You and I wouldn’t be getting charged for a felony for the same “crime”, nor would anyone else other than Trump. There is no precedent anywhere on the planet for a change like this.
How many years did it take to levy this charge and then sent the timing very convenient. Kinda the same timing as Covid… shocker.
Rick wrote: You and I wouldn’t be getting charged for a felony for the same “crime”, nor would anyone else other than Trump. There is no precedent anywhere on the planet for a change like this.
Yes, Rick, we would be charged if we had done the same thing as Donny.
Rick wrote: How many years did it take to levy this charge and then sent the timing very convenient. Kinda the same timing as Covid… shocker.
You see conspiracies everywhere and see Donny VonShitzinPantz as a victim. It's amusing.
Good job BB, talking about the actual merits of the case and the likelihood of conviction instead of who needs diapers and falls asleep.
In shocking news, Diaper Boy is leading Pedophile Incest Man by 10 points in both Nevada and Georgia despite this negative coverage.
Has America tuned out StormyGate?
Thomas Sowell: There are no solutions, just trade-offs.
Rick wrote: What's with the diaper talk, Fred? You're starting to sound like a TDS leftist again. Are you throwing away your vote to RFK?
No way! RFK Jr is another old man, over 70. He is anti-vaccine mandates, but the other 90% of his platform is to the left of Biden.
So you’re just not going to vote and make it easier for the leftists to win? I realize we live in a wannade commie state, but if we show some movement to the right, maybe more will actually go to the polls next time.