Delmar answers, “come on in boys, the waters fine!"

16 Apr 2012 03:59 #501 by DrMike
The Favor Factor


“Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me...” (Nehemiah 2:18, NLT)

There’s a popular talent show on television called “The X Factor.” The judges study the different contestants and try to figure out who has that indefinable “something” that makes them stand out. You can’t necessarily put your finger on it. It’s not just talent, looks or personality. There’s something about them that gives them an advantage. I’ve heard the judges say, “I don’t know what it is, but you’ve got it.” They call it the “X Factor.”

In the same way, when God breathed His life into you, He put something in you to give you an advantage in this life. There is something about you that makes you stand out, something that draws opportunity, something that causes you to overcome obstacles, to accomplish dreams. Scripture calls it “the gracious hand of God.” It’s God’s favor. It’s His blessing. You can’t put your finger on it. It’s not just your talent, your education, your hard work. It’s Almighty God breathing in your direction. You could call it “the favor factor.”

Today, remember, if you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you’ve got it! Receive it by faith today and let His favor shine on your every step!


Father, thank You for Your gracious hand upon my life. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for setting me free. Thank You for giving me the advantage for success. Today I choose You, I choose Your ways, and I choose Your favor in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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17 Apr 2012 03:59 #502 by DrMike
The Gracious Hand of God


“For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them”
(Psalm 44:3, NKJV)

Have you ever thought about the fact that the victories you saw in your past weren’t just your own doing? When you made it through a difficult time, when you received an unexpected break, when things turned around for no reason, it was because God favored you. You wouldn’t be where you are if the gracious hand of God was not on your life!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have as much education as someone else. It doesn’t matter how influential your family is. It doesn’t matter what your background is. God’s favor can take you where you could not go on your own. When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He places something undeniable on the inside of you. Something that cannot be measured, can’t be put on paper, and can’t be explained — it is His Holy Spirit and His favor shining down on you! Other people may not be able to figure it out. All they know is that you’ve got something — that’s the gracious hand of God.

Today let this truth sink down deeply into your heart. Don’t be discouraged by what you can see, be encouraged by what you can’t see! Put your shoulders back and go out with faith and confidence knowing that His gracious hand is upon you!


Father God, thank You for Your gracious hand that is upon my life. I give You glory today for all You have done in my past, all that You are doing today, and all that You will do in my future. I love You and trust You in all things knowing that Your favor surrounds me like a shield in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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18 Apr 2012 03:58 #503 by DrMike
You’ve Got It!


“...his favor lasts a lifetime...” (Psalm 30:5, NIV)

Friends, success in this life isn’t necessarily about how popular, influential or educated someone is. Success is about living a life of excellence in obedience to God’s Word. When we step out to do what God has called us to do, scripture says that His favor surrounds us like a shield. When we have His favor, we have everything, and we have an advantage for success!

God’s favor opens the right doors. His favor will bring good breaks. The favor of God will cause you to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. It gives you an edge. Now, if you’re going to see the gracious hand of God at work in your life, you can’t go through the day feeling intimidated, thinking that you’re average, looking around and comparing yourself to everyone else. No, you have to live like you have His favor, think like you have favor, talk like you have favor, walk like you have favor, dress like you have favor! Not arrogantly. Not in a way that portrays that you’re better than somebody else, but with a quiet confidence knowing that you have the gracious hand of God on your life! Live like you’ve got it because you do!


Father, thank You for Your grace, favor and mercy upon my life. I praise You today because You are good. I receive Your truth by faith and rise up to walk in my calling. I know that You are going before me to prepare the way as I walk in Your favor all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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19 Apr 2012 05:42 #504 by DrMike
How Will You Accomplish Your Dreams?


“ ‘...Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6, NIV)

Are you facing a situation that seems impossible? Have you been fighting a battle for a long time? The key is: don’t go around talking about how big the problem is. Don’t go around confessing that you’re never going to make it. No, start declaring, “The gracious hand of God is upon my life!” When you realize God’s hand of favor is upon you, you will accomplish your God given dreams faster than you thought!

