In case anyone cares...

01 Aug 2013 08:55 #101 by FOS
Replied by FOS on topic In case anyone cares...
i would also like to ask at this time that the current illegitimate admin at 2b reinstate the nics she has banned and remove others from Q so that they may speak freely, in the true intent of 285bound, so the hallmark freedom from excessive moderation can continue.
I would post this there but cannot because of the current ban.

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01 Aug 2013 10:23 #102 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic In case anyone cares...
Thanks for the Welcome, even from PhotoFish.

In regards to everything that has transpired due the Witch from Hell, let me make something clear. When I had my falling out, I checked with a lawyer and believe it or not, I actually could have had her put in jail. At the time, and I am not so sure that it actually has totally changed, there was a law on the books here in Colorado about Slander that allowed for incarceration without any actual proof necessary, The one and only reason that I did not pursue it was due to what I considered a friendship with JMC, though it basically turned out to be pretty much one-sided. But, out of respect for him and the fact of his illness, I decided to just back away and do nothing. In many ways I regret that decision. If I had at least pursued somewhat of the legal battle, there is a possibility that SC wouldn't be having some or all of these problems, but then again, SC is a Libtard. ( Only kidding, or am I? )

As I'm sure JfAcai1 remembers, there was someone else who was involved but I won't bring up his name. Any way, I'm back, as long as I am welcome or allowed.

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01 Aug 2013 11:42 #103 by archer
Replied by archer on topic In case anyone cares...
Of course you are allowed, SC runs her message boatd to be inclusive not exclusive. It's unfortunate that you returned with the same attitude you left with. While you were gone there has been very little name calling and personal attacks, it was nice while it lasted. Not that discussions here haven't been heated and lively, they have. But they were missing the nasty factor that you bring to the board.

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01 Aug 2013 11:45 #104 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic In case anyone cares...
Well get used to it old woman. You have had it easy for long enough. The community needs the service I provide of not putting up with your LIBTARD insanity.

I noticed that you haven't replied to my question to you of stating all the wonderful accomplishments of your messiah.

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01 Aug 2013 12:44 #105 by hillfarmer
Replied by hillfarmer on topic In case anyone cares... are not only a rude troll, but a narcissist as well.

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01 Aug 2013 12:56 #106 by ScienceChic
Replied by ScienceChic on topic In case anyone cares...
No, no getting used to it. If you want to do name-calling, take it to the Ring, that's what it's there for. The Courthouse is for civil discussion and debate. It's fine if you don't like Obama or Bush, liberals or conservatives, or whomever, feel free to point out everything they are doing/have done wrong, but we are not going to attack each other personally over our beliefs. If you take an attack on liberals or conservatives or gays, whomever, that's made in general personally, then we're going to have to decide as a community how to handle that as well. Do we put that in the Ring and risk making the Courthouse sterile and boring, or keep it and risk losing lurkers and new members who aren't used to the bluntness of forums feel like they are being overwhelmed and attacked? One of the big reasons that we moved to this new system is that people can post on their own Profile Pages and avoid the controversy if it's too much for them, and still provide a place for their voice to be heard - as archer said, we aim to be inclusive, not exclusive. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to be welcoming and invite all new voices to be heard - that's how we learn new things, meet new friends, and make this place more interesting with more widely varying viewpoints.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs and no one is entitled to like or respect it, but we will treat each other civilly in this forum and if you want to make it nastier, go where it belongs.

This is a new website and a new start, with many new features. I was reminded recently that "Communities are defined by what they tolerate" -Heather Champ I've decided to not tolerate being treated like crap any longer, and I won't let my members be so either. The various forums exist on this site to allow people various levels for posting from "safe for kids" to "knock-down, drag out bar fights". Post where it's appropriate, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, and don't be surprised if your stuff gets moved. Doesn't mean you're being punished or that your posts will be deleted and you treated any differently, it just means that we are protecting the membership as a whole and the business itself so we can all enjoy posting here, and make this place grow and thrive. This site is what we make it, so let's make it good and kick some ass!

Pep talk done. tongue:

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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01 Aug 2013 13:22 #107 by Rick
Replied by Rick on topic In case anyone cares...

archer wrote: While you were gone there has been very little name calling and personal attacks.

:rofllol sorry archer, that was just too funny!

The queen of insults and hatred has stated on the other site that she's going to stay there... so your statement may have some validity... for the future anyway. Unless she intends to infect this site as well, Ima be a good boy here and spread peace and love on my new favorite site. :biggrin:

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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01 Aug 2013 13:37 #108 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic In case anyone cares...
Simple question SC.

Well get used to it old woman. You have had it easy for long enough. The community needs the service I provide of not putting up with your LIBTARD insanity.

What is the name calling that I should stop in this forum? The Old Woman or the Libtard? Just need the information and if either is name calling then I would think so is "troll".

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01 Aug 2013 13:38 #109 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic In case anyone cares...
Oh, and narcissist as well. Can I call Obama a narcissist?

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01 Aug 2013 13:56 #110 by Grady
Replied by Grady on topic In case anyone cares...
I was going to post a rebuttle to Nym's rantings. But it's not worth wasting bits.

Rant away Nym rant away.

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