Dear Angry American, Joining Tea Party NOT Your Only Option

23 Sep 2010 08:57 #1 by Wayne Harrison
Dear Angry American, Joining the Tea Party Is NOT Your Only Option

The Tea Party is angry! Really, really angry. So we are told again and again by the media. According to the conventional wisdom, it's the story of the election, and likely the next one: those opposed to Obama are angry and have coalesced around the Tea Party. But like much conventional wisdom, it's wrong.

There's no doubt the Tea Partiers are angry. But what's missing from this narrative is the fact that everybody is angry.

So no wonder it's not just Tea Partiers who are angry. And if we keep associating anger exclusively with the Tea Party, our public debate becomes a false choice between the status quo and an agenda that would, quite simply, destroy America. ... 34664.html

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23 Sep 2010 09:06 #2 by The Viking

Wayne Harrison wrote: Dear Angry American, Joining the Tea Party Is NOT Your Only Option

The Tea Party is angry! Really, really angry. So we are told again and again by the media. According to the conventional wisdom, it's the story of the election, and likely the next one: those opposed to Obama are angry and have coalesced around the Tea Party. But like much conventional wisdom, it's wrong.

There's no doubt the Tea Partiers are angry. But what's missing from this narrative is the fact that everybody is angry.

So no wonder it's not just Tea Partiers who are angry. And if we keep associating anger exclusively with the Tea Party, our public debate becomes a false choice between the status quo and an agenda that would, quite simply, destroy America. ... 34664.html

rofllol rofllol You drama queens!!! An agenda that would destroy America? rofllol rofllol

SO the options are status quo, which the dems keep voting for and will complain but wont' vote any of the 'status quo' Dems out who got us in this mess after 4 years controlling congress and all the bills that have taken us here. Or the other option, is smaller government, lower taxes, 'REFOMING' the health care bill, not throwing out everything good we ever had and starting over with a mess. Personal responsibility, more transparency in our government, less wasteful spending, and those are the issues that you say will 'destroy' America? This is why we can't have pacifists running the country. They are scared of change and scared of everything. He ran on change but once he got in, he got scared and not only is doing more of the same but 10 times more what we voted against!

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23 Sep 2010 09:09 #3 by The Viking
So Wayne other than the Dems voting in the exact same people who got us here. They have not changed one person in a primary. So what are the other options? Scream 'The Sky is falliing' is the Tea Party gets in? I hae not heard one other option and there sure hasn't been one action of voting out the problems. So is it just all talk with the Dems?

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23 Sep 2010 09:15 #4 by Grady
Arianna is partially correct, joining a Tea Party Group is not the only option, if you are angry, get active, join a group, become involved. Go out and support a cause or candidate. That’s the goal of the local group. Arianna is wrong however in her assessment that the Tea Party movement will “destroy America”, hopefully it will destroy her vision of a progressive socialistic all powerful controlling government.

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23 Sep 2010 09:16 #5 by RenegadeCJ

Wayne Harrison wrote: And if we keep associating anger exclusively with the Tea Party, our public debate becomes a false choice between the status quo and an agenda that would, quite simply, destroy America. ... 34664.html within our means as country, and having personal responsibility will destroy America? Come on Wayne, shouldn't you be decrying this over the top statement???

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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23 Sep 2010 09:20 #6 by The Viking

RenegadeCJ wrote:

Wayne Harrison wrote: And if we keep associating anger exclusively with the Tea Party, our public debate becomes a false choice between the status quo and an agenda that would, quite simply, destroy America. ... 34664.html within our means as country, and having personal responsibility will destroy America? Come on Wayne, shouldn't you be decrying this over the top statement???

I never hear any Dems decry over logic. They only complain, keep doign the same thig and voting in the same people, and wonder why things aren't changing. Then they try and stop others who are really working for and voting for change. I would really love to know what they actually want? Is the complaining all an act and htye are happy with where this country is? If not, then why don't they do something about it rather than trying to destroy those who are trying?

