Our apologies, we do not intend to annoy, we are just trying to make this forum a more inviting place for members and guests to read and participate.
Out of curiosity, what's the difference between moving entire threads (rather than splitting out individual posts that more appropriately belong in the Ring and leaving ones that are fine for the Courthouse) and just locking the whole Courthouse or
merging it with the Ring
so that topics aren't visible to guests?
chickaree wrote: It only seems that way if you are trying to get your tippy toes right up to the edge of it.
Seems to me more like you stay in one spot, and one day the line is far in front of you, but the next day you have crossed the line but you never moved.
It's not a big deal chickaree, just an observation, apparently we are now a more moderated board.....and if that is what the posters want, OK.
Well, wait a minute. A couple posters made claims about the tone of the posting here, that it was driving business away and we were losing good posters, that was pretty much debunked, but we got heavier moderation anyway....go figure.
Maybe VL is right, we are gradually becoming the board that many of the original posters left........it will be interesting to see how that all works out.