JeffCo school board decision draws questions re:transparency

03 Oct 2014 16:37 #141 by RenegadeCJ

jf1acai wrote: What are they protesting about now? Last night, after listening to the protests, the board voted not to create a new committee, but rather to revise the current committees to include students and the public, and make their meetings transparent, with required minutes and majority and minority reports.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me, so why are the protests continuing?

Because it was never about the curriculum. It is about union control. Period.

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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03 Oct 2014 17:20 - 04 Oct 2014 06:49 #142 by LOL
"What are they protesting now?"

"Our plan is to line Wadsworth Blvd. in Jefferson County during rush hour (4-6 p.m.). You'll need to make signs and determine what intersection you'd like to stand at."

Brilliant! Thanks for making my 1/2 hour commute 1 hour, and for the extra distractions, horn honking and possible traffic danger with all the distracted drivers during Friday rush hour trying to get home from work!

Wadsworth was a mess again tonite. It hasn't been that bad since the last time that idiot Joe Biden was in town! LOL

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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04 Oct 2014 18:26 - 04 Oct 2014 18:58 #143 by Arlen

ScienceChic wrote: Not to bring partisanship into this, but I'm pretty sure that if a liberal majority had done this, there would be outraged screaming from the right at the lack of transparency and possible illegality of it, not to mention the cost to the taxpayers. I'm concerned because there aren't many official news stories on it (so much for the "liberal media" :biggrin: ).

Maybe I'm dense, but it looks as if you fully well intended to bring partisanship into this!

"Not to say that your mother is ugly, but, my goodness, your mother is ugly!"

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07 Oct 2014 16:46 #144 by Blazer Bob

BlazerBob wrote:

ScienceChic wrote: Have we gotten to a point that we no longer trust academics, who have made the in-depth study of history their career, and afford them less credibility than a citizen-elected public person on a school board who has admitted that she hasn't even reviewed the material herself, and who wishes to establish a committee of fellow regular citizens, who may or may not have any experience creating or evaluating course material?

yes, we have.

"I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.

William F. Buckley, Jr.


Now more than ever.

A smart man. How do I know? He agrees with me. LOL

"What good are "elites" who couldn't successfully manage a fast food restaurant, who are morally inferior to the average person, and who regularly fail at the jobs they're supposedly "experts" at? What good are "intellectuals" who habitually say ridiculous things, who are hostile to God, country and capitalism and who don’t have any common sense?

There was a time when the "elite" truly seemed to be better than most people.

For example, Leonardo da Vinci was an architect, cartographer, engineer, painter, sculptor, writer and legendary inventor among other things. Socrates was a superb stonecutter, soldier, politician and philosopher. Galileo studied medicine, mathematics, physics and has been referred to as "the father of modern science." For much of human history even the lesser "elites" from noble families had a tremendous advantage over the average man in a time when an education was hard to come by and their wealth and position in society provided them with opportunities to acquire skills that the general populace couldn't.

Today, in a world where there is a nearly infinite supply of news sources, there are far fewer shared activities than there used to be; college educations are commonplace and people can become extraordinarily wealthy based on a terribly narrow skillset.

That means the talented actors, programmers, and investment bankers may be geniuses at what they do, but once you get outside their field of expertise, they’re not “elite” in any other area. Is there any reason to trust Warren Buffet’s opinion on immigration? Is Al Gore really smarter than other people when it comes to global warming? Should Sean Penn really be anyone’s “go to” guy on which economic system is best for America? They may have fame and wealth, but outside of their narrow little areas of expertise, there’s nothing “elite” about any of them.

Even worse are the legions of “elites” and “intellectuals” who haven’t accomplished anything of note, truly proven their intellect or shown that they’re particularly good at anything.

For example, what accomplishments led anyone to believe that Barack Obama was ready to be President or that the Democrat Party’s assumed candidate in 2016, Hillary Clinton, is up to the job? Neither of them are stunning intellects. Neither have led particularly accomplished lives given the gravitas of the presidency. Neither of them seem to be extraordinarily gifted at anything. If either of them were unknown, it seems unlikely that they could successfully run their own small businesses or work their way up through the ranks "...

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14 Oct 2014 20:09 #145 by Mountain-News-Events
Agenda for the October 16 Jeffco School Board Meeting
Special Meeting-S/D Session

Location: Board Room, Education Center
5th fl., Board Room, 1829 Denver West Drive, Bldg. 27, Golden, CO

The Board of Education meeting can be watched online via streaming video at: .

1. Preliminary
1.01 Location: Board Room, Education Center (streaming)

1.02 Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.

