Hey NPR...I'm going to a CHRISTmas Party!

21 Dec 2010 19:16 #41 by Travelingirl

Scruffy wrote:

travelingirl wrote: Why was "Bad Nativity Scenes" started in the Ring? And why during a sacred time of the year for Christians? If anyone had started a similar post mentioning - you know- that MUSLIM faith - you guys would have been foaming at the mouth! In fact, it would have been "off with their heads" had a similar post been made!! I was very offended at the Jesus, Joseph and Marty "nativity" and other sacreligious posts.

sac·ri·le·gious (skr-ljs, -ljs)
1. Grossly irreverent toward what is or is held to be sacred.

I stopped reading that thread as soon as the bacon nativity scene was posted. That's your example of an attack on Christianity? So you are personally offended by some posts, but yet these posts are not actual attacks on your faith, just that you find them offensive and sacrilegious.

BTW - You are dead wrong about people on here defending the Muslim faith. Nobody would have been foaming at the mouth, but it's a nice straw man argument to throw up.

So you asked for an example of what offended me...I gave you one...you minimized it. Whatever.

The attacks I read today were directed at Nmysys and his faith. Disgusting.

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21 Dec 2010 19:24 #42 by Wayne Harrison

Scruffy wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: How about wayne's CINO statement? How about his attack on Nmysys Jewish faith? I hope others will add their insights...

How is his CINO statement an attack on Christianity? I haven't read any posts Wayne has made about Nmysys Jewish faith.

I think this exchange is what he is claiming is an "attack" on his Jewish faith:

First I posted:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: Boy, if one Jewish way of thinking about the afterlife (Olam Ha-Ba) is correct, there are going to be a lot of forum posters in trouble....

The school of Hillel suggested a more merciful view, in which the middle group (the ones who don't believe or weren't bad) are sent directly to Gan Eden (Heaven) instead of Gehinnom after death. Rabbi Hanina added that all who go down to Gehinnom will go up again, except adulterers, those who put their fellows to shame in public, and those who call their fellows by an obnoxious name [Babylonian Talmud, tractate Baba Metzia 58b].

The last two almost sound like they were written for some Internet forum posters.

Then someone took that as questioning his Jewish Faith and I answered:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: I'm questioning his actions as it relates to being Jewish.

He's mentioned several times he's Jewish and I've never met a Jewish person who resorted to calling other people names.

Under your Christian faith, he's not going to Heaven because he doesn't accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, right? But then, neither will I, according to your Christian faith. I guess it will be him and me debating for all eternity, if there is an eternity. Maybe we'll be on HellBound.com. Meanwhile, it will be you up there in heaven waking those gold-paved streets, drinking milk and honey.

To which he responded:

Nmysys wrote: Wayne:

You have proven to everyone on this forum that you are the Jerk of the corridor. You have not defended anything you have ever done, and I have asked you repeatedly about your changing your persona every week trying to make us think you were not the flaming liberal. You have refused to respond and continually post your nonsense. What you are aghast at is that this particular person of Jewish heritage and faith won't accept your garbage and stands up to you. I have pointed out that you aren't man enough to look me in the face or anyone else who sees right through you, at the VFW breakfast, You are a worm, an ant, to use the reference made previously and one to be stepped on. Yes, I am Jewish, but unlike what you think, I am not one that you or anyone else can or will push around. Don't question my faith Wayne, question whether or not you are man enough to stand up for what you believe in, because I am.

If you can't stand the heat, A--ho-- get out of the kitchen!!!

to which I replied:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: Actually, I DID respond about my changing persona several times.

The first time, I told you I only do it because it seems to irritate you so much.

The last time you asked about my political background, I responded as well, so don't go saying I refuse to respond:

http://285bound.com/Forums/viewtopic.ph ... 488#p71488

Your responses are usually to call the other posters you disagree with names and ignore the discussion. I chose to answer with actual responses.

