Benghazi: People Died Obama Lied

20 Aug 2013 22:05 #421 by Blazer Bob
What if the phone rings at 3 am and no one answers it. Now we know.

Ambassador Stevens was not available for comment. ... sA.gfQtDMD

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Four State Department officials have been cleared of security failures that led to an attack last year on a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, authorities said Tuesday.

State spokeswoman Marie Harf said the officials, who held senior positions at the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Near East Affairs during the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, will be reassigned to new jobs."

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20 Aug 2013 22:25 #422 by LadyJazzer
Still trying to sell that stale Kool-Aid?... lol

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20 Aug 2013 23:32 #423 by Blazer Bob

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21 Aug 2013 11:36 #424 by Wayne Harrison

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21 Aug 2013 12:04 #425 by homeagain
Oh, why bother with the FACTS, when it s-o-o much more fun to create DRAMA.....the reality
is EVERYONE was CYA ing because there was a screw up with communication CIA/state dept
and each thought the security issue was being handled by the other dept......PER WSJ.

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05 Aug 2014 14:34 - 05 Aug 2014 14:35 #426 by ScienceChic
As this is a government press release, I am posting it in full, as permitted by Fair Use for this specific use.

RM Ruppersberger Statement on HSPCI Benghazi Report
Jul 31, 2014

“The House Intelligence Committee spent nearly two years looking at every aspect of the Intelligence Community’s activities before, during and after the attacks of September 11, 2012, in Benghazi Libya. The Committee spent thousands of hours in the course of the investigation, which included poring over pages of intelligence assessments, cables, notes and emails. The Committee held twenty briefings and hearings and conducted detailed interviews with senior intelligence officials and eyewitnesses to the attacks, including eight security personnel on the ground in Benghazi that night. The result is a bipartisan, factual, definitive report on what the Intelligence Community did and did not do.

This report shows that there was no intelligence failure surrounding the Benghazi attacks that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other brave Americans. Our investigation found the Intelligence Community warned about an increased threat environment, but did not have specific tactical warning of an attack before it happened, Americans which is consistent with testimony that the attacks appeared to be opportunistic. It also found that a mixed group of individuals including those associated with Al-Qaeda, Qadafi loyalists and other Libyan militias participated in the attack. Additionally, the report shows there was no “stand down order” given to American personnel attempting to offer assistance that evening, and no American was left behind.

The report also shows that the process used to develop the talking points was flawed, but that the talking points reflected the conflicting intelligence assessments in the days immediately following the crisis. Finally, the report demonstrates that there was no illegal activity or illegal arms sales occurring at U.S. facilities in Benghazi. And there was absolutely no evidence, in documents or testimony, that the Intelligence Community’s assessments were politically motivated in any way.

This bi-partisan report, adopted unanimously on July 31, 2014, and sent to the Intelligence Community for a declassification review, recognizes that only with a full accounting of the facts, separate from the swirl of rumors and unsupported allegations that have surfaced, can America ensure that tragedies like this don’t happen again.”

Benghazi: Reductio Ad Absurdum Redux
Jim Wright, Stonekettle Station
Monday, August 4, 2014

A year ago conservatives were positive, absolutely 100% without any doubt positive, that they had him. They were positive that they had grounds to impeach President Obama and Benghazi was the smoking gun.

Just one little, tiny, almost insignificant problem…

… seems the committee, led by Republicans, could find no, repeat no, repeat no, repeat no, evidence of deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama Administration.

After two years of investigation, after millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars, it turns out that, well, in the words of the report:

No one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given."

So all of the hullabaloo that surrounded Benghazi after it happened was media-fueled for ratings, seized upon by opponents to try to pin something on the administration, and amounted to nothing. Lovely.

As he goes on to point out, they are now wasting our tax dollars suing President Obama. Over Benghazi? No. For not implementing Obamacare fast enough. Seriously? Stop the absurdity.

Do I think this administration is perfect? Hell no. He's done plenty I absolutely disagree with and am very unhappy over, but I'm even more sick of this partisan waste of time and money. This Congress left for recess having passed none of the big bills facing them. So when they come back, they're going to focus on this ridiculous lawsuit, pass temporary band-aids for the stuff that HAS to be dealt with, and ignore the rest that is their job. Any normal person would be fired for that lousy of a job performance.

It's no wonder why approval ratings are at an all-time low...
though not that it matters considering incumbents keep getting voted in. :huh:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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05 Aug 2014 15:44 #427 by FredHayek
And the false cover story about the you-tube video is explained away as "flawed". What a bunch of crap!
Take the CIA's report and doctor it up. And then send Susan Rice to inform America what happened and don't provide her with the correct information.

Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.

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05 Aug 2014 16:58 #428 by Rick
And it doesn't say why Obama was still blaming the video and said he wasn't sure it was a terrorist attack two weeks after the terrorist attack. It's all on video record and his words do have meaning. I can somewhat understand Susan Rice being the fall gal for talking points that emphasized the video and not a terrorist attack (that Obama said he knew the next day), but I can't understand why Obama kept talking about the video weeks later unless he was intentionally trying to blame someone outside his administration. That was the lie of 2012.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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05 Aug 2014 18:34 #429 by otisptoadwater
Bi-partisan Congressional report or not, the Benghazi situation and the Obama Administration's handling in the subsequent days, weeks, and months that followed don't add up. So let's have a look-see at the potential influencing factors that might have help the members of Congress come to the conclusion that they reached:

1) It's an election year. Hey look, some members of Congress actually did something positive and it was a bi-partisan effort! Those people need to be re-elected.

2) The CIA had a hand in whatever it was that was going on around the Benghazi consulate; is the public getting various cover stories to protect various sources and methods?

3) Multiple complaints were lodged and requests were made to increase the security profile of the Benghazi consulate months before it was overrun.

4) Benghazi was a handy distraction for the Syrian situation and various other crisis du jour. There was and still is plenty of strife going on in Libya, Egypt, Israel, and Syria. Stack on the other Obama Administration failures, be they domestic or foreign and then ask yourself if the average American voter has reached the point of saturation.

Impeach Obama? Sue him for acting unlawfully? Just let Obama run his course and then deal with the shambles of what will be left of our country when his term is finally over? No matter which way you stack it up the damage is done. I suppose you could wait it out and see what happens thinking that things can't possibly get worse.

Last time I had a flat tire I pulled over right away and put the spare on, even managed to save the punctured tire and a nominal cost. I wonder what would have happened had I just kept on driving down the road mile after mile, day after day...

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges; When the Republic is at its most corrupt the laws are most numerous. - Publius Cornelius Tacitus

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05 Aug 2014 20:09 #430 by swansei
What a crock. Not buying any of the bipartisan Congressional Report. It's an election year and the issue has to be put to rest. Even more so when Hillary runs in 2016.

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation... One is by sword...The other is by debt." John Adams 1826.

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