JeffCo school board decision draws questions re:transparency

31 Aug 2015 20:14 #191 by MountainMomma2
The review is no longer necessary because the college entrance board is doing the review and they agreed with the board majority....AP history is being reviewed and incidently the students that took to the streets in most cases could not explain why they were ditching class with signs union reps handed them...and it wasnt thousands....

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31 Aug 2015 20:20 #192 by MountainMomma2
they were assisted by union has been admitted that many of the signs were given to the kids. They were also misled in many cases by teachers complaining about their pay and generally spreading sour grapes to get the kids emotions riled up. Most of the kids were not even in AP question is who made the mis spelled signs we all saw? Was that union reps, teachers, parents or students?

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31 Aug 2015 20:29 #193 by MountainMomma2
I support that idea....the union spends hardly any money in Jeffco and spends a bunch in Washington on the liberal agenda. This is cronyism. The union should be about better work conditions for teachers and representing them well in negotiations and when one of them does something that gets them sued...instead the union tries to get them more money because that sells among the members-leaves them hi and dry on classroom sizes and training and frieks out when a strong board emerges who is actually representing the voters, the parents and the kids. What good is this kind of union anyway but false security?

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06 Sep 2015 10:48 #194 by Mountain-News-Events
Jeffco clerk confident recall will be part of November election
By Nicholas Garcia
Published: September 4, 2015

The Jefferson County clerk’s office expressed confidence Friday that a high-profile school board recall election can co-exist with a crowded November regular ballot and promised to address the Colorado Secretary of State’s concerns about whether it can pull it off.

“The staff and everybody looked at all the options possible,” said Beth Clippinger, spokeswoman for the clerk. “We talked to all the players in the game. This is the best possible plan for our voters and following state statute.”

The Secretary of State’s office sent a letter to the clerk Thursday raising concerns about the office’s decision to include the recall with the regular election.

Clippinger said the clerk’s office will respond early next with its game plan for combining the recall with the general election— an explanation required by law.


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06 Oct 2015 12:08 #195 by Mountain-News-Events
School board majority removes Jeffco PTA from District Accountability Committee
Published by LakewoodConnect
October 5, 2015

In a 3-2 vote Thursday October 1, 2015, the majority of the Jefferson County Board of Education voted to remove seats on the District Accountability Committee (DAC) that had been previously filled by the Jeffco Council PTA. Despite the attempts to retain these positions by board minority members Jill Fellman, and Lesley Dahlkemper, the decision was made to have no designated voice from the largest parent advocacy group in the district.

In her comments to the board, Jeffco PTA President, Angela Geier stated, “There are over 100 local PTA’s in the Jefferson County School District that serve on local School Accountability Committees. PTA members are informed, active and engaged. Excluding them from the DAC robs the district of a resource pool of experience that has benefited our district in many ways.”

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07 Oct 2015 13:45 #196 by Something the Dog Said

Mountain-News-Events wrote: School board majority removes Jeffco PTA from District Accountability Committee
Published by LakewoodConnect
October 5, 2015

In a 3-2 vote Thursday October 1, 2015, the majority of the Jefferson County Board of Education voted to remove seats on the District Accountability Committee (DAC) that had been previously filled by the Jeffco Council PTA. Despite the attempts to retain these positions by board minority members Jill Fellman, and Lesley Dahlkemper, the decision was made to have no designated voice from the largest parent advocacy group in the district.

In her comments to the board, Jeffco PTA President, Angela Geier stated, “There are over 100 local PTA’s in the Jefferson County School District that serve on local School Accountability Committees. PTA members are informed, active and engaged. Excluding them from the DAC robs the district of a resource pool of experience that has benefited our district in many ways.”

This action promotes transparency how? Removing parents from the oversight committee and replacing them with members solely chosen by the three majority members to oversee the actions of the Board is sure to inspire confidence the School Board.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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08 Oct 2015 15:44 #197 by ScienceChic
It promotes none at all and I'm frankly surprised they'd make this move at this juncture. It can only anger more parents as it signals even less connection with parents and cooperation with organizations that help make our schools function.

Witt's stunt today totally backfired on him too. Boy howdy.

JEFFCO Public Schools board president Ken Witt stunts for attention as he faces recall
Deb Stanley, Team
6:17 AM, Oct 8, 2015

LAKEWOOD, Colo. - The political posturing around the recall election for three JEFFCO Public Schools board members has soared to an absurd new level.

On Thursday morning, embattled board president Ken Witt said he was making a "major announcement" in regards to the recall he was facing.

When the media arrived, Witt announced he was filing an ethics complaint against himself and handed out copies of what he said he was mailing to the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission. He said he wants the ethics commission to open an investigation and issue an advisory opinion on whether he had violated the open meetings law, as some of the organizers of a recall against him claim.

However, opponents fired back, saying Witt was grandstanding. They called it a political stunt staged just days before ballots were set to go out in the mail.

The president of the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission, Amy C. DeVan, told 7NEWS that it appears Witt's request does not fall within the jurisdiction of the EIC...

When asked about the ethics commission and the scope of their authority on this issue, Witt evaded the question and said he just wants to shine light on the baseless claims by Jeffco United for Action.

Ken Witt, The Dumbest Man In Colorado Politics
by: Colorado Pols
- See more at:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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09 Oct 2015 08:04 #198 by Ashley
Haven't totally kept up but didn't 9 news say he wanted an advisory opinion from the Board as to whether they violated the sunshine laws or not? I don't see anything wrong with that.

But it does appear the JeffCO School Boards decision to dump the PTA people was the dumbest yet considering the already existing controversy. Don't have enough information on this one. Maybe getting rid of the agitators?

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10 Oct 2015 06:10 #199 by jf1acai
A source of information which I haven't seen mentioned before regarding Jeffco schools - .

Specifically related to DAC -

Volume 3, Issue 3 of the Jeffco Observer, which you can download from the home page, also includes a number of other interesting articles, including "Clearing up the Kindergarten Fog - Free for All or Free Based on Need?" on Page 6, "Is the Recall about Politics or Control?" on Page 9 and "Jeffco Recall Election Raises Timeless Issues" on Page 12.

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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13 Oct 2015 11:46 #200 by Something the Dog Said
Relevant article to this thread:
6 Scary Things You Need to Know about Colorado School Boards
1. School board candidates can accept unlimited amounts of money.
2. 2. State ethics rules and enforcement penalties do not apply to school boards.
3. Ads about school board candidates don’t have to be publicly reported like in other elections.
4. Colorado school board elections are magnets for out of state cash. For example, in the last Douglas County School Board election (2013), 74% of the contributions were from outside the county - half of that from outside the state. Almost all of the out of state money was from a Texas oil magnate and some guy named Jeb!
5. Voters don’t get timely info about the money behind school board candidates.
6. School boards can control budgets up to One Billion Dollars.

"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be batman. Then always be batman." Unknown

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