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23 Sep 2010 09:22 - 23 Sep 2010 09:24 #7 by The Viking

RenegadeCJ wrote:

Wayne Harrison wrote: And if we keep associating anger exclusively with the Tea Party, our public debate becomes a false choice between the status quo and an agenda that would, quite simply, destroy America. ... 34664.html within our means as country, and having personal responsibility will destroy America? Come on Wayne, shouldn't you be decrying this over the top statement???

Oh and yes, living within our means as country, and having personal responsibility will destroy the Socialistic America that many Democrats want. They want more turmoil and chaos so people desire socialism. And if someone like the Tea Party fights for another way to keep our Republic and capitalism alive, they have to shut them down or socialism will not make it.

Look at everything this Democratic congress has voted for in the last 4 years to get us here. They know that teaching personal responsibility is the kryptonite to their dream of a socialist America.

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23 Sep 2010 09:24 #8 by Wayne Harrison
The Tea Party wants to slash government spending/programs, forgetting the money spent actually goes into the economy.

Just wait till our infrastructure is crumbling from lack of government spending and people are out of work with nowhere to turn.

You go tell the highway construction workers on 285 they're out of a job because you're stopping the stimulus. Tell the mother her kid is going to die because you're overturning health care reform, tell a homeowner in trouble they're losing their home because you're not lending money to banks in trouble, tell an elderly couple there's no more social security, no food stamps, no medicare. They're all on their own.

Look how great the TABOR amendment worked out for Colorado.

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23 Sep 2010 09:33 #9 by The Viking

Wayne Harrison wrote: The Tea Party wants to slash government spending/programs, forgetting the money spent actually goes into the economy.

Just wait till our infrastructure is crumbling from lack of government spending and people are out of work with nowhere to turn.

Look how great the TABOR amendment worked out for Colorado.

Our governemnt spending has more than quadrupled in the last few years. Did our country and infrastructure grow that much in a few years? Really? We need to get it back into the PRIVATE sector to create jobs. Not the government where they spend $500 on a toilet seat. There is more than enough money for our infrastructure if it is spent right. And the government is not good at that at all. You give them $100,000 for a bridge they will build it. You give them $1 million for the same bridge, they will find a way to spend it. THE GOVERNMENT WASTES OUR MONEY. They need to learn to live within a budget like the rest of us do.

And again, stop with the drama queen crap about our infrastructure falling down around us and bridges collapsing if they don't get more money. THE MONEY IS THERE! They just have to be responsible with it and use it wisely and keep doing what we have done for decades. They don't all of the sudden need 4 times the amount of money for the same work.

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23 Sep 2010 09:41 #10 by Wayne Harrison
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Who among us has not wanted to open their window and shout that at the top of their lungs?

Seriously, who?

Because we're looking for those people. We're looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn't be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it's appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. Or Charlie Chaplin in certain roles.

Are you one of those people? Excellent. Then we'd like you to join us in Washington, DC on October 30 -- a date of no significance whatsoever -- at the Daily Show's "Rally to Restore Sanity." Ours is a rally for the people who've been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) -- not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence... we couldn't. That's sort of the point.

Think of our event as Woodstock, but with the nudity and drugs replaced by respectful disagreement; the Million Man March, only a lot smaller, and a bit less of a sausage fest; or the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we'll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila. Join us in the shadow of the Washington Monument. And bring your indoor voice. Or don't. If you'd rather stay home, go to work, or drive your kids to soccer practice... Actually, please come anyway. Ask the sitter if she can stay a few extra hours, just this once. We'll make it worth your while.

Need a ride or a place to stay at the rally? Connect with other Daily Show fans in the forums.

Keep checking back for updates and rally information.

(You can also attend the "Keep Fear Alive" counter-rally sponsored by Stephen Colbert at the same time/place)

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