:

Blazer Bob wrote:

:lol: Sorry, that struck me as funny.

(P.S. You really should have a :link: for where you got that, fyi, photos are under the same copyright rules as quoted text from articles. Not trying to single you out Blazer Bob, but letting everyone know who posts these memes - give at least the FB source where you found it in the chain of Shares if nothing else please).  :Thanks:

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16 Jul 2012 21:10 #74 by FredHayek

Something the Dog Said wrote: Yet when Mitt signed the Bain documents recorded with the SEC to purchase an ownership interest in ChipPac (sorry for the typo), this was in 2001 when he was "retired" from Bain and, according to him, had no role in Bain operations.

So what is more important to see, tax returns? Or college transcripts to see who is more qualified to be President? I have never had an employer ask for my tax returns when applying for a job.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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16 Jul 2012 21:26 #75 by pineinthegrass

FredHayek wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote: Yet when Mitt signed the Bain documents recorded with the SEC to purchase an ownership interest in ChipPac (sorry for the typo), this was in 2001 when he was "retired" from Bain and, according to him, had no role in Bain operations.

So what is more important to see, tax returns? Or college transcripts to see who is more qualified to be President? I have never had an employer ask for my tax returns when applying for a job.

True, though I do have to provide tax returns every time I get a mortgage or refinance. And they could care less about transcripts.

So far as employers go, I too haven't been asked for tax returns and neither have I been asked for transcripts (other then when applying to another school). But you do have to state your education history, and it's something they can review. I've seen a couple of people get fired when the education claims turn out to be false (didn't have the degree they claimed). But I know of at least one CEO who didn't have the education claimed, and is still working.

So far as Romney goes, from what I've posted earlier here, there are very few presidents that have provided tax records from before they ran. But I'm not sure about those that ran against them in the general election. I haven't seen a lot of transcripts either. And of the ones we've seen (Bush and Kerry come to mind), were those leaked or offically released?

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17 Jul 2012 08:36 #76 by ScienceChic
Blazer Bob\n

Don't worry about it, I know why you are picking on me. This is my story and I am sticking to it. Right click on the image select properties and the source is revealed. BTW I don't facebook and have no idea what "chain oif Shares" means.

Yes, b/c I love you! lol Sorry, I forgot about the right-click thing (I have a Mac, I have to Ctrl-Click) :)

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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17 Jul 2012 08:48 #77 by FredHayek
All you need to know. 8.2% unemployment in America under Obama longterm. 5% for Mitt in Massachussets during his term.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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17 Jul 2012 09:04 #78 by Rick
Replied by Rick on topic Mitt guilty of felony perjury?

FredHayek wrote:

Something the Dog Said wrote: Yet when Mitt signed the Bain documents recorded with the SEC to purchase an ownership interest in ChipPac (sorry for the typo), this was in 2001 when he was "retired" from Bain and, according to him, had no role in Bain operations.

So what is more important to see, tax returns? Or college transcripts to see who is more qualified to be President? I have never had an employer ask for my tax returns when applying for a job.

Good point. I would like to see if Obama ever took any courses in business or economics. Seems like he's taken some marketing courses though.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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17 Jul 2012 09:06 #79 by LadyJazzer
And a slide from 36th to 47th in the nation; fees raised $500million (so he could say he "didn't raise taxes")

Romney as Governor

JOBS> Increase of 51,362 or a growth of 1.3% ranking the state 47th of 50

Taxes> combined state and local rate went from 9.8% to 10.5% +.7%

Touching on what I believe is the top two talking points of the 2012 Presidential race of the GOP, the numbers are the numbers. As CEO of Massachusetts, Romney’s lack of job creation of 1.3% would be unacceptable on the national level. The glaring failure in these numbers is his ranking among states. Comparing Romney to his 49 other peers is a fair and balanced way look at his record, 47 out of 50!

Taxes under CEO Romney increased overall through increasing fees on services and creating new fees. During his term he created 33 new fees while increasing 57. Court fees, marriage licensing , professional regulations, fire arms and fees on businesses, such as a fee to erect a sign. Romney increased the gasoline fee and signed legislation to allow for increases in commercial property taxes.

CEO Romney, reduced spending by $1.6 billion to include $700 million to cities and towns, shifting the burden to local revenue sources. This increased property taxes in the state by 5%.

The truth is in the numbers and Romney’s words need to be overlooked. The top 2 talking points of the GOP, jobs and taxes, Romney does not get a passing grade. While Romney’s record at Bain might have some value, his record as Governor is far more important. Fees another word for taxes! Looking at the fees he raised, I can’t imagine the National Rifle Association being to thrilled with him. On a side note to the NRA, Romney banned assault weapons. ... itt-romney

‘Robotic’ Romney Repeating Failed Promises

“Romney campaigned for governor on the promises of more jobs, decreased debt and smaller government,” senior Obama strategist David Axelrod writes in a research memo to “interested parties.” “When he left office, however, state debt had increased, the size of government had grown and over his four years, Massachusetts’ record of job creation was among the worst in the nation.”

Axelrod will host a rare press conference later Thursday in Boston to drive the case home with officials who served in Massachusetts’ state government during Romney’s tenure. Testimonials on Romney’s record from several state officials are also featured in a new campaign web video.

“There are times when I watch Mitt Romney saying the exact same things now as he said here in Massachusetts in 2002 in a robotic way that is completely hollow,” says state Rep. Carl Sciortino of the 34th Middlesex District. “It didn’t work here, so I’m not quite sure why he thinks it might work nationally.”

The video notes that, despite his much touted business experience, Romney presided over a lackluster state economy. Between 2003 and 2007, Massachusetts slid to 47th out of 50 states in job creation, the manufacturing sector saw a net job loss and workers’ wages fell. Taxes and fees on state services climbed, while state debt grew by $2.6 billion.

“He raised our taxes by raising our fees,” says state Rep. Jay Kaufman of the 15th Middlesex District.

“But a rose by any other name is still a rose. That’s a tax. Let’s call it what it is,” added Rob Dolan, mayor of Melrose, Ma. ... video-says

Mitt Romney ran for governor of Massachusetts promising more jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government.

Here’s what Massachusetts got instead:

Jobs: 47th out of 50 states in job creation

Stagnant job growth: During Governor Romney’s term, Massachusetts fell from 36th to 47th out of 50 states in job creation, while the overall U.S. economy grew. Of the jobs that were created in Massachusetts, state government jobs grew at six times the rate of private sector jobs.

Taxes and fees: Increased by $750 million per year

Higher taxes: Governor Romney raised taxes and fees on the middle class while cutting taxes for millionaires like himself and 278 of the wealthiest individuals in Massachusetts.

Long-term debt: Increased more than $2.6 billion

Highest debt in the nation: Under Mitt Romney, Massachusetts’ debt burden grew to the highest per person in the nation.

Increased government spending: State spending increased every year while Romney was in office, and he left behind a $1 billion deficit for the next governor.

Source: TPM

Romney was governor for 4 years, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, and a failed economy, fewer jobs, and higher fees=taxes.

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17 Jul 2012 14:00 #80 by FredHayek
You have to give Romney some credit, he did help to create Romneycare. We all know teleprompter boy/teacher's assistant Obama couldn't have come up with that.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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