1.03 Roll Call

1.04 Approve Agenda

2. Study/Dialogue Session
2.01 Monitoring: Student Achievement (Ends 1-3)
[This item has files attached]

2.02 Status Update on Assessments (Ends 1-5)
[This item has files attached]

2.03 Superintendent Goals 2014-2015
[This item has files attached]

3. Adjournment

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15 Oct 2014 18:07 #146 by Mountain-News-Events
In case you are interested in attending:
Panel Discussion: Jeffco Student Movement and Beyond: The Politics of Reform in Public Schools

Please join us this Thursday evening as we listen to students leaders and teachers from Jeffco and a former Dougco teacher talk about recent changes in their school boards and how those changes have ignited resistance across the region. This event is co-hosted by UCD Political Science Club, UCD Social Justice Minor, and UCD Political Science Department

Auraria Campus, Science Building room 1067
October 16, 2014 at 6:00pm - 8:00pm

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15 Oct 2014 20:46 #147 by jf1acai
Sounds like it will be very interesting.

I know it is asking a lot, but it would be nice if you, or someone, could record it and make it available for those of us who can't be there ;)

Thank You for all the information you provide!!

Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again - Jeanne Pincha-Tulley

Comprehensive is Latin for there is lots of bad stuff in it - Trey Gowdy

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16 Oct 2014 08:45 #148 by ScienceChic
Sorry jf, tonight I am attending/volunteering at the Combined Conifer Area & Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce Mixer at American Restoration. I'd love to be at this though, and hear from the students themselves firsthand.

So this came to my attention yesterday, and I feel this is from an important source to consider - the League of Women Voters is nonpartisan , takes no stance on candidates or legislation, rather works to inform voters so they become educated and engaged. They released this statement on Oct 6th:

League Responses to School Board Actions
October 6, 2014

Letter from LWV to Jeffco BOE: Follow Your Own Policies!

Controversy about the Jefferson County Board of Education's actions has made local and national news lately. However, the League of Women Voters of Jefferson County feels that beyond specific issues, there is an underlying problem in the board's governance.

For many years the Jeffco League of Women Voters has had a team of volunteer observers regularly attending the meetings of the Jefferson County Board of Education. During 2014, those observers have become increasingly concerned at the way in which these board meetings have been conducted.

A basic principle of the League of Women Voters is that democratic government depends upon informed and active participation in government and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen's right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings and making public records accessible. The League supports ". . procedures, and practices for elected boards...which ensure accountability, representativeness, decision-making capability, effective performance, and openness."

Members of the Jefferson County Board of Education have repeatedly broken the public trust by disregarding long-standing protocols. They have made decisions with little discussion and with limited facts on immediate and long term impacts, and without notifying district staff and two board members. It has been clear to observers that decisions have been made outside the public forum provided by open meetings.

The Jefferson County Board of Education has disregarded its own stated policies. Under the title Governance Process-Board Member Covenants-GP-08, the following statement appears: In order to build efficient and effective relationships, Board members commit to communications that build mutual expectations and trust...
-Build and practice trust.
-Maintain focus on shared goals.
-Communicate in a timely manner to avoid surprises.
-Withhold judgment on issues until fully informed and discussed.
-Share information and knowledge which constructively contributes to Board work.... We will not ...
- Maintain hidden agendas.

The League supports strong adherence to Colorado's Sunshine Law. The time has come to bring openness and collaboration back to the operations of the Jefferson County Board of Education.

Pat Mesec, President, Jefferson County League of Women Voters

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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06 Nov 2014 16:40 #149 by Mountain-News-Events
Nov 06, 2014 - Regular Meeting
Study/Dialogue Session 5:30 pm
Location: Board Room, Education Center (streaming)
Type Procedural

5th fl., Board Room, 1829 Denver West Drive, Bldg. 27, Golden, CO

The Board of Education meeting can be watched online via streaming video at (new):

1. Study/Dialogue Session 5:30 pm
1.01 Location: Board Room, Education Center (streaming)
1.02 Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) Discussion

2. Preliminary
2.01 Call to Order-6:30 pm
2.02 Welcome to Audience
2.03 Pledge of Allegiance
2.04 Roll Call
2.05 Approve Agenda

3. Honors, Recognition and School Reports
3.01 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching: Carolyn Jordan/Normandy

4. Public Agenda Part One
4.01 Correspondence-November 6, 2014
[This item has files attached]
4.02 Public Comment (Agenda Related)

