Obama drops 'Creator' from Declaration quote

21 Sep 2010 10:35 #41 by The Viking

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote: Yes it is true and they are just upset that all of Obama's moronic moves get spread throughout the right wing media because they know that the main stream liberal media is totally in bed with him and will rarely report negatives truths about him. .

I believe it is more an issue of the mainstream media will not report innuendo and lies, the right wing media has no such scruples.

IT IS ON VIDEO RIGHT OUT OF HIS MOUTH!!! HOW IS IT AN INNUENDO OR LIE? Wow, you guys can't even believe your own eyes!! You are that blinded by the left and the media!

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21 Sep 2010 10:38 #42 by netdude
I guess what is the most amusing about these types of posts..... LJ, I know you have done this... is if you google ANY of the 'Subjects' posted here, the top 30-40 sites returned are all right-wing hit job sites. I have to say, the RW is VERY adept and has built quite the network of babbling misfits to spread their mis-information. I am in awe, and quite impressed. So much effort to just to get a bunch of out-of-context/mis-quotes/mis-information out to the ignorant masses.

And we wonder how the Tea Party has been able to build so much hate and anger. If you read half the batsh** crazy stuff they do and are naive enough to believe it's true... yeah, I can see how they got there. I just wish they actually built it on real things that are wrong with our government and not what a bunch of rich right wing crazies want you to believe is wrong with it. Basically, these same rich right wing crazies are getting these ignorant masses to do their bidding, to build a government that is for the rich an corporate and never for the citizens. This is why the RW votes against their own self interest in such large numbers every time.....

Wow, this is interesting to sit back and watch. Yep, r's will gain control of house maybe senate in Nov. That we can all see.. even without some who post here's hollow cowardly proclamations and chest thumping.

They the corporate concubine AKA republicans will then be able to even further embed corporate greed and their own best interest in to our laws.

Dems aren't perfect and have way to many ties to lobbyists themselves, but they are somewhat better then anything the r's throw out there. I really don't nor ever liked hoyer nor pelosi, and if someone actually came up with a party that was REALLY for the people, socially responsible and fiscally conservative, I would join in a heartbeat. I was registered independent until 2007 and have no problems changing to another party, it just will never be the bend over and take it repubs.....

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21 Sep 2010 10:58 #43 by archer

The Viking wrote:

archer wrote:

The Viking wrote: Yes it is true and they are just upset that all of Obama's moronic moves get spread throughout the right wing media because they know that the main stream liberal media is totally in bed with him and will rarely report negatives truths about him. .

I believe it is more an issue of the mainstream media will not report innuendo and lies, the right wing media has no such scruples.

IT IS ON VIDEO RIGHT OUT OF HIS MOUTH!!! HOW IS IT AN INNUENDO OR LIE? Wow, you guys can't even believe your own eyes!! You are that blinded by the left and the media!


All this from the very people who squealed like stuck pigs every time their fearless leaders were quoted as saying something a little off.... This is so much fun, conservatives are almost frothing at the mouth to find outrage in anything they can. That time searching right wing blogs might better be spent vetting your new tea party candidates....oh, silly me, they will get a pass on whatever they may say because it is always followed by "lower taxes, smaller government" buzz words that bring forgivness from the conservatives for whatever else they may say. I found it interesting that it was not a liberal who brought up O'Donnels witchcraft quote, most liberals are willing to let the foibles of the opposing party speak for them self without making an "outrage of the day" out of it.

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21 Sep 2010 11:38 #44 by Nmysys
Oh the liberals never say anything against the right?

I seem to remember constant haranguing of Bush, including calls for trials of Bush after he left office. Neither side is innocent of these kind of things. It's just our turn. At least we have admitted that Bush wasn't perfect, still waiting on you :Koolaid: drinkers.

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21 Sep 2010 13:44 #45 by Wayne Harrison
I agree. Bush wasn't perfect. Neither is Obama.

Get over it.

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21 Sep 2010 13:53 #46 by archer

Nmysys wrote: Oh the liberals never say anything against the right?

I seem to remember constant haranguing of Bush, including calls for trials of Bush after he left office. Neither side is innocent of these kind of things. It's just our turn. At least we have admitted that Bush wasn't perfect, still waiting on you :Koolaid: drinkers.

I did not say liberals never say anything against the right did I? I simply said I....and many liberals....don't make an "outrage of the day" out of the silly misstatements or conversational foibles of the right....there are so many more substantive reasons to be outraged about when it comes to the "right wingers" in power.

I have often posted that Obama is not perfect/ is not doing what I had hoped he would....he wasn't even my original choice for President, there is plenty to be critical about. He was, however, much better than the alternative we were given. Koolaid so far is preferable to the hemlock the right is offering this nation.

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21 Sep 2010 16:26 #47 by bailey bud

http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-off ... d-annual-a

He did in fact paraphrase the Declaration of Independence. But he did say "all men are created equal" - and ended the talk with "God Bless America..." I doubt he's trying to take G-d out. I've written speeches, before - and generally avoid using any single word twice in a sentence. I likely would have paraphrased, as well. It's more of a stylistic edit than a philosophical revision.

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21 Sep 2010 22:12 #48 by The Viking

bailey bud wrote: Transcript:

http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-off ... d-annual-a

He did in fact paraphrase the Declaration of Independence. But he did say "all men are created equal" - and ended the talk with "God Bless America..." I doubt he's trying to take G-d out. I've written speeches, before - and generally avoid using any single word twice in a sentence. I likely would have paraphrased, as well. It's more of a stylistic edit than a philosophical revision.

I know. It's no big deal. Let's do it with the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law stopping anytype of religious freedom anywhere, anytime, or prohibiting anyone from the free exercise of praying where and when they want or putting the ten comandments where they want or teaching Christianity in schools to every kid, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

This is fun!!! And now the first amendment reads like I want it to. You are right paraphrasing doesn't change anything.

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22 Sep 2010 06:46 #49 by Wayne Harrison
Thanks for posting the transcript. What a great speach.

Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. To British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, to Mexican -- (applause) -- to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land. We didn’t always get along. But over the centuries, what eventually bound us together -- what made us all Americans -- was not a matter of blood, it wasn’t a matter of birth. It was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That’s what makes us unique. That’s what makes us strong. The ability to recognize our common humanity; to remember that in this country, equality and opportunity are not just words on a piece of paper, they’re not just words in the mouths of politicians -- they are promises to be kept.

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22 Sep 2010 07:16 #50 by bailey bud
I agree, Wayne - President Obama makes great speaches.

Not much for the mindless hysteria.

I'd rather ask the critical question --- are things better than they were?

So far, my opinion is hanging.

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