But again, if the banks agree to a loan, they must do their due diligence. Suddenly Democrats care about big banks when it serves their purpose. Now if Stewart or Trump borrowed money from an individual who was not a bank and did not have endless resources to appraise real estate, it would be a different story.
The Biden's seem to have a habit of lending each other large sums of money, but nobody on the left wants to know what the 'loans' were for or if they were actually loans and not money made from influence pedaling.
"We're the party of common sense, in all honesty, you're not, in all fairness. We like water to put out fires, it's really quite efficient". DJT
koobookie wrote: I don't know where you get your information, Rick. Fraud was committed by Trump. Evidence was presented in a court of law and judgement was rendered.
A victim is not a requirement for a crime, so you can stop parroting the brietbart or foxnews talking points.
So Roe V Wade went to the court and judgement was rendered. You have to accept the Supreme Court of the land. Abortion is a state's right issue.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
I accept and abide by what the SC ruled, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with the mistake they made, nor that I have to not try to overturn that horrendous miscarriage of justice.
You have no idea how pissed women are right now.
Yet another reason to NOT vote for Rapist Trump - he will seat more anti-abortion judges.
Funny how you don't seem to be upset that the three judges Rapist Trump nominated lied to the country about their position on Roe v Wade. "Settled law" my ass.
koobookie wrote: I accept and abide by what the SC ruled, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with the mistake they made, nor that I have to not try to overturn that horrendous miscarriage of justice.
You have no idea how pissed women are right now.
Yet another reason to NOT vote for Rapist Trump - he will seat more anti-abortion judges.
Funny how you don't seem to be upset that the three judges Rapist Trump nominated lied to the country about their position on Roe v Wade. "Settled law" my ass.
Their position evolved? President Obama ran in his first term not supporting Same Sex marriage, but before his second term started he changed his mind and did support gays getting married. Do you think Barack lied to become president?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Democrats can't even pretend to be the party of the "little guy" anymore... not that they ever were but they always talked a big game. Since when are millionaires and billionaires 'grass roots'?
"We're the party of common sense, in all honesty, you're not, in all fairness. We like water to put out fires, it's really quite efficient". DJT
Rick wrote: Democrats can't even pretend to be the party of the "little guy" anymore... not that they ever were but they always talked a big game. Since when are millionaires and billionaires 'grass roots'?
...asked the guy who voted for a crooked billionaire.
Do you think President Biden gets more small time donors than President Trump?
President Biden is the establishment chief executive. He has been a DC insider for over 40 years. Personally I love when he promises to fix things this time. Dude, you have been at the wheel of the ship forever. One of the youngest senators in American history. You are the problem Joe.
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.