Conifer Radio - Your Highway 285 Corridor Streaming Internet Radio Voice!

10 Apr 2024 17:00 #141 by ConiferRadio
We are privileged to feature Ms. Wendy Neuman and Ms. Shannon Ruth of the Evergreen Sustainability Alliance now at 5 pm on Conifer Podcast. We have an update from Wendy and Shannon about their first-ever upcoming Gala in August (August 15) with the proceeds to benefit one of the most active recycling and sustainability organizations in our mountain community.

It's always fun to see our special mountain community members for the first time in studio and on the radio, so join us today for the fun. If you miss them today, we will have them once again on our morning show, Coffee on the Corridor each morning through this coming Sunday on Conifer Radio.

Thanks Wendy and Shannon, that was fun!

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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24 Apr 2024 16:58 #142 by ConiferRadio
Conifer Radio presents its weekly Conifer Podcast once again with Mr. James Mataczynski about his re-launch of Craft Mountain Brewing (formerly Mad Jacks) in Bailey. Today at 5 pm, James continues his discussion about the ‘relaunch’ of our local mountain brewery.

In addition, James is announcing his “Quatro de Mayo” celebration beginning at 11 am, Saturday May 4th Conifer Radio will be there with live interviews from everyone.

Again, join us on Conifer Podcast today at 5 pm, where James gives us a primer on the various types of Craft Beer we can look forward to from Craft Mountain Brewing.

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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08 May 2024 16:57 #143 by ConiferRadio
Today at 5 pm, Conifer Podcast presents Leslie Allen and Mike Brooks of our local, Colorado-based Christian Outreach Fellowship of America (COFA). COFA is developing programs to gather men, women, families (which include single parents) together through the great outdoors experience. COFA encourages participants to have a personal relationship with the Lord and become involved in a local church.

Please join Leslie and Mike as they share their story and good works in our mountain corridors today at 5 pm on Conifer Podcast.

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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14 May 2024 20:47 #144 by ConiferRadio

Conifer Podcast presents a multi-part series beginning with Part One, the developers of the Shadow Mountain Bike Park; Phil Bouchard and Jason Evans in their first podcast on Conifer Radio. Part Two will feature the team from the Stop the Bike Park organization one week later on Conifer Podcast; Wednesday, May 22nd at 5 pm

The planned development of Shadow Mountain Bike Park has been a long and involved process. Conifer Podcast presents this series introduce the organizations and to put a voice with the folks from both perspectives of this process.

Join us for Conifer Podcast on Wednesday, May 15th at 5 pm with Shadow Mountain Bike Park at

Followed by:
Stop the Bike Park on Conifer Podcast, Wednesday, May 22nd at 5 pm

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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15 May 2024 18:20 #145 by ConiferRadio
If you were unable to listen tonight, this Podcast with Phil Bouchard and Jason Evans will continue to livestream at 6:30 pm each evening through Tuesday, May 21.

Part Two will feature the team from the Stop the Bike Park organization one week from today on Conifer Podcast; Wednesday, May 22nd at 5 pm on

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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19 May 2024 19:21 #146 by ConiferRadio
Conifer Podcast presents Barbara Moss Murphy and John Lewis of the Stop The Bike Park organization this Wednesday May 22nd at 5pm. This is the second of a multi-part series concerning the development of the proposed Shadow Mountain Bike Park through a “Special Use Permit Process.” This series is produced to provide a voice of the folks from both perspectives of this process.

The planned development of a bike park in the Shadow Mountain neighborhood has been a long and involved process. Conifer Podcast continues this series to introduce the Stop The Bike Park organization and to provide the viewpoint of the folks who live in and near Shadow Mountain.

Join us for Conifer Podcast on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5 pm with Barbara Moss Murphy and John Lewis of Stop The Bike Park. Their podcast will repeat each evening thereafter at 6:30 pm on Conifer Radio through Tuesday, May 28th.

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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22 May 2024 10:26 #147 by ConiferRadio
We would like to remind you of tonight's 2nd part of the series on the Shadow Mountain Bike Park proposed development, this time with Barbara Moss Murphy and John Lewis of the Stop The Bike Park nonprofit group. Listen by clicking the "Listen Live" button on .

If you missed the 1st part of the series with Phil Bouchard and Jason Evans of the Shadow Mountain Bike Park development, you can find it on our "Did you miss this past week's Conifer Podcast" page along with our other previous podcasts.

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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29 May 2024 11:25 #148 by ConiferRadio
If you missed Conifer Pocast's feature of Stop the Bike Park, please go to
Conifer Radio continues the live-stream broadcast of the 2nd part of its Conifer Podcast series on the proposed Shadow Mountain Bike Park development.

These on-demand broadcasts featuring Barbara Murphy and John Lewis of the Stop The Bike Park organization. This is the second of a multi-part series concerning the development of the proposed Shadow Mountain Bike Park through a “Special Use Permit Process.” This series is produced to provide a voice of the folks from both perspectives of this process.

The planned development of a bike park in the Shadow Mountain neighborhood has been a long and involved process. Conifer Podcast continues this series to introduce the Stop The Bike Park organization and to provide the viewpoint of the folks who live in and near Shadow Mountain.

This podcast is available on Conifer Radio's Podcast page located at:

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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29 May 2024 11:44 #149 by ConiferRadio
Today, recorded live and direct from Studio at the Museum, we present Mr. John Obrecht and Mr. Gary Zuiderveen of the LifeBridge Food Pantry. For those who may not be aware, LifeBridge is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Bailey, Colorado providing food, clothing and firewood to those in need. For more information, go to .

This week’s Conifer Podcast was made possible through sponsorship by American Restoration, Inc. located in Pine, Colorado. American Restoration is your complete solution for water, fire, smoke, storm and property damage restoration and has been locally owned since 1996; and we recognize Terry and the American Restoration team for their support of the LifeBridge Food Pantry, this month’s featured nonprofit organization.

You can reach American Restoration at 303-816-0068 or visit their website at .

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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05 Jun 2024 16:24 #150 by ConiferRadio
Today at 5 pm, we continue our US 285 Corridor a new regular feature we call Chamber Chat. We bring together leaders from our local area Chambers to discuss “What’s happening” in our US 285 Corridor and how you can participate and make a difference.

We are featuring from Studio at the Museum, Ms. Beth Schneider and Mr. Bill Aubin of our Conifer Area Chamber of Commerce and Mark Linne of our Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce.

By way of introduction, Beth Schneider serves as the Executive Director of our Conifer Area Chamber and is also the co-founder of the Sam Schneider Legacy Fund of CureSearch for Children's Cancer. Mr. Bill Aubin, President of the Chamber for 2024 and Founder and CEO of Optive Commercial Capital our local commercial financing expert here in Conifer. Mark Linne is President of our Platte Canyon Area Chamber and owns three vibrant businesses in the Bailey area including Deer Creek Secure Self Storage, Delwood Liquors and Mudslingers Drive-thru Coffee.

Please join us for this regular monthly feature of Chamber Chat each month on Conifer Podcast, Wednesdays at 5 pm. - click Listen Live.

Don't forget that you can catch previous podcasts on demand at

A streaming internet radio voice for the Conifer, Pine, Bailey Colorado and US Highway 285 Corridor mountain communities. We have MOUNTAIN CLASSIC ROCK music, plus local music, the voices of our Local Folks, and community information. Listen live by clicking the "Listen Live" button at
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 303-514-9188

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