The Republicans and America won huge today!!

08 Dec 2010 12:11 #121 by Blazer Bob
""Rates Unchanged, Yet CBS Insists 'Battle Over Tax Cuts' Means 'Cuts for High-Income Earners' and Middle Class
Brent Baker's picture

Matching the distortion documented in a MRC study posted Tuesday, though under the Obama-congressional GOP compromise income tax rates will remain unchanged for all, fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor introduced a story by characterizing a "battle over tax cuts" and how at a White House news conference President Obama "said agreeing to cuts for high-income earners was the only way to get middle-class cuts." Except neither group is getting any income tax "cut" and the agreement simply forestalls a hefty tax hike." ... ts-high-in

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08 Dec 2010 12:11 #122 by BearMtnHIB
Scruffy Scruffy - Scruffy.

You all still don't get it at all. Why are all the liberals so upset that "Obama's tax" plan lets the top 2% keep what they earned? Do the top earners not deserve to keep their money just like the middle class does?

You all still think that the government owns what people earn - not the people themselves, and now I hear Obama and other democrats use the language - "we let the rich keep that money". Just because the government spends far more than it collects - is not a justification to steal more money from those that earn it.

And it dosn't belong to the government at all - the money belongs to those of us who earn it. The emphasis from government should never be to bilk us out of as much of our wealth as it can - government should only require the minimum amount of our money to provide those functions that the constitution outlines.

The other myth I keep hearing from the left is that the rich do not use their money to help the economy. This is as far from the truth as it gets. Only those who earn more than they spend are the ones who invest money. By "allowing them to keep" their money - government will be doing the most GOOD for the private economy. People with extra money are the ones who start companies, create jobs and invest for the future.

Rarely will someone with a million extra dollars - let that money sit uninvested. They invest it, or start a company - or buy goods and services.

When will the left stop thinking that all the money we earn belongs to the government first? I guess that's why most people never get rich - they keep thinking like peasants.

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08 Dec 2010 12:40 #123 by ckm8
The large corporations are enjoying the highest profits ever- but they still aren't hiring. Giving them more money won't inspire them to hire either. They've found that they can throw America under the bus and do all their hiring and producing elsewhere. Unless we decide to become a third world nation (the outcome the right seems to be working towards) we will never be able to compete with India and China unless we start protecting our markets like every other industrialized nation does. The corporations want to make sure this doesn't happen.

Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter
Published: November 23, 2010

The nation’s workers may be struggling, but American companies just had their best quarter ever.

American businesses earned profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter, according to a Commerce Department report released Tuesday. That is the highest figure recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago, at least in nominal or noninflation-adjusted terms. ... 4econ.html

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08 Dec 2010 12:48 #124 by Scruffy

BearMtnHIB wrote: Scruffy Scruffy - Scruffy.

You all still don't get it at all. Why are all the liberals so upset that "Obama's tax" plan lets the top 2% keep what they earned? Do the top earners not deserve to keep their money just like the middle class does?

You all still think that the government owns what people earn - not the people themselves, and now I hear Obama and other democrats use the language - "we let the rich keep that money". Just because the government spends far more than it collects - is not a justification to steal more money from those that earn it.

And it dosn't belong to the government at all - the money belongs to those of us who earn it. The emphasis from government should never be to bilk us out of as much of our wealth as it can - government should only require the minimum amount of our money to provide those functions that the constitution outlines.

The other myth I keep hearing from the left is that the rich do not use their money to help the economy. This is as far from the truth as it gets. Only those who earn more than they spend are the ones who invest money. By "allowing them to keep" their money - government will be doing the most GOOD for the private economy. People with extra money are the ones who start companies, create jobs and invest for the future.

Rarely will someone with a million extra dollars - let that money sit uninvested. They invest it, or start a company - or buy goods and services.

When will the left stop thinking that all the money we earn belongs to the government first? I guess that's why most people never get rich - they keep thinking like peasants.

