Just to set the record straight

12 Dec 2010 21:07 #251 by mtntrekker
your right robin. my own fault for falling for any of his lies and distortions and trying to set the record straight. and that is why others won't come and post and will do stuff offline. glad i tried it and now others can see what wayne does. thanx.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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12 Dec 2010 21:58 #252 by Wayne Harrison

Wayne wrote: I'm interested in what others think about this, in general -- not necessarily this case.

Do you think you have the right to express yourself on a public forum, or do you think your employer has a right to tell you what to post, or how to act, on a forum (or Facebook or Twitter) even though there's no direct connection between your screen name and your employer?

If I understand you correctly, mtntrekker, you are claiming that my post was somehow baiting you.

For that statement to be fact, I would have somehow had to know ahead of time that you would somehow know about the Pinecam incident -- which was real --- AND that you would react to it. There was no way I would have known that, so it wasn't baiting.

It must have hit home with you, however, because you immediately responded with:

mtntrekker wrote: hey pinescum sorry but i think you need to get your facts right. i am not the party who you claim has done what you are claiming..

It was then that I pointed out that your name wasn't mentioned in my post.

I was thinking at the time, "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit" because I was so surprised by your statement that it wasn't you.

I was wondering then why you'd think it had anything to do with you. Now my personal belief is you are a nutcase, based on your continued rants and passive aggressive posts on here:

"I really love 285Bound and want to tell everyone about it, except there's this problem guy on here..." <== that's a made-up post but very close to what you've been posting.

mtntrekker wrote: and frankly i don't need to send anything to your employer if tht is what you are claiming as they already have the opportunity to come here and elsewhere and observe for themselves. not anything i did but learned from some of them when we were at a chamber sponsored function.

My employer is, indeed, very aware of Pinecam and of this site also. They know that my previous relationship with Pinecam, over many years, resulted in a number of "gets" for them that they would not have gotten otherwise. As recently as within the last month, my connections in this online community have enabled my employer to excel in what they do. It's because of my relationships up here through the web sites that my employer has been able to devote more attention to things in the 285 corridor. So, spare me your constant veiled references to letting them know what's going on or warnings that you talk to them at chamber functions. You keep bringing it up over and over again. If fear is what you are going for, it's not working.

As you've seen people on here respond in my defense, your threats and accusations are nothing.

BTW, I also mentioned Facebook and Twitter in the post you cited as a reference. Facebook or Twitter weren't even around when the Pinecam incident happened.

My post was an honest question, asking for posters opinions. If anyone else would like to weigh in, the discussion I started is at:


From your previous statements about things in my personal life going back more than 30 years, it's very clear that you have been stalking me for some time.

I would advise posters on here to take that into consideration when reading any future posts from you or interacting with you. You clearly have a very real problem separating online life from real life.

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12 Dec 2010 22:05 #253 by Travelingirl


I was thinking at the time, "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit"

Now that's funny! I'll have to remember that one!

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13 Dec 2010 07:32 #254 by Nmysys
Well we call him more than biscuit, that's for sure!!

He sure does change his screenname often, and this time, no Avatar pretending to be a Conservative.

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13 Dec 2010 07:44 #255 by outdoor338
:biggrin: :thumbsup: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:

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13 Dec 2010 08:12 #256 by justin

Wayne wrote:

Sunshine Girl wrote: Question: Does anyone know if BeachRobin is the new President of Pinecam?

No. RAK is the president and BeachRobin is the VP. Ridgewalker is the Treasurer and LoBay is the Secretary. They wanted someone else on the board but he was afraid it might affect his business if it became known that he was a board member at Pinecam, so he declined. I hear [name removed by me at request of the person] is the next heir apparent board member.

Where on earth did you get that?

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13 Dec 2010 08:20 #257 by Wayne Harrison

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13 Dec 2010 08:32 #258 by appleannie
I've been staying out of this this mostly because, these days, the garden-variety trolls on 285bound annoy me so much but, hell, mtntrekker. Give it a rest. I can't believe you're still at this. You're not hurting Wayne but you're making yourself look ridiculous and like a stalker.

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13 Dec 2010 08:37 #259 by LadyJazzer
Amen... :yeahthat:

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13 Dec 2010 10:33 #260 by Travelingirl
..and I think Wayne needs to post a "buttered butt biscuit" as his avatar!

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