'Don't Ask' Repeal May Cause Troop Exodus

03 Dec 2010 16:38 #31 by archer

BearMtnHIB wrote: How about if 3 women - all consent to getting married? How about that?

Should we change our laws to allow 3 men or 3 women to marry legally?

I'm just wondering if todays unacceptable sexual behavior is on the list for the left to make acceptable.

If somehow we are able to determine the consent of the goat in the future- will this be acceptable sexual behavior for the left?

What if we change our acceptability for children to consent? In many countries - children as young as 10 can marry. Will this be acceptable to the left in the future?

Where does it stop?

What's the difference?

I guess when there is no rational response to an issue you resort to irrational "what ifs". I still don't understand why the right feels they have this obligation to dictate other's sexual lives, it's really none of your business and doesn't directly effect you. You don't want to be around gays, fine.......but you don't have the right to dictate their lifestyle.

What are you all so afraid of? That you yourself will become gay? It has seemed in the last few years that those (especially religious leaders) who shout the loudest denouncing homosexuals are themselves closet gays.

......think about it, and take a good hard look at yourself and your reasons for your outrage that two people love each other and they are the same sex.

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03 Dec 2010 16:53 #32 by BearMtnHIB
Archer - you have completely avoided the topic at hand here by proclaiming that my "what if's" are irrational. I do not think they are irrational any more than expecting a straight society to accept homosexual behavior.

And I'm not afraid of anything - I just don't see the reason to change our laws to accomodate homosexual activity- like you said - it's really none of my business right?

Well - until they start affecting the laws we all live by.

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03 Dec 2010 18:08 #33 by Residenttroll returns

Science Chic wrote:

Residenttroll wrote:

Science Chic wrote: Yeah, it's so awful to want understanding, acceptance, and to be treated the same as everyone else. :faint:

Yeah, It's about as awful as trying to understand how a scientist would support a lifestyle that is against the laws of nature and life.

I've already posted numerous links to evidence showing that it a lifestyle that is essential to life and an integral part of nature, has been for eons. Not gonna waste time repeating myself if you're gonna choose to ignore the facts. :wave:

Yeah, I could argued that in some cultures incest are an integral part of nature too. Why don't we accept it as a cultured lifestyle?

residenttroll wrote: I am still trying to wrap my pea brain on how having homosexual sex is life producing? The real purpose for those sexual organs is to produce life, correct? What's life producing in the anus?

"sciencechickadee wrote: The reward pathways in the brain are activated whether they are stimulated during reproductive actions or homosexual actions. If an animal feels good about their litter mates, sexual partners, pride members, etc. it's all beneficial because it supports group altruism which in turn increases survival chances. Thus, evolutionarily, homosexuality has been reinforced because it is a positive for survival and NOT a deviant or abnormal activity.

Yippee, I can't wait for you to show evidence how homosexuals reproduce during homosexual sex.

sciencechickadee wrote: What's life producing in the anus? Republicans! rofllol Sorry, couldn't resist! :biggrin:

Spin the topic. You didn't answer the question...made the classic error of a liberal and try to insult the conservative. Come one, explain how homo sex reproduces life? Explain how semen when released in the anus produces life?

sciencechickadee wrote: How about this? http://www.marksdailyapple.com/fecal-po ... ut-health/ It's not exactly the way a fecal transplant should be done, but...
Monday Musings: Poop Transplants, Sleep Deprivation and Going Nuts

Let’s Talk Sh**

Poop is the new probiotic. Doctors have been using fecal transplants as a “last resort,” http://www.the-scientist.com/news/display/57795/ mostly to treat the rising scourge of Clostridium difficile, a gut bug that affects about 250,000 Americans every year and proves extremely resistant to antibiotics. Shooting a fecal extract from healthy people into the C. diff-ridden colons of the affected has a 95% success rate.

But gut health isn’t just about acute infection. It’s also about basic metabolic health. A study http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v4 ... 05414.html showed that sterile mice receiving a fecal transplant from obese mice gained more weight than sterile mice who received transplants from lean mice. And most recently, a Dutch pilot study http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/EASD/22352 gave 18 obese males with pronounced metabolic syndrome fecal transplants from lean individuals. They did not lose weight, but they did experience improved insulin sensitivity and triglyceride numbers.