Can you point me to studies that show those millionaires & billionaires would spend the money from the tax cuts, thereby helping the economy? Because I know that unemployment benefits will get spent (not hoarded) which will improve the economy immediately, thereby creating more jobs because there will be more demand for goods. Cutting off unemployment benefits would just push a whole sh**load of people into homelessness in this economy.

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08 Dec 2010 12:53 #125 by ckm8

Scruffy wrote:

BearMtnHIB wrote: Scruffy Scruffy - Scruffy.

You all still don't get it at all. Why are all the liberals so upset that "Obama's tax" plan lets the top 2% keep what they earned? Do the top earners not deserve to keep their money just like the middle class does?

You all still think that the government owns what people earn - not the people themselves, and now I hear Obama and other democrats use the language - "we let the rich keep that money". Just because the government spends far more than it collects - is not a justification to steal more money from those that earn it.

And it dosn't belong to the government at all - the money belongs to those of us who earn it. The emphasis from government should never be to bilk us out of as much of our wealth as it can - government should only require the minimum amount of our money to provide those functions that the constitution outlines.

The other myth I keep hearing from the left is that the rich do not use their money to help the economy. This is as far from the truth as it gets. Only those who earn more than they spend are the ones who invest money. By "allowing them to keep" their money - government will be doing the most GOOD for the private economy. People with extra money are the ones who start companies, create jobs and invest for the future.

Rarely will someone with a million extra dollars - let that money sit uninvested. They invest it, or start a company - or buy goods and services.

When will the left stop thinking that all the money we earn belongs to the government first? I guess that's why most people never get rich - they keep thinking like peasants.

Can you point me to studies that show those millionaires & billionaires would spend the money from the tax cuts, thereby helping the economy? Because I know that unemployment benefits will get spent (not hoarded) which will improve the economy immediately, thereby creating more jobs because there will be more demand for goods. Cutting off unemployment benefits would just push a whole sh**load of people into homelessness in this economy.

Thus taking another step down the road of turning the US workforce into a less secure, more compliant one- one that will eventually work for the same rates as Chinese and Indian workers.

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08 Dec 2010 13:39 - 08 Dec 2010 13:46 #126 by BearMtnHIB

Can you point me to studies that show those millionaires & billionaires would spend the money from the tax cuts, thereby helping the economy? Because I know that unemployment benefits will get spent (not hoarded) which will improve the economy immediately, thereby creating more jobs because there will be more demand for goods.

I know your M.O. Scruffy- always requesting "studies" or proof of a claim, and you know the proof is out there - you just need to start looking at it yourself instead of asking posters for it. If you just stop listening to the the leftist propaganda and pay attention. I know there has to be some common sense hidden in you somewhere.

Americans will invest - here at home - if they see an opportunity to do so, and believe that they will be making a good investment. History has shown this to be truth - when there is opportunity. Americans do not see opportunity right now. American companies - strapped with massive regulation, taxes and employee overhead - in conjunction with increasing legal liabilities are reluctant to hire. This last year has only made matters worse - with a whole new list of taxes and regulation.

Government CAN actually do somthing about this. They can lower tax rates, decrease regulations and give business the reason to hire again. It's really that simple, get out of the way and watch the economy grow.

When Americans - particularly those who have extra money to invest - see government start to act in their favor - then they will start to invest again. When they see that government has stopped attacking them, going after every dollar they can steal from us - when this stops, we will invest again.

American companies are on strike. American banks are on strke. American investors are on strike. They don't show up with a picket sign like a greenie at a global warming convention, but they are on strike with their dollars.

Stop hating on those who earn. Stop hating on those who create jobs. Stop attacking business with taxation, regulation and threats of more taxation - and you will be amazed how capitalists and free market make this country great once again.

And if you don't stop attacking those producers, be ready for more of what we have seen in the last few years - hard times.

The rest of the world is pretty much out of this recession, I watch world news every day and I wish America could see what I see- asia booming, china booming, south america booming, russia - booming. Germany will have the best year this year - in almost 30 years.

