I'm glad NPR fired Juan Williams

21 Oct 2010 13:35 #1 by Travelingirl
They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

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21 Oct 2010 13:39 #2 by Grady

travelingirl wrote: They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

You are correct, NPR has shown it's true colors.

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21 Oct 2010 13:58 #3 by Scruffy

travelingirl wrote: They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

Are you saying that NPR should have kept Williams in their employ, even though he said such hateful things about a religion? I don't view that as Political Correctness, that's just ignorance on Williams part.

I'm sorry that you feel trepidation when you board a plane that has people dressed in their muslim garb. Do you really have such little faith in the TSA and the screening process?

Finally, Fox is not fair & balanced - you can't be both at the same time. I've noticed many people can't really discern the difference between being fair and being balanced. One can make a fair assessment of an argument on a particular subject without being balanced. Likewise, someone can be balanced in their presentation of a subject without being fair.

A fair news organization would be quick to point out the flaws in an argument being presented; problem is, when a journalist on CNN or NPR tries to do this, they are accused of having a 'liberal bias', which is of course, patently absurd. It's because these legitimate news organizations used to be fair by being skeptical, asking penetrating questions, and calling people on their lies and distortions. Problem is, conservatives would prefer not to deal with those pesky inquiries, because they so easily and effectively poke holes in their plans and make their agenda more difficult to sell.

So they push for a balanced portrayal of the news instead. This allows conservatives to lie and distort, present half-truths as fact, spin current events and policy ruthlessly and without shame. Balanced coverage lets the lies sit, which of course, favors the liar, and not the audience who desires truthful coverage. As long as an "opposing" side is presented, a balanced portrayal of the news only means that two diametrically opposed sides have to be shown. No exploration, no inquiry, no skepticism, no real journalism, nothing of substance is involved or necessary. It’s truly a sickening trend, but shows the depth of success conservatives have had of de-fanging the media for the simply purpose of pursuing their own nefarious agenda. Lie and call the media “liberal”, create a significant stigma around the term “liberal” in the media, make those
journalists who pursue FAIR reporting fear being branded a member of the “liberal media” as a result of their fair reporting and investigating, until most journalists resort to BALANCED reporting because it’s less likely to be as easily mislabeled as “liberal”, totally disbanding the concept of fairness (and accuracy) altogether for a diluted and bland form of sensationalistic "balanced" reporting more conducive to fabricating and perpetuating propaganda and lies. Much of the so-called 'liberal media' has kow-towed to this probably only subconsciously. They censor themselves by not digging too deep, not asking the tough questions for fear of losing access, reporting the Bush administration mantras as news, unquestioned, unfettered.

Balanced, but not Fair.

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21 Oct 2010 14:05 #4 by The Viking

Scruffy wrote:

travelingirl wrote: They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

Are you saying that NPR should have kept Williams in their employ, even though he said such hateful things about a religion? I don't view that as Political Correctness, that's just ignorance on Williams part.

I'm sorry that you feel trepidation when you board a plane that has people dressed in their muslim garb. Do you really have such little faith in the TSA and the screening process?

You really didn't listen to what he said did you? Millions of people have the thought run through their head when they see Muslim garb on a plane. It is just what happens since 9-11. You are saying that not for one second has that thought ever crossed your mind when you see someone wearing a turbin? Bullcrap! So people are not allowed to be honest and say what they are truely feeling anymore without being afraid of being fired? NPR is a perfect example of how the liberal left wants to silence people and if you have any opinion that is not the same as theirs, you are not welcome and must be punished. It is sad for Juan. He really is an honest and respectable guy.

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21 Oct 2010 14:09 #5 by Scruffy

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

travelingirl wrote: They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

Are you saying that NPR should have kept Williams in their employ, even though he said such hateful things about a religion? I don't view that as Political Correctness, that's just ignorance on Williams part.

I'm sorry that you feel trepidation when you board a plane that has people dressed in their muslim garb. Do you really have such little faith in the TSA and the screening process?

You really didn't listen to what he said did you? Millions of people have the thought run through their head when they see Muslim garb on a plane. It is just what happens since 9-11. You are saying that not for one second has that thought ever crossed your mind when you see someone wearing a turbin? Bullcrap! So people are not allowed to be honest and say what they are truely feeling anymore without being afraid of being fired? NPR is a perfect example of how the liberal left wants to silence people and if you have any opinion that is not the same as theirs, you are not welcome and must be punished. It is sad for Juan. He really is an honest and respectable guy.