Nice job at spinning.... but does the research shows what happens when some semen or sperm is added to the crap?
All I know is the stuff coming out my anus is dead or dying body waste. If you want to shoot up on it because you are too lazy to lose weight ....enjoy my poop. But remember, you still haven't proved that using a sexual organ for homosexual sex can produce life - the real purpose of the sex organ.

So, why is overeating a disorder and homo sex is not?

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03 Dec 2010 18:58 #34 by outdoor338
archer, what do you mean this hasn't effected us? Do you realize it has and on many levels. Who released the documents to Wikileaks, a disgruntled homosexual soldier, angry at his boyfriend, and decided to let it rip, come hell or highwater!

Bradley Manning was born in Crescent, Oklahoma, to an American father and a Welsh mother. His parents had met when his father was stationed at Cawdor Barracks in Wales. Manning spent his early childhood in Oklahoma, but moved with his mother to southwest Wales at the age of 13 when his parents divorced.[9] He had troubles fitting in at school and what former acquaintances have described as a troubled childhood.[10]

Manning dropped out of school at 16 and returned to the United States, working at a pizza parlour. He enlisted in the United States Army at 18, becoming an intelligence analyst deployed in support of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division at Contingency Operating Station Hammer, Iraq.[11]

Manning had social difficulties in the Army, which were attributed to the problems of being homosexual under the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.[10] Before being arrested, Manning had been demoted from Specialist to Private First Class for assaulting another soldier and was scheduled to be discharged early.[5][12]


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04 Dec 2010 19:20 #35 by ScienceChic

Science Chic wrote: Animals and children can't consent, that isn't going to change. I don't care what is practiced in other countries - biology is biology and their brains are not capable of making an informed decision. Same as why those under 18 can't be given the death penalty for committing murder.

It stops because each issue is different and must be considered on its own merits - there will never be one permitting pedophilia - it's harmful to the psychological well-being of a child.

Nmysys wrote: Sorry SC but that is just your opinion!!!

Not just my opinion: neurobiology and developmental psychology have had some exciting breakthroughs, especially in the last decade. I'm going to try to not make this too complex, because it quickly gets that way. Please let me know if I don't accomplish this! The gist of the message is that brain imaging is allowing researchers to visualize what areas of the brain people of different ages use when pondering moral/ethical dilemmas. Specific areas of brain development have been pinpointed much finer (over an age timeline) and can be done in conjunction with functional imaging and researchers have found that there are critical pathways still being formed in adolescents that are used in complex ethical deliberations. It's actually quite incredible, and rife with ethical debates of future use as well...
What is the timeline for brain development?

During Adolescence:
The brain continues to change and mature during adolescence.

Final myelination of the frontal lobes occurs in early adolescence. An adolescent's brain reaches the weight of an adult brain by about age fourteen due to myelin accumulation and dendritic branching. At this time the potential for contribution to insight, judgment, inhibition, reasoning, and social conscience are possible. The adolescent's frontal lobes are increasingly active, and this ability enables the adolescent to consider several things in the mind while comparing or interrelating them.

The density of synapses declines during adolescence due to selective pruning of redundant or unused connections. Most of the pruning takes place between ages ten and sixteen bringing the density of synapses to the adult level. The pruning process produces a more orderly circuitry in all parts of the cortex based on repeated experiences of early and middle childhood.

Synapse formation continues despite ongoing pruning. The remaining dendrites continue to branch, grow, and form new synapses in response to new experiences. Continued psychological and cognitive development in adolescence is due to this dendritic growth. The prefrontal cortex responsible for reasoning and judgment continues to develop.

W.C. Crain. (1985). Theories of Development. Prentice-Hall. pp. 118-136.

Kohlberg, a follower of Piaget, has offered a new, more detailed stage sequence for moral thinking. Whereas Piaget basically found two stages of moral thinking, the second of which emerges in early adolescence, Kohlberg has uncovered additional stages which develop well into adolescence and adulthood. He has suggested that some people even reach a postconventional level of moral thinking where they no longer accept their own society as given but think reflectively and autonomously about what a good society should be.

I don't think I have to list any research proving psychological harm to children who are subjected to marriages or sex at too young an age.

BearMtnHIB wrote: Come on now Science Chic - you can't say that all those behaviors don't occur in nature - they are all natural are they not?

Are you just not liberal enough to allow all the kids - say above the age of 10 to give their own consent?

Are you not liberal enough to accept the goats when we get their consent?

But your liberal enough to accept that girl on girl action right? That seems like more of a jump than lowering the age of consent - or allowing a little goat love here and there.