And he politely replied:

Nmysys wrote: Well, thanks for the link to the previous response that seems pretty canned to me. I don't vote a straight ticket at all, never have never will, and you know it Wayne since you know that I was part of the group that backed and presented Tancredo to the community. Yes, you piss me off and you know it well. To me, yes, this is my opinion, you are the most irritating person there is here on this forum. You had a screenname of your full name and then when someone called you by name you went whining and crying to the owner of the site to try to get that person, me, banned from the site, a hold over from you ruling the roost on PC.

I think that if I was crude enough to run a poll as to how big of a jerk you were, you would be amazed at the number of people who would vote against you on here. Want me to? Do you remember the one done by Dummy Up about Spykster?

Now that you have made this last comment about my heritage, you haven't made any friends on here. I have heard all the comments in my life of people saying some of my best friends are Jewish, yeah right!!! Who would actually claim you as a friend? Want to find out?

I have come up with the perfect description for you finally, swarmy!!!!!!!!!! I remember you once writing that a sign of intellect was the ability to spell, either spell my screenname right jerkoff or don't use it again. I am tired of seeing this immature way you do it.

And I responded with an observation about Jewish people that I know:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: It's convenient, isn't it, that when someone answers you with another viewpoint that you either claim they aren't telling the truth or "it sounds canned"? That way, you don't have to consider what they say. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe. As I mentioned, a large number of Americans don't belong to either political party and vote based on the candidate -- not the party affiliation.

Nmysys wrote: You had a screenname of your full name and then when someone called you by name you went whining and crying to the owner of the site to try to get that person, me, banned from the site, a hold over from you ruling the roost on PC.

I don't know where you got that. I have never tried to get you, or anyone else on here, banned from this site. I believe the site owners can set you straight on that erroneous allegation. I release them from the privacy of my account so they can answer you. My complaint was you always bringing my employment into the discussion, which is a violation of the Terms of Service. It would be like me responding to all your posts with statements that you say that because you aren't really an honest [job title here] and probably short everyone you do business with. I bet you'd scream too, if someone were to say that in response to your posts in the forum.

And I'll certainly be happy to look you in the eye at this weekend's VFW breakfast, just like I always do when I see you there, and say hello, just like I always do. You always greet me with a smile and don't appear anything like your online persona.

Still, I have to say you are the first Jewish person I've ever met with such as temper as to continually call people derogatory names. All the Jewish people I've ever met are very respectful to others, even when they disagree. I have a Jewish friend at work who, when people start talking office politics -- as people are apt to do -- he walks away and refuses to participate. He doesn't call everyone names. He just moves on to more useful activities and doesn't associate himself with office gossip.

He follows the 13 Articles of Faith, although when I told him I could never be Jewish because I like shrimp, he confessed that he eats shrimp too. We laughed about it.

And yes, I do have Jewish friends -- one of whom became a Texas State Legislator and ended up marrying a woman who became the Mayor of Dallas. My daughter and I visited them at the official Mayor's residence (in the same neighborhood that George Bush lives in now) and we looked through his album of childhood photos where we used to play together, have a lemonade stand together and climb trees. His mother, who I always admired, was still alive and living with them and told me some stories of my childhood that I had forgotten or didn't know. I learned a lot from her as a kid.

As usual, you've responded once again with "I don't believe you" when I mentioned having Jewish friends and took it a step further to say you doubt I even have friends. Nice going.

So apparently my observation that Jewish people and friends that I know don't call people derogatory names is questioning his faith. I guess he is arguing he can call people a-holes and other derogatory names and still be Jewish. But I never said he wasn't Jewish. I only said the Jewish people I know don't call other people derogatory names.

Notice in the exchange who responds with derogatory comments and who doesn't.

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21 Dec 2010 19:30 #43 by Travelingirl

SeasonsGreetings wrote:

Scruffy wrote:

outdoor338 wrote: How about wayne's CINO statement? How about his attack on Nmysys Jewish faith? I hope others will add their insights...

How is his CINO statement an attack on Christianity? I haven't read any posts Wayne has made about Nmysys Jewish faith.

