Pinecam picnic

21 Sep 2010 16:46 #171 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Pinecam picnic
Yeah, as usual I was practicing my crappy time management skills trying to do too much and ended up 40min late. But I found a beautiful couch and loveseat at Kacey Fine Furniture's closeout sale AND still made it in time to eat and chat with everyone! I was hoping pine and Freebird would show up late so my tardiness wouldn't be so noticeable. :)

Looking forward to the next lunch - this was lots of fun! The food and service definitely have kinks to work out but I would absolutely give them my business again - looks like a fun place to watch football!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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21 Sep 2010 19:17 #172 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic Pinecam picnic
That was a great day today with some wonderful friends! I look forward to going back. Nice meeting you Jim! Sorry we missed you Pine and Freebird.

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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21 Sep 2010 19:48 #173 by CC
Replied by CC on topic Pinecam picnic
I wanted to share that sitting at lunch today with all of you was like sitting with old dear friends.
It is like we have all known each other for years but in reality, it is only a few months. The future looks bright for us bounders. Thx for a great afternoon.

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21 Sep 2010 22:04 #174 by The Viking
Replied by The Viking on topic Pinecam picnic

pineinthegrass wrote: Sorry we couldn't join you all for lunch. We weren't free until around 1pm today.

How's the food there? I'm still hoping to give them a try soon!

You should have stopped by. I didn't leave till 9:30. :shots: :Drunk:

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21 Sep 2010 22:57 #175 by pineinthegrass
Replied by pineinthegrass on topic Pinecam picnic

The Viking wrote:

pineinthegrass wrote: Sorry we couldn't join you all for lunch. We weren't free until around 1pm today.

How's the food there? I'm still hoping to give them a try soon!

You should have stopped by. I didn't leave till 9:30. :shots: :Drunk:

Well, if I'd of gotten there around 1:30 and stayed until 9:30 pm, I think I'd of accidently killed myself with a hammer doing my basement project. At least I would of had a ride home. lol

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22 Sep 2010 12:29 #176 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic Pinecam picnic

CinnamonGirl wrote: SC no one would ever delete or moderate your posts. You write some great stuff.

Thanks CG, but I know if I wrote it in such a way that sounded condescending or arrogant, then no one would bother reading my posts or listening to what I had to say! They'd think I was an elitist, out-of-touch, snooty, know-it-all b!*#h and either not read my stuff at all, or make personal attacks instead of debating the issues brought up. I don't want people to believe me just because I'm a former scientist; I want them to critically read what I write and decide if it makes sense or not, ask me questions, and debate me on what they think I have wrong or have misrepresented - it's how I learn too and I LOVE the back-and-forth.

Something that The Viking said yesterday after lunch has been bothering me a little so I wanted to make sure my previous comments hadn't been misunderstood. He said his first thought when reading my statement that I've never had my posts modified or deleted was that I was trying to make him feel bad. That wasn't my intention at all. Nor is it to sound like I'm better than everyone else, as I'm now guessing some may have taken it. I was trying to make the point that it is possible for anyone to discuss controversial topics, be passionate about them, and do so in such a manner as to not offend those who differ in their opinion. Most of us who regularly post are doing so with an intention of persuading others to see and understand our point of view, maybe even change their minds! This cannot be accomplished with name-calling, sweeping generalizations, demeaning attitudes toward others, or without being backed up by independent, credible data (in some cases) and this is where I saw a lot of the modification coming in on Pinecam. I've seen much improvement in the posts of some who used to just outright dismiss me, and others, and/or my/their views, but I see room for more improvement too. My goal was a subtle attempt to get y'all to be a little more like me in your postings - without them being as long as mine cuz I hate reading that much! :biggrin: Then we can really have some fun!

Viking, seriously, you hung out til 9:30? That coffee must have been d@*n good! It was great getting to know you better; looking forward to more chats in the future! And it was awesome hanging out with everyone else too - it did feel like a group of old friends and the future looks bright! Lunch next week?!

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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22 Sep 2010 13:06 #177 by pacamom
Replied by pacamom on topic Pinecam picnic
Tuesday or wednesday works for me

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22 Sep 2010 13:49 #178 by CinnamonGirl
Replied by CinnamonGirl on topic Pinecam picnic

Science Chic wrote: Most of us who regularly post are doing so with an intention of persuading others to see and understand our point of view, maybe even change their minds! This cannot be accomplished with name-calling, sweeping generalizations, demeaning attitudes toward others, or without being backed up by independent, credible data (in some cases) and this is where I saw a lot of the modification coming in on Pinecam. I've seen much improvement in the posts of some who used to just outright dismiss me, and others, and/or my/their views, but I see room for more improvement too. My goal was a subtle attempt to get y'all to be a little more like me in your postings - without them being as long as mine cuz I hate reading that much! Then we can really have some fun!

LOL, But Viking does use name-calling, sweeping generalizations, demeaning attitudes toward others, and does post without backing up it up with independent, credible data (in some cases) but we love him anyway. That is no reason to get suspended or banned. LOL
Just kidding Viking. I am sorry I could not resist.

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22 Sep 2010 14:02 - 22 Sep 2010 15:50 #179 by Sunshine Girl
Replied by Sunshine Girl on topic Pinecam picnic
Oh CG you're in trouble now! :wink: lol

Viking - what the heck dude!

I'm totally in for next week. Edited to read: Any days but Wed. or Fri. are good for me!

SC - you're kiddos are adorable!

I like the idea of a muzzle or "something else" for him. :lol:

" I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure. " Mae West

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22 Sep 2010 14:06 #180 by BuyersAgent1
Replied by BuyersAgent1 on topic Pinecam picnic
I don't believe in "banning" ("shunning") because that quells dialogue instead of developing it.
This is not to say I don't mount a strong argument if I don't agree with someone, only that I think it's a bad idea to muzzle him instead. If I do, he's still thinking the same stuff, only now I don't have any chance to dissuade or convince him otherwise.

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