Or maybe were ALL bigots on those issues - as LJ has suggested.

I just don't know.

Partnerships of 3 animals is well documented, that's why I asked what would be your (or anyone's) justifications for not supporting it for humans.

Kids: Sex with juveniles in animals is a trickier subject to study as, as far as I know, all other animal species only breed once fertile - ie, the young are no longer juvenile. There are a few species that copulate for pleasure only, not to reproduce, but I don't know if there have been any studies done to observe if this behavior is seen between adults only, or adults and un-fertile juveniles. Humans are the only species that I know of that have sex before becoming fertile, but there could certainly be others. But as we are the only ones with higher consciousness and moral development, I'd say that it really doesn't matter if there are other animals species that do because they wouldn't suffer psychological harm.

Goats: Humans having sex with animals is a waste of resources and energy - there will be no viable, fertile offspring. And as the animal isn't going to help the survival of the human, there's no altruistic benefit unlike partnerships of 3 humans.

Residenttroll wrote: Yeah, I could argued that in some cultures incest are an integral part of nature too. Why don't we accept it as a cultured lifestyle?

See above.

residenttroll wrote: I am still trying to wrap my pea brain on how having homosexual sex is life producing? The real purpose for those sexual organs is to produce life, correct? What's life producing in the anus?

sciencechickadee wrote: The reward pathways in the brain are activated whether they are stimulated during reproductive actions or homosexual actions. If an animal feels good about their litter mates, sexual partners, pride members, etc. it's all beneficial because it supports group altruism which in turn increases survival chances. Thus, evolutionarily, homosexuality has been reinforced because it is a positive for survival and NOT a deviant or abnormal activity.

Yippee, I can't wait for you to show evidence how homosexuals reproduce during homosexual sex.

Spin the topic. You didn't answer the question...made the classic error of a liberal and try to insult the conservative. Come one, explain how homo sex reproduces life? Explain how semen when released in the anus produces life?

Yes, I had fun with a quick joke, but I did answer the question - read it again, a little more closely. If there is increased good-will because of homosexual relationships between mating pairs, and non-mating pairs, then members of a group other than the parents will help protect and feed offspring of the mating pair. This increases survivability of the whole group. It's not a matter of homosexual pairs actually producing offspring or not, it's how well the group behaves together and helps one another - true absolute homosexuality does not occur in nature or species would go extinct. But homosexuality does help groups improve their odds of survival.

Nice job at spinning.... but does the research shows what happens when some semen or sperm is added to the crap?

Nope, it wouldn't do a thing. I was making a subtle reference to gay sex, sorry.

Residenttroll wrote: All I know is the stuff coming out my anus is dead or dying body waste. If you want to shoot up on it because you are too lazy to lose weight ....enjoy my poop. But remember, you still haven't proved that using a sexual organ for homosexual sex can produce life - the real purpose of the sex organ.

Then you don't know enough. Not everything that comes out of the anus is dead or dying - it's teeming with living bacteria and viruses which is why diseases are spread by unsanitary living conditions. Who says that the only purpose of a sexual organ is for reproduction? That's the point I was making - it isn't just for creating offspring, it also generates good feelings when used for pleasure (which I'm sure you wouldn't disagree with), and this fosters increased cooperation and mutual benefits between members of a group who participate in non-mating sex.

Residenttroll wrote: So, why is overeating a disorder and homo sex is not?

Because overeating causes an unhealthy disease state that adversely affects the physical funtioning of an individual, homosexuality does not.

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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04 Dec 2010 23:55 #36 by Badger
Getting back to the original question, it appears to me that the White House IS anticipating a mass exodus.

6 out of 10 reasons the WH gives for passing the Dream Act (Amnesty) mention the military…really 6 out of 9 because the 10th isn’t really a supporting reason (“It’s The Right Thing To Do”).


P.S. We have a “rich precedent of non-citizens serving in the U.S. military”? What’s up with that?

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05 Dec 2010 14:37 #37 by lionshead2010
Given the pressing business of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell I think it's time for a sing along. What do you say fellas?


The Queen Berets

Falling fairies from the sky.
I broke a nail, Oh I could cry,
Don't you like how my tushy sways?
We are the fags of the Queen Berets.

Barrack Obama’s words upon my ears
"You guys have rights, be proud you're queer"
I once was scared, now I'm okay.
Cause I'm a fag in the Queen Berets.

Put silver earclips on my nuts.
I love the pain, now spank my butt.
The way you walk is awfully cute.
I sure would love to pack your chute.