I think this exchange is what he is claiming is an "attack" on his Jewish faith:

First I posted:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: Boy, if one Jewish way of thinking about the afterlife (Olam Ha-Ba) is correct, there are going to be a lot of forum posters in trouble....

The school of Hillel suggested a more merciful view, in which the middle group (the ones who don't believe or weren't bad) are sent directly to Gan Eden (Heaven) instead of Gehinnom after death. Rabbi Hanina added that all who go down to Gehinnom will go up again, except adulterers, those who put their fellows to shame in public, and those who call their fellows by an obnoxious name [Babylonian Talmud, tractate Baba Metzia 58b].

The last two almost sound like they were written for some Internet forum posters.

Then someone took that as questioning his Jewish Faith and I answered:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: I'm questioning his actions as it relates to being Jewish.

He's mentioned several times he's Jewish and I've never met a Jewish person who resorted to calling other people names.

Under your Christian faith, he's not going to Heaven because he doesn't accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, right? But then, neither will I, according to your Christian faith. I guess it will be him and me debating for all eternity, if there is an eternity. Maybe we'll be on HellBound.com. Meanwhile, it will be you up there in heaven waking those gold-paved streets, drinking milk and honey.

To which he responded:

Nmysys wrote: Wayne:

You have proven to everyone on this forum that you are the Jerk of the corridor. You have not defended anything you have ever done, and I have asked you repeatedly about your changing your persona every week trying to make us think you were not the flaming liberal. You have refused to respond and continually post your nonsense. What you are aghast at is that this particular person of Jewish heritage and faith won't accept your garbage and stands up to you. I have pointed out that you aren't man enough to look me in the face or anyone else who sees right through you, at the VFW breakfast, You are a worm, an ant, to use the reference made previously and one to be stepped on. Yes, I am Jewish, but unlike what you think, I am not one that you or anyone else can or will push around. Don't question my faith Wayne, question whether or not you are man enough to stand up for what you believe in, because I am.

If you can't stand the heat, A--ho-- get out of the kitchen!!!

to which I replied:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: Actually, I DID respond about my changing persona several times.

The first time, I told you I only do it because it seems to irritate you so much.

The last time you asked about my political background, I responded as well, so don't go saying I refuse to respond:

http://285bound.com/Forums/viewtopic.ph ... 488#p71488

Your responses are usually to call the other posters you disagree with names and ignore the discussion. I chose to answer with actual responses.

And he politely replied:

Nmysys wrote: Well, thanks for the link to the previous response that seems pretty canned to me. I don't vote a straight ticket at all, never have never will, and you know it Wayne since you know that I was part of the group that backed and presented Tancredo to the community. Yes, you piss me off and you know it well. To me, yes, this is my opinion, you are the most irritating person there is here on this forum. You had a screenname of your full name and then when someone called you by name you went whining and crying to the owner of the site to try to get that person, me, banned from the site, a hold over from you ruling the roost on PC.

I think that if I was crude enough to run a poll as to how big of a jerk you were, you would be amazed at the number of people who would vote against you on here. Want me to? Do you remember the one done by Dummy Up about Spykster?

Now that you have made this last comment about my heritage, you haven't made any friends on here. I have heard all the comments in my life of people saying some of my best friends are Jewish, yeah right!!! Who would actually claim you as a friend? Want to find out?

I have come up with the perfect description for you finally, swarmy!!!!!!!!!! I remember you once writing that a sign of intellect was the ability to spell, either spell my screenname right jerkoff or don't use it again. I am tired of seeing this immature way you do it.

And I responded with an observation about Jewish people that I know:

SeasonsGreetings wrote: It's convenient, isn't it, that when someone answers you with another viewpoint that you either claim they aren't telling the truth or "it sounds canned"? That way, you don't have to consider what they say. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe. As I mentioned, a large number of Americans don't belong to either political party and vote based on the candidate -- not the party affiliation.