Why is it that the USA and a few european PIGS are the only ones still in recession? They all have governments that spend into massive debt - and they all have taxes and regulations that prohibit their economies from growing.

Extending unemployment benefits only kicks that can down the road - they buy food and pay monthly bills - but they don't buy goods and services that they can do without for a while. They may buy better food than they would without that money, but they will not be buying a new car, or a new house, or a new flat screen. The economy will not thrive on unemployment benefits. The real solution is to get them back to work again.

Check out those facts - Scruffy.

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08 Dec 2010 13:41 #127 by LadyJazzer

Scruffy wrote: Can you point me to studies that show those millionaires & billionaires would spend the money from the tax cuts, thereby helping the economy? Because I know that unemployment benefits will get spent (not hoarded) which will improve the economy immediately, thereby creating more jobs because there will be more demand for goods. Cutting off unemployment benefits would just push a whole sh**load of people into homelessness in this economy.

The GAO has already provided the number... They estimate it's approximately 3% of those millionaires and billionaires create jobs with the additional money saved. They also estimate that the rate-of-return on those dollars is approximately 30-cents for each dollar. Not a terribly good investment.

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08 Dec 2010 13:46 #128 by RenegadeCJ
I understand the desire to take $$ from people, and give it to others (or take it for yourself), but the way the left seems to phrase this debate is that all $$ belongs to the govt. first. They allow us to keep a certain amount......

This country sure has changed!!!

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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08 Dec 2010 13:59 #129 by Scruffy

BearMtnHIB wrote:

Can you point me to studies that show those millionaires & billionaires would spend the money from the tax cuts, thereby helping the economy? Because I know that unemployment benefits will get spent (not hoarded) which will improve the economy immediately, thereby creating more jobs because there will be more demand for goods.

I know your M.O. Scruffy- always requesting "studies" or proof of a claim, and you know the proof is out there - you just need to start looking at it yourself instead of asking posters for it. If you just stop listening to the the leftist propaganda and pay attention. I know there has to be some common sense hidden in you somewhere.

Americans will invest - here at home - if they see an opportunity to do so, and believe that they will be making a good investment. History has shown this to be truth - when there is opportunity. Americans do not see opportunity right now. American companies - strapped with massive regulation, taxes and employee overhead - in conjunction with increasing liabilities are reluctant to hire. This last year has only made matters worse - with a whole new list of taxes and regulation.

Government CAN actually do somthing about this. They can lower tax rates, decrease regulations and give business the reason to hire again. It's really that simple, get out of the way and watch the economy grow.

When Americans - particularly those who have extra money to invest - see government start to act in their favor - then they will start to invest again. When they see that government has stopped attacking them, going after every dollar they can steal from us - when this stops, we will invest again.

American companies are on strike. American banks are on strke. American investors are on strike. They don't show up with a picket sign like a greenie at a global warming convention, but they are on strike with their dollars.

Stop hating on those who earn. Stop hating on those who create jobs. Stop attacking business with taxation, regulation and threats of more taxation - and you will be amazed how capitalists and free market make this country great once again.

And if you don't stop attacking those producers, be ready for more of what we have seen in the last few years - hard times.

The rest of the world is pretty much out of this recession, I watch world news every day and I wish America could see what I see- asia booming, china booming, south america booming, china, russia - booming. Germany will have the best year this year - in almost 30 years.

Why is it that the USA and a few european PIGS are the only ones still in recession? They all have governments that spend into massive debt - and they all have taxes and regulations that prohibit their economies from growing.

Check out those facts - Scruffy.

It may be my M.O., but that's because I've learned to not trust what people say on these forums, especially here, where facts are not presented. I've always thought that if someone makes an assertion, they should be able to back it up. That's all I'm asking. I shouldn't be requiring other people to do research that I should be able to provide.

So, provide those facts, Bear.