This Army stuff is awfully slick.
Free meals and clothes and lots of dick.
When I retire, I'll still get my pay.
I thank you Obama, from the Queen Berets.

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05 Dec 2010 19:28 #38 by Residenttroll returns

Science Chic wrote: Goats: Humans having sex with animals is a waste of resources and energy - there will be no viable, fertile offspring. And as the animal isn't going to help the survival of the human, there's no altruistic benefit unlike partnerships of 3 humans.

You just made my point for homosexuality - it's a waste of resources and energy - there will be no viable, fertile offspring. Thank you! rofllol

Residenttroll wrote: Yeah, I could argued that in some cultures incest are an integral part of nature too. Why don't we accept it as a cultured lifestyle?

See above.

sciencechickadee wrote: Yes, I had fun with a quick joke, but I did answer the question - read it again, a little more closely. If there is increased good-will because of homosexual relationships between mating pairs, and non-mating pairs, then members of a group other than the parents will help protect and feed offspring of the mating pair. This increases survivability of the whole group. It's not a matter of homosexual pairs actually producing offspring or not, it's how well the group behaves together and helps one another - true absolute homosexuality does not occur in nature or species would go extinct. But homosexuality does help groups improve their odds of survival.

I spent many summers and winter breaks during my teenage years on my uncles and aunts farms. It was rare to have a queer member of cattle, chickens, goats, pigs, and horses...but when there was an oddball...the herd typically ignored, starved, or even attempted to hurt the queer member. Let's get it very clear.... I am not advocating violence. I think your argument about survivability is lacking if we just take a look at how domestic farm animals handle the queer member.

sciencechickadee wrote: Then you don't know enough. Not everything that comes out of the anus is dead or dying - it's teeming with living bacteria and viruses which is why diseases are spread by unsanitary living conditions. Who says that the only purpose of a sexual organ is for reproduction? That's the point I was making - it isn't just for creating offspring, it also generates good feelings when used for pleasure (which I'm sure you wouldn't disagree with), and this fosters increased cooperation and mutual benefits between members of a group who participate in non-mating sex.

I understand that my poop is teeming with living bacteria and viruses ...and it's living in all of the dead stuff coming out of my body.

sciencechickadee wrote: Because overeating causes an unhealthy disease state that adversely affects the physical funtioning of an individual, homosexuality does not.

Homosexual sex is very high risk sexual lifestyle.

Here's some quick research for you to chew on.

Dr. Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead state regarding various cultures: "If homosexuality were significantly influenced by genes, it would appear in every culture, but in twenty-nine of seventy-nine cultures surveyed by Ford and Beach in 1952, homosexuality was rare or absent."[1]

Dr. Tahir I. Jaz, M.D., Winnipeg, Canada states: "The increasing claims of being "born that way" parallels the rising political activism of homosexual organisations, who politicise the issue of homosexual origins . In the 1970s, approximately ten percent of homosexuals claimed to be "born homosexual" according to a large scale survey....However, in a survey in the 1980s, with the homosexual rights movement increasingly becoming active, thirty-five percent claimed to be born that way.[2]

In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]

In regards to homosexual couples and domestic violence, a recent study by the Canadian government states that "violence was twice as common among homosexual couples compared with heterosexual couples".[4] Also, according the American College of Pediatricians who cite several studies, "Violence among homosexual partners is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples."[5]

Regarding homosexuality and promiscuity, in 2004 the Baptist Press reported the following: "A new study by a group of University of Chicago researchers reveals a high level of promiscuity and unhealthy behavior among that city's homosexual male population. According to the researchers, 42.9 percent of homosexual men in Chicago's Shoreland area have had more than 60 sexual partners, while an additional 18.4 percent have had between 31 and 60 partners...As a result, 55.1 percent of homosexual males in Shoreland -- known as Chicago's "gay center" -- have at least one sexually transmitted disease, researchers said."[6]

In September of 2006, the Agape Press reported the following:
“ A survey by The Advocate, a homosexual magazine, revealed that promiscuity is a reality among homosexuals. The poll found that 20 percent of homosexuals said they had had 51-300 different sex partners in their lifetime, with an additional 8 percent having had more than 300.
Unprotected homosexual sex is also a concern among health professionals. A survey in Ireland by the Gay Men's Health Project found that almost half of homosexuals said they were having unprotected sex....
The fact that many homosexuals appear to live their lives in sexual overdrive does not seem to concern leaders in the movement. In an editorial from the same issue (August 15) in which the survey results were published, The Advocate said: "[Homosexuals] have been proud leaders in the sexual revolution that started in the 1960s, and we have rejected attempts by conservatives to demonize that part of who we are."[7]