When those thoughts of doubt come, declare the truth of God’s Word! “How are you going to get out of debt?” “The gracious hand of God is upon my life.” “How are you going to get well?” “The gracious hand of God is upon my life.” “How are you going to break that addiction?” “The gracious hand of God.” “How are you going to accomplish your dreams?” “The gracious hand of God!”

The more you brag on God’s favor, the more you declare and believe His promises, the more you’ll see His favor. As you keep standing in faith, as You keep hoping in Him, you’ll see His promises manifest in your life. You’ll experience His favor and victory and see every dream and desire come to pass!


Father God, thank You for placing Your dreams and desires within me and for creating a plan to bring them to pass. Even when I can’t see a way, I trust that You are making a way. You are good, and today I declare that Your gracious hand is upon every area of my life in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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20 Apr 2012 03:59 #505 by DrMike
He Delivers You from All


“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19, NKJV)

Isn’t it good to know that we serve a Deliver? You might feel afflicted today, but God is working to bring you out of that difficult situation. It may not be in the way you thought, but you have to trust that God has your best interest at heart.

An affliction is defined as the cause of persistent pain or distress. I know that afflictions can take on many forms — a sickness or hardship, a temptation, a coworker or family member. There are so many things that can come against us, but God promises in His Word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper! Those afflictions are only temporary. Stand in faith believing that God is on your side, and you and God are a majority! It doesn’t matter what your circumstances look like, get up every morning and say, “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. My Deliverer is coming!”

As you stand and trust the Lord, He will deliver you out of all your afflictions, and you’ll see His hand of blessing in every area of your life!


Father in heaven, thank You for being my deliverer. Thank You for making me righteous through the blood of Jesus. I trust that You have a good plan for me, and You will deliver me out of all affliction in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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23 Apr 2012 04:17 #506 by DrMike
The Ability to Believe


“...God has dealt to each one a measure of faith” (Romans 12:3, NKJV)

One of the greatest abilities God has given each one of us is our ability to believe. If you believe God’s Word, you can be successful. If you believe God’s Word, you can overcome mistakes of the past. If you believe God’s Word, you can fulfill your God-given destiny. There is incredible power in what you believe. What you believe is greater than your circumstances, greater than your trials, greater than your medical report, and greater than your bank account!

When you get into agreement with God and believe what He says about you, then what you believe will supersede any natural law. I have a friend that came to this country with nothing but the clothes on his back. Today he runs a Fortune 500 company. Against all odds, he believed he could do what God placed in his heart.

Today, nurture those seeds of faith by dwelling on His Word. As you get the Word of God in your heart, faith will come to you. Faith will grow and strengthen in you. Faith will rise up in you and empower you to take hold of all the blessings God has for you!


Father, thank You for Your Word of truth which sets me free and deposits faith in my heart. I lift up my eyes to You. I turn my focus toward Your Word and invite You to have Your way in every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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24 Apr 2012 04:16 #507 by DrMike
The Greatness of His Power


“...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe...” (Ephesians 1:19, NKJV)

Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:19 that we would understand the exceeding greatness of God’s power for those who believe. Notice the power is only activated when we believe. That means right now the Creator of the universe is just waiting to release healing, restoration, favor, promotion, abundance. The only catch is that we have to believe.

I think about Mary, the mother of Christ. When she was a teenager, the angel came to her and said, “You’re going to have a child without knowing a man.” Her first thought was, “That’s impossible. That’s never happened before. That defies the laws of nature.” She said to the angel, “How can this be?” He answered back, “The Spirit of the Lord will come on you and cause it to happen.”

I love the way Mary responded. She didn’t argue with him. She didn’t try to talk herself out of it. She simply said, “Be it unto me even as you have said.”