Nmysys wrote: You had a screenname of your full name and then when someone called you by name you went whining and crying to the owner of the site to try to get that person, me, banned from the site, a hold over from you ruling the roost on PC.

I don't know where you got that. I have never tried to get you, or anyone else on here, banned from this site. I believe the site owners can set you straight on that erroneous allegation. I release them from the privacy of my account so they can answer you. My complaint was you always bringing my employment into the discussion, which is a violation of the Terms of Service. It would be like me responding to all your posts with statements that you say that because you aren't really an honest [job title here] and probably short everyone you do business with. I bet you'd scream too, if someone were to say that in response to your posts in the forum.

And I'll certainly be happy to look you in the eye at this weekend's VFW breakfast, just like I always do when I see you there, and say hello, just like I always do. You always greet me with a smile and don't appear anything like your online persona.

Still, I have to say you are the first Jewish person I've ever met with such as temper as to continually call people derogatory names. All the Jewish people I've ever met are very respectful to others, even when they disagree. I have a Jewish friend at work who, when people start talking office politics -- as people are apt to do -- he walks away and refuses to participate. He doesn't call everyone names. He just moves on to more useful activities and doesn't associate himself with office gossip.

He follows the 13 Articles of Faith, although when I told him I could never be Jewish because I like shrimp, he confessed that he eats shrimp too. We laughed about it.

And yes, I do have Jewish friends -- one of whom became a Texas State Legislator and ended up marrying a woman who became the Mayor of Dallas. My daughter and I visited them at the official Mayor's residence (in the same neighborhood that George Bush lives in now) and we looked through his album of childhood photos where we used to play together, have a lemonade stand together and climb trees. His mother, who I always admired, was still alive and living with them and told me some stories of my childhood that I had forgotten or didn't know. I learned a lot from her as a kid.

As usual, you've responded once again with "I don't believe you" when I mentioned having Jewish friends and took it a step further to say you doubt I even have friends. Nice going.

So apparently my observation that Jewish people and friends that I know don't call people derogatory names is questioning his faith. I guess he is arguing he can call people a-holes and other derogatory names and still be Jewish. But I never said he wasn't Jewish. I only said the Jewish people I know don't call other people derogatory names.

Notice in the exchange who responds with derogatory comments and who doesn't.

Wow...you sound so...innocent.... :dog:

You bait and you know it.

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21 Dec 2010 19:31 #44 by Wayne Harrison
Changing the subject I see.

Are you equating baiting to questioning someone's Jewish faith, or is baiting more important to you to discuss?

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21 Dec 2010 19:36 #45 by Tiny Bubbles
Funny I thought this was going to be about a Christmas party for the people here. I guess not.

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21 Dec 2010 19:39 #46 by outdoor338
wayne, just more excuses from you. nmysys, has called you on it and you spin it. justsaying has called you on it and you spin, many more people have called you on it, and you spin it. It doesn't wash anymore...your just a bitter old man with an attitude, your time is coming. You will have to stand before Him and give an account.

Tiny, let's start a Christmas thread, fav songs!

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21 Dec 2010 19:40 #47 by outdoor338
TG, wayne just spinning again!

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21 Dec 2010 19:45 #48 by Travelingirl
Yea I just figured out who is behind all those nics...

Hi Wayne...

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21 Dec 2010 19:47 #49 by Wayne Harrison

outdoor338 wrote: wayne, just more excuses from you. nmysys, has called you on it and you spin it. justsaying has called you on it and you spin

Whenever you read something you don't agree with you invariably call it "spinning" so you don't have to respond.

Posting the text full from our exchange is hardly spinning it. Obviously you won't read it objectively.

You claimed a number of times I questioned his faith. Please back up your accusation, Outdoor.

And there's already a Christmas Tree songs thread. It started about a week ago.

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21 Dec 2010 19:48 #50 by Wayne Harrison

travelingirl wrote: Yea I just figured out who is behind all those nics...

Hi Wayne...

Hi! You can change your nick in your User Control Panel. I'm going for the holidays.

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