Three Oklahoma cowards with a Gun

21 Aug 2013 08:17 #21 by Reverend Revelant

chickaree wrote: Okay, you're all making me mad now. First off, no one, of any political stripe is claiming this was a legal killing. There are no parallels to the case in Florida. Second, minority shootings? Really? You're going to try to say that if there were only white people in America everything would be hunky dory? (should I say honkey dory?). Please. Most, if not all of the bank presidents that wrecked out economy we're white. White people commit crimes, go on welfare, cheat on their spouses and sin in a myriad of ways. Why, why, why do conservatives insist on going to this racist well when it is poisoning our party to the point of making us irrelevant and silencing our voices politically? If you two were my kids I bend you over my knee and give you a good thwacking. How in heavens name are we to solve our problems when we are unwilling to even correctly identify them?

Here... I'm going to correctly define this for you... it's a hate crime plain and simple... one of these kids had his Facebook page recently posted with gang slogans, gansta rap lyrics, pictures of himself in gang colors, text messages indicating that him and his friends were looking to start trouble... and the other kid...

Here... you identify this yourself... (warning... strong language). ... epage=true

Does take hit the target for you?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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21 Aug 2013 08:17 #22 by Rick

chickaree wrote: Okay, you're all making me mad now. First off, no one, of any political stripe is claiming this was a legal killing. There are no parallels to the case in Florida. Second, minority shootings? Really? You're going to try to say that if there were only white people in America everything would be hunky dory? (should I say honkey dory?). Please. Most, if not all of the bank presidents that wrecked out economy we're white. White people commit crimes, go on welfare, cheat on their spouses and sin in a myriad of ways. Why, why, why do conservatives insist on going to this racist well when it is poisoning our party to the point of making us irrelevant and silencing our voices politically? If you two were my kids I bend you over my knee and give you a good thwacking. How in heavens name are we to solve our problems when we are unwilling to even correctly identify them?

I'm merely pointing out the hypocrisy. You know as well as I that if this was three white kids shooting a young black man, the race baters would be saying "see, a black man can't even run down the street without fear of being shoot". You also know the media would go wild on this. Do you think this victim deserves a years worth of tv coverage like Trayvon got?

I don't know if this was a race thing, nor does it matter to me. This is about the lack of respect for human life. But the media and our leaders need to be consistent in their outrage instead of using select cases to make racial division even worse.

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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21 Aug 2013 08:49 #23 by The Boss

chickaree wrote: I doubt these boys would have availed themselves of jobs, even were they available. I also doubt that the gun used was legally aquired. Once again, the partisan sniping totally misses the target.

The jobs comment has no foundation.

The gun was used illegally in the act, how it was acquired is irrelevant. The concept of having an object be illegal to own is just odd, even though we do it.

The act of killing was the eternal crime.

It is not partisan to discuss those that raised this kid, both the parents and the state and discuss how they failed. It is partisan to claim that the gun was acquired illegally and that the kids would have likely not found jobs (or is this classiest, racist, who cares, it may just be right).

The reason people get jobs is because they want things and the money they get from jobs allows them to get things without additional consequence. Even those with poor educations, bad parents, lacking in societies resources, want money with minimal violence. Given the opportunity, I bet most kids would work, like most adults. When people are busy, they get in less trouble, please do not argue that.

Today most kids don't work due to both the govt take over the economy and the min wages rules. The policy has an influence on the violence and thus should be discussed in relation. When you discuss policy in the US it becomes partisan because people don't want to talk about the issues, they want to talk about balls dropping in faces and such.

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21 Aug 2013 08:50 #24 by chickaree
The race baiters on both sides are the problem. I doubt this had anything to do with race. People of all races commit cold-blooded, random murders. In fact, most people murder others of their own race. Everyone jumps on this site to get their licks in against the "other" side rather than engage in an actual discussion. Why do you just admit it?

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21 Aug 2013 09:42 #25 by Reverend Revelant

chickaree wrote: The race baiters on both sides are the problem. I doubt this had anything to do with race. People of all races commit cold-blooded, random murders. In fact, most people murder others of their own race. Everyone jumps on this site to get their licks in against the "other" side rather than engage in an actual discussion. Why do you just admit it?

Evidently you don't believe anything those boys were saying on their Facebook pages and their Twitter feeds... I gave you the link... read for yourself what it had to do with.

The actual discussion is how the left turns everything into a race issue. Do you think that Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, NAACP or the Southern Law Center is going to be protesting this shooting? Do you think that President Obama is going to weigh in on this by saying Chauncy Luna (who is biracial) or Michael Jones (the white kid) would look like his son (after all, Obama is half white)?

Let me know when Chris Matthews gives this lead time on his MSNBC show. For a matter of fact... let me know when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or any of the other major media outlets leads with this story every night for 2-3 weeks?

I noticed that you didn't post anything like your statement above when the left was whining for months over the Trayvon Martin killing. I couldn't find any comments from you... and I checked 285 Bound just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Was this opinion a recent revelation that you had?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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21 Aug 2013 09:48 #26 by chickaree
If you didn't see anything, you weren't reading very carefully.

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21 Aug 2013 10:03 #27 by Reverend Revelant

chickaree wrote: If you didn't see anything, you weren't reading very carefully.

Search for one of you posts and send me the link?

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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21 Aug 2013 10:09 #28 by Rick

chickaree wrote: The race baiters on both sides are the problem. I doubt this had anything to do with race. People of all races commit cold-blooded, random murders. In fact, most people murder others of their own race. Everyone jumps on this site to get their licks in against the "other" side rather than engage in an actual discussion. Why do you just admit it?

Perceptions of these horrible events are framed and escalated by the media. This case will be treated much differently by the media than the Trayvon case... in that case, it was instantly framed as being a racist hate crime (even after the evidence proved otherwise). In this case, I'm betting the attention will be placed more on the gun than on the shooter and accomplices. Race will be dismissed as a reason because the shooter said he did it because of boredom... case closed.

I got into this discussion because of the title LJ chose to post... the same emphasis I would expect from the left media. (the gun)

It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy

George Orwell

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21 Aug 2013 10:13 #29 by Reverend Revelant

chickaree wrote: If you didn't see anything, you weren't reading very carefully.

ANd you didn't bother to address a single one of my points.

Waiting for Armageddon since 33 AD

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21 Aug 2013 13:01 #30 by chickaree
You know Walter, you can do the as well as I can. I'm a busy woman. If you are that curious, search away. Personally, I thought that killing someone is a dire move and one that Zimmerman shouldn't have made. I also thought that under Florida law, he was innocent. Under Gods law, he is guilty.

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