Nope. Not for one second does that sh** ever cross my mind.

It is unfortunate that Williams thinks that way. Most people do not - at least most people I associate with. It is an ignorant stereotype that he helped to perpetuate. NPR did the right thing by asking him to leave, since they are (in my opinion) the fairest news organization in town. They present issues thoughtfully - not with all the drama and fear that FOX throws at the back of your tv screen.

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21 Oct 2010 14:13 #6 by HEARTLESS
Is your Kool Aid IV drip adjusted properly? :Koolaid:

The silent majority will be silent no more.

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21 Oct 2010 14:35 #7 by Scruffy
Good comeback.

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21 Oct 2010 14:38 #8 by Travelingirl

Scruffy wrote:

The Viking wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

travelingirl wrote: They validated what many have been saying for years - that NPR is left-leaning in their news reporting. I like Juan Williams and appreciate his perspectives. It's too bad he is the latest victim of Political Correctness. He's liberal in his views but he's considerate of those who don't agree with him. Whether on Fox or NPR, he's one person I will stop and listen to. He made a valid point that he and many Americans have been conditioned to fear muslims dressed in their garb, boarding planes. I travel quite a bit and will be honest in saying I feel a bit of trepidation when I board planes with folks dressed as such.

So much for free speech. I hope he continues to contribute to Fox. At least they shuffle their feet in their attempt to keep things "fair and balanced" by having professionals like Juan Williams on to opine. I'm sure with a little investiagation we will find other NPR analysts, reporters and contributors who have expressed their personal positions on various political topics. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.

Are you saying that NPR should have kept Williams in their employ, even though he said such hateful things about a religion? I don't view that as Political Correctness, that's just ignorance on Williams part.

I'm sorry that you feel trepidation when you board a plane that has people dressed in their muslim garb. Do you really have such little faith in the TSA and the screening process?

You really didn't listen to what he said did you? Millions of people have the thought run through their head when they see Muslim garb on a plane. It is just what happens since 9-11. You are saying that not for one second has that thought ever crossed your mind when you see someone wearing a turbin? Bullcrap! So people are not allowed to be honest and say what they are truely feeling anymore without being afraid of being fired? NPR is a perfect example of how the liberal left wants to silence people and if you have any opinion that is not the same as theirs, you are not welcome and must be punished. It is sad for Juan. He really is an honest and respectable guy.

Nope. Not for one second does that sh** ever cross my mind.

It is unfortunate that Williams thinks that way. Most people do not - at least most people I associate with. It is an ignorant stereotype that he helped to perpetuate. NPR did the right thing by asking him to leave, since they are (in my opinion) the fairest news organization in town. They present issues thoughtfully - not with all the drama and fear that FOX throws at the back of your tv screen.

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..." - Senator Barack Obama

Oh the double standards. What an "ignorant stereotype" Obama helped perpetuate. You really live under a rock if you honestly think NPR "presents issues thoughtfully" without bias. And name ONE network or cable news/opinion program that invites as many liberals and conservatives on their programs as Fox. Juan Williams is an intelligent man. He's not going to be one of their schills.

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21 Oct 2010 14:42 #9 by LadyJazzer

travelingirl wrote: And name ONE network or cable news/opinion program that invites as many liberals and conservatives on their programs as Fox.

"POTUS" (Politics of the United States) channel on XM-radio... Unlike FauxNews, they really ARE "fair and balanced" and present both sides without slant.

(SIRIUS channel 110 and XM channel 130)

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21 Oct 2010 14:49 #10 by Scruffy

travelingirl wrote: And name ONE network or cable news/opinion program that invites as many liberals and conservatives on their programs as Fox.

How about instead of letting political harpies onto the FOX Entertainment Channel, we have actual political analysis. I'm sick of having politicians on teevee shows come on and do their song & dance stump speeches, posturing and refudiating about their political outrage of the day.

When you listen to NPR, they give both sides of the issue without allowing the emotions and politics of the day to cloud the analysis. That's what journalism is meant to be. It's not about having each side on so you can claim you are balanced. It's about hearing both sides of the issue so you can be fair.

I'm not surprised that my "fair & balanced" rant in my post above was ignored. It's been ignored before in other places, as well. Most people don't seem to understand the difference. Oh, well.

BTW - the FOX way of having people from both sides on their channel is best demonstrated by the show "HANNITY and colmes ."

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