Has God placed a dream in your heart that seems impossible? If you will choose to believe, then His strength will rise up in you. His ability will supersede your ability, and the greatness of His power will bring to pass every dream and every desire He has placed within you!


Heavenly Father, thank You for exceeding greatness of Your power. Help me to see, to know, to recognize Your hand at work in my life. I choose to believe and open the door for You to have Your way in every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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25 Apr 2012 04:32 #508 by DrMike
Only Believe


“But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, “ ‘Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well’ ” (Luke 8:50, NKJV)

In Scripture a man came to Jesus and said, “My little daughter is very sick. She is close to death. Will You come to my home and pray for her?” Jesus agreed. But along the way He kept getting stopped, one interruption after another. Finally, word came back to Him saying, “No need to come. You’ve waited too late. The little girl has died.”

The people were upset and very distraught. But Jesus said to them in Luke 8:50 “Don’t be afraid. If you will only believe, the little girl will be well.” Notice the phrase, “Only believe.” Jesus went to the home, laid hands on the little girl, and she came back to life.

Are you facing a situation that seems impossible? In the natural, you don’t see how you can get well, or how you can overcome the addiction, or how your family can ever be restored? God is saying to you what He said to them, “If you will only believe, I will turn the situation around. If you only believe, breakthroughs are headed your way!”


Father, thank You for Your hand of victory upon my life. Thank You for making a way even when there seems to be no way. I choose to stand in faith. I choose to believe, knowing that You are ready, willing and able to cause me to overcome in this life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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26 Apr 2012 04:22 #509 by DrMike
Retrain Your Brain


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2, NKJV)

Living in victory means that sometimes you have to develop new habits. If you’ve been negative for a long time, you’ve got to re-train your thinking from “I can’t” to “I can;” from “It won’t happen” to “It will happen;” from “I’ll never get well” to “God is restoring health unto me;” from “I never get any good breaks” to “God’s favor surrounds me like a shield;” from “I’ve made too many mistakes. I’m all washed up” to “I’m redeemed and forgiven. My best days are still out in front of me.” It’s like reprogramming a computer. Sometimes you have to wipe off the old, outdated, dysfunctional software and load in something new.

If you’ve spent your days focused on how things won’t work, it’s time to focus on how things will work out! It doesn’t matter how bad it looks, how many people have told you no, or how long it’s been that way, God has the final say. It’s not over till God says it’s over. Shake off the self-pity. Shake off the disappointment. Let go of the old and choose to believe Him. Declare His promises over your life and see His blessing and victory as you align yourself with Him!


Father God, thank You for the transformation power in Your Word! Thank You for giving me hope for my future. I choose to trust You, I choose to believe Your word, and I choose to declare Your truth and watch victory unfold in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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27 Apr 2012 04:11 #510 by DrMike
He Will Complete It


“And David said to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God — my God — will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD’ ” (1 Chronicles 28:20, NKJV)

Is there something you’ve been believing for, something you’ve been hoping for that’s taking longer than you expected? You might be tempted to just accept things the way they are. You might be tempted to think it’s never going to happen. If that’s you today, be encouraged because God is a finisher! He will complete what He’s started in you!

Your part is to believe. Your part is to keep your eyes on Him. When you believe, you have the Creator of the universe fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, going before you, moving the wrong people out of the way. Don’t be intimidated by the size of a problem or the size of your dream! Don’t let circumstances convince you to stop believing. “Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, is still on the throne. One touch of God’s favor and you’ll go from barely getting by to having more than enough! Begin to thank Him and declare that God is at work. Declare that He is perfecting what concerns you. Declare that He will complete everything He’s started in your life!


Father God, I thank You for completing every good work that You have started in my life. I choose to believe Your Word, even when things look impossible. I choose to believe that You are working behind the scenes and that You will bring victory and breakthrough to every area of my life in Jesus’ name! Amen.

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