↑ My Genes Made Me Do it - a scientific look at sexual orientation by Dr Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead - Chapter 6
http://www.flyfishingdevon.co.uk/salmon ... /tahir.htm
↑ E.M. Pattison and M.L. Pattison, "'Ex-Gays': Religiously Mediated Change in Homosexuals," American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 137, pp. 1553-1562, 1980
↑ 2004 General Social Survey, Statistics Canada, Canada's National Statistical Agency, July 7, 2005
↑ Baptist Press, MARRIAGE DIGEST: New study: Homosexual men prone to promiscuity by Michael Foust (Posted on Jan 16, 2004)

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05 Dec 2010 21:10 #39 by ScienceChic
RT, you know, the way to a woman's heart is through her head! Thankyouthankyouthankyou for your reply - I can't wait to sit down and start reading and working on my response!!! You rock! Right now, I have a wayward knee that needs silencing, much to the dismay of my liver, but I'll get back to ya soon!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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05 Dec 2010 21:38 #40 by pineinthegrass

Residenttroll wrote: Here's some quick research for you to chew on.

Dr. Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead state regarding various cultures: "If homosexuality were significantly influenced by genes, it would appear in every culture, but in twenty-nine of seventy-nine cultures surveyed by Ford and Beach in 1952, homosexuality was rare or absent."[1]

Dr. Tahir I. Jaz, M.D., Winnipeg, Canada states: "The increasing claims of being "born that way" parallels the rising political activism of homosexual organisations, who politicise the issue of homosexual origins . In the 1970s, approximately ten percent of homosexuals claimed to be "born homosexual" according to a large scale survey....However, in a survey in the 1980s, with the homosexual rights movement increasingly becoming active, thirty-five percent claimed to be born that way.[2]

In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]

In regards to homosexual couples and domestic violence, a recent study by the Canadian government states that "violence was twice as common among homosexual couples compared with heterosexual couples".[4] Also, according the American College of Pediatricians who cite several studies, "Violence among homosexual partners is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples."[5]

Regarding homosexuality and promiscuity, in 2004 the Baptist Press reported the following: "A new study by a group of University of Chicago researchers reveals a high level of promiscuity and unhealthy behavior among that city's homosexual male population. According to the researchers, 42.9 percent of homosexual men in Chicago's Shoreland area have had more than 60 sexual partners, while an additional 18.4 percent have had between 31 and 60 partners...As a result, 55.1 percent of homosexual males in Shoreland -- known as Chicago's "gay center" -- have at least one sexually transmitted disease, researchers said."[6]

In September of 2006, the Agape Press reported the following:
“ A survey by The Advocate, a homosexual magazine, revealed that promiscuity is a reality among homosexuals. The poll found that 20 percent of homosexuals said they had had 51-300 different sex partners in their lifetime, with an additional 8 percent having had more than 300.
Unprotected homosexual sex is also a concern among health professionals. A survey in Ireland by the Gay Men's Health Project found that almost half of homosexuals said they were having unprotected sex....
The fact that many homosexuals appear to live their lives in sexual overdrive does not seem to concern leaders in the movement. In an editorial from the same issue (August 15) in which the survey results were published, The Advocate said: "[Homosexuals] have been proud leaders in the sexual revolution that started in the 1960s, and we have rejected attempts by conservatives to demonize that part of who we are."[7]

↑ My Genes Made Me Do it - a scientific look at sexual orientation by Dr Neil Whitehead and Briar Whitehead - Chapter 6
http://www.flyfishingdevon.co.uk/salmon ... /tahir.htm
↑ E.M. Pattison and M.L. Pattison, "'Ex-Gays': Religiously Mediated Change in Homosexuals," American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 137, pp. 1553-1562, 1980
↑ 2004 General Social Survey, Statistics Canada, Canada's National Statistical Agency, July 7, 2005
↑ Baptist Press, MARRIAGE DIGEST: New study: Homosexual men prone to promiscuity by Michael Foust (Posted on Jan 16, 2004)

OK, you did admit it was quick research. I found it on my first search too. Why not at least link the site you did you selective cut and paste from? Or did I miss it?


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