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08 Dec 2010 14:03 #130 by PrintSmith

ckm8 wrote: The large corporations are enjoying the highest profits ever- but they still aren't hiring. Giving them more money won't inspire them to hire either. They've found that they can throw America under the bus and do all their hiring and producing elsewhere. Unless we decide to become a third world nation (the outcome the right seems to be working towards) we will never be able to compete with India and China unless we start protecting our markets like every other industrialized nation does. The corporations want to make sure this doesn't happen.

Ever heard of Smoot Hawley ckm8? The way to get China to play ball is not to levy a protectionist tariff against their goods, it is to convince other nations to drop their tariffs levied against our goods to make our exports less expensive and then trade more with these nations and less with China. If we levy protectionist tariffs, the retaliatory tariffs levied against our exports will further weaken our few remaining manufacturing capabilities as our exports drop and fewer nations import even less of our goods and our surplus agricultural products. Raising the costs of imported goods raises the cost of purchasing those goods, which raises the cost of living, making every dollar earned by the poor and middle class worth less in purchasing power.

What will inspire hiring is the knowledge that a company can make more profit per tax dollar, not be taxed more per dollar of profit. The companies will employ based upon their ability to earn profit because their fiduciary responsibility is not to the federal government of the United States, it is to the owners and shareholders of the company. They don't care where the profit is earned, only that it is earned. If they can make as much profit, or nearly as much profit, employing people here as they can employing people elsewhere and shipping the finished goods here, they will employ people here. If they can only earn half the profit, they won't.

Tariffs don't affect the profit margin of the goods, they are just another cost of business that gets marked up. The result is a higher cost for the consumer for that product, not a reduction of the profit that the company earns by manufacturing elsewhere and importing the product to this nation. Sure, a tariff may make a toy manufactured in China price comparative with one manufactured here, but where will the toy manufactured here be exported to so that the company making it will have more than a domestic market when the retaliatory tariffs are placed on it and make it more expensive than a domestically manufactured toy in every other nation? It won't be exported because no one will buy it, which means that the market is going to be a small domestic market and the people within that market will be paying more for the toy than they need to, which leaves them less money to purchase other toys, or food, or housing, or clothing.

The solution, then, is to conduct business with other nations based upon free, not protected, markets. We get other nations to drop their tariffs so that our goods are comparative in price to their domestically produced goods. Sure, a high protective tariff on a Japanese, German or South Korean car will make a GM, Ford or Chrysler product less expensive here, but how will we sell a Ford Fiesta or a Chevy Volt in Germany when their tariff is added to the cost and it is now twice as expensive to purchase for a German consumer than a Mercedes or a BMW is? We might get more Americans driving more American vehicles that way, but I can promise you that we won't be building or selling any more Buicks in China and that this will hurt GM a lot more than the loss of sales domestically will hurt them.

You generally make more money on a product than you currently are making in one of 2 ways ckm8. You either lower the cost of the units to sell more of them at a smaller profit per unit or you raise the cost of the product and hope to sell the same or fewer units at a higher profit per unit. If the desired outcome is more units sold (or more people employed) then the strategy is a lower profit per unit (or lower taxes per person employed) to raise the number of units sold and the total profit earned. The model applies to government and taxes as well as it does to a business. If a millionaire or billionaire can earn twice as much money for themselves while only paying 50% more in taxes, they have a lot more reasons to make twice as much money than they would if making 2x as much money means they have to pay 3x the amount of taxes, right? I mean, they are already millionaires and billionaires, right? They really don't have a need to make twice as much money to be filthy rich, so there is less incentive for them to make twice as much money when you raise their tax rates such that they will be making less money even if their income stays the same, let alone increases. Why risk money to being lost by investing it where there is a risk that it could be lost when you could simply invest that money for a smaller return, and a much smaller tax bill, in something with a lot less risk. What reward is there to make a lot of profit by risking the capital that makes you a filthy rich person when it results in a lot of taxes levied against those profits? You don't really need the profit because you are already filthy rich, so why risk the capital that makes you a filthy rich person simply to pay the government more of your profit in higher tax rates?

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