5. Consent Agenda
5.01 Approval of Minutes-August 23, 2014
5.02 Approval of Minutes-September 18, 2014
5.03 Approval of Minutes-October 2, 2014
5.04 Approval of Minutes-October 16, 2014
5.05 Monitoring: EL-7, Asset Protection
[This item has files attached]
5.06 Monitoring: EL 14, School Year Calendar
[This item has files attached]
5.07 Charter School: Subordination and Right To Cure Agreement-Jefferson Academy (EL-13)
[This item has files attached]
5.08 Recommendation for Dismissal of a Teacher (EL-3)
[This item has files attached]
5.09 Employment (EL-3)
[This item has files attached]
5.10 Resignations/Terminations (EL-3)
[This item has files attached]
5.11 Administrative Appointments (EL-3)
[This item has files attached]
5.12 Supplemental Funds Notification: November, 2014
[This item has files attached]
5.13 Contract Renewal: District Trash, Recycling Services (EL-7)
[This item has files attached]
5.14 Contract Award: Vehicle Fuel 2014 (EL-7)
[This item has files attached]
5.15 Contract Award: Zonar Bus and White Fleet Tracking systems (EL-8)
[This item has files attached]
5.16 Contract Award: District Wide General and Mechanical Improvements Evergreen and Conifer Articulation Areas (EL-8)
[This item has files attached]
5.17 Contract Award: District Wide (DW) Mechanical Upgrades Arvada, Arvada West Articulation (EL-8)
[This item has files attached]
5.18 Contract Award: DW Mechanical Upgrades Chatfield/Columbine Articulation (EL-8)
[This item has files attached]
5.19 Contract Award: District-wide Fire and Security Replacement Project 3 Site Bid Package (EL-8)
[This item has files attached]
5.20 Contract Award: District Wide North and Central Fire Alarm and Security Upgrades (EL-8)

6. Ends Discussion
6.01 Charter School Application: Alexandria School of Innovation (EL-13)
[This item has files attached]
6.02 Charter School Application: Golden View Classical Academy(EL-13)
[This item has files attached]
6.03 Student Achievement-Third Grade Reading (Ends 1)
6.04 Superintendent Goals Finalized

7. Discussion Agenda
7.01 2015/16 Budget Development Community Engagement Tool (EL-11)

8. Policy Work
8.01 Policy Revision: GP-13, Committee Structure
[This item has files attached]
8.02 Policy Revision: EL-14, School Year Calendar
[This item has files attached]
8.03 Policy Review: GP-15, Cost of Governance
8.04 Policy Review: GP-16, Monitoring Board GP and B/SL Policies
8.05 Monitoring: EL-6, Financial Administration
[This item has files attached]
8.06 Monitoring: EL-13, Charter Schools Application and Monitoring

9. Public Agenda Part Two
9.01 Public Comment (Not On Agenda)

10. Develop Next Agenda
10.01 Board Work Calendar
10.02 Special and Regular Meetings of November 20 and December 11, 2014

11. Adjournment

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06 Nov 2014 16:45 #150 by ScienceChic
Sent by the 285 Corridor Tea Party:

JeffCo School Board Meeting
Thursday, November 6, 2014 6:30 pm

The JeffCo School Board is holding a meeting tonight to discuss adding two Charter Schools as options for students in Jefferson County.

The National Education Association (NEA), America's LARGEST labor union, opposes charter schools because charters are exempt from the union contract signed by the district.

The NEA will pack the room. Please get there as early as possible. Lines will form outside and the main room may be full as early as 5:30 pm. The remainder of the people will sit in overflow seating with a video/audio feed.

During the last meeting, NEA members booed loudly when the charter school presenters suggested support for the principle of American Exceptionalism!

Union advocates will turn out en masse to KILL the expansion of charter schools. Please come come to the meeting to let school board members know you support school choice!

The meeting will be held at:

1829 Denver West Drive, Building 27
5th Floor Board Room
Golden, CO 80401

Here's some information on the schools that the National Education Association (NEA) hates!

Golden View Classical Academy
Points to emphasize include:

GVCA is modeled after other top Colorado schools like Liberty Common, Ridgeview Classical, and D'Evelyn Jr/Sr High School.
Proven and successful JeffCo schools like Dennison and D'Evelyn are unable to meet community demand, requiring another option at these levels.
JeffCo Schools has identified a need for additional student seats due to new development in Solterra and north of Table Mountain, areas Golden View Classical will serve.
JeffCo Schools has recognized a Core Knowledge option is needed in central JeffCo.
The top performing STEM schools in Colorado offer a well-rounded liberal arts program like GVCA
Golden View Classical Academy has strong enrollment momentum, adding 100 new students in the past month, and 100 student the 45 days prior to that.

Alexandria School of Innovation
Points to emphasize include:

Alexandria School of Innovation has a curriculum focused on a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics -- a STEAM-focus.
Alexandria School of Innovation will give parents in our community a new choice for a unique K-12 STEAM education option
ASI is unique for Jeff Co Public Schools in that it follows an incubator model where students will engage in hands-on engineering labs.
ASI will incorporate collaborative partnerships between parents, universities, and business and industry leaders.
ASI supports building the pipeline of qualified engineers, computer programmers, scientists and mathematicians necessary to fill millions of jobs for a skilled workforce in the next 10-15 years.
ASI will be a launching pad for meeting the needs of our business and engineering workforce demands in aerospace, biomedical, computer science, renewable energy and other engineering branches.
ASI will empower K-12 students to pursue science, mathematics, and engineering careers.
ASI will support the goals for a strong economy in the Jeff Co and Denver Metro area.

Hope to see you there.

285 Corridor Tea Party
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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