Glenn Beck Hosts Rally on Anniversary of MLK "Dream" Speech.

27 Aug 2010 22:39 #51 by The Viking

neptunechimney wrote:

LadyJazzer wrote: I love it that the Right-wing says that building a community center near (NOT ON) Ground-zero is "inappropriate", but they have no problem with a wingnut holding an anti-MLK rally ON the same location and ON the same date as MLK. They're probably too dumb to even understand the well as the difference between the two.

I had no idea it was going to be an anti-MLK rally. That's outrageous.
I hope you are writing letters to all the major newspapers to alert them to this fact.

LJ, is so clueless and full of crap. LJ throws lines out there like that thinking people will actually believe it. Republicans stand for more that MLK stood for, than Democrats ever will. Remember MLK gave his 'I Have a Dream' speech less than one year before the Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the majority of the Democrats voted against giving Black Americans equal rights. I find it very fitting, mistake or not, that the Tea Party and Republicans, which is the party that supported MLK much more that the Dems ever did, should be giving speeches about dreams and freedoms for America on the same day that MLK gave his 47 years ago. I think MLK would be proud of what they stand for.

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28 Aug 2010 07:10 #52 by The Dude
MLK would NOT be proud of the Tea Party or the GOP. If I remember right MLK was against nullification. It sure seems as though the Tea Party is fighting FOR nullification. Wasn't MLK fighting for equal rights????? So far most of the ignorance and biggotry I have seen lately is coming from the Tea Party and GOP. MLK was pushing to open peoples minds.. Not stiffle with fear!

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28 Aug 2010 07:58 #53 by AspenValley

outdoor338 wrote: AV, the best laid out plans have possibilities of mistakes and failures. I don't think your an idiot and can't believe an oversight can't happen, they do! They happen in all kinds of events. They happen in war (civil war, Gettysburg), politics (Mr. Kennedy, why do you want to be president?), finances (fanny & freddy), personal lives (this is a long list), they simply do don't give me your garbage, that Beck can't have it happen to him! Funny..It the way, how much land in Florida do you own, apparently quite a bit. Next, I expect you will be trying to sell everyone one of your bridges!

Are you having a problem with reading comprehension? I never said mistakes can't happen. I said I don't believe one happened in this case.

Why don't you go and look at Beck's own promotional materials for this event? This is a man who is obviously obsessed with putting himself into some kind of monumental historical context. He is not holding this rally just anywhere, he is holding it at the LINCOLN MEMORIAL. He did not pick that site at random, nor could even the buffoon he plays on TV (as opposed to the very canny businessman he really is) have possibly missed the historical significance of that site, nor would he have been ignorant of important historical events that have occurred there. Even if he had TRIED to be ignorant of them, I'm sure that before booking the site he had to have been given extensive background on it including notable historical events that have occurred there as a matter of course by the authorities responsible for the venue. Again, this is a man who is clearly obsessed with putting himself into an epic historic context. Obsessed people do NOT miss "little details" like this.

The fact that his true believers actually find him credible when he denies having "known" is really shocking to me. Obviously he has you conditioned to believe anything he says. Wow. It's worse than I thought.

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28 Aug 2010 08:17 #54 by The Viking

The Dude wrote: MLK would NOT be proud of the Tea Party or the GOP. If I remember right MLK was against nullification. It sure seems as though the Tea Party is fighting FOR nullification. Wasn't MLK fighting for equal rights????? So far most of the ignorance and biggotry I have seen lately is coming from the Tea Party and GOP. MLK was pushing to open peoples minds.. Not stiffle with fear!

And I love how MLK's niece is one of the speakers. So I guess she is for what they say and stand for. Which is equality, the constitution and freedom. And saying biggotry is part of the Tea party is a total joke and talking point of the left that is totally unsubstantiated. Just because they defend the Constitution and our borders, people call them bigots and racist. Just because the Main stream media says it, so many sheep keep repeating it. It is sad to see, when the fact is, that if you made a checklist of what most Americans wanted, that is what the Tea Party stands for.

And Nullification is what the 10th ammendment is about. As usual, like with the First Ammendment, the Democrats and Liberals spin the Constitution to try and give the Federal government much more power than they were suppose to have. Dems want to take away states rights just like in Arizona, when they are just trying to protect it's citizens, and give all the rights to the people in Washington. You think MLK was for taking rights away from the states and the people and giving more control to the Federal Government and the White House when the 10th Ammendment says the total opposite? Not a chance. He would be on those steps today right next to Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and his niece.

And you want to talk stifling with fear? That is all the Dems do! They tell everyone that they cannot make it without giving everything over to the government. Their banks, their cars, their homes, their savings, their media, their gun control, their healthcare, their taxes. Everything the Dems do is trying to put fear into people so they give over more control. MLK was for the opposite of that and so is the Tea Party.

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28 Aug 2010 09:07 #55 by outdoor338
AV..Are you married to this man? Are you in a relationship with him? know him so much better then any of us, he seems like he can make no mistakes before your eyes...I think you have an obsession with him, and that's your, I will drop the relationship remarks..oh, silly me!

AV writes: "Again, this is a man who is clearly obsessed with putting himself into an epic historic context. Obsessed people do NOT miss "little details" like this. (100,000+) and beck will not have any little details missing! your being funny..are you a member of a comedy club..and your trying some new material on us...cause its funny!

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28 Aug 2010 09:09 #56 by The Viking
I think she started a new thread about this because she doesn't want to discuss it here anymore.

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28 Aug 2010 09:12 #57 by The Viking

The Dude wrote: MLK would NOT be proud of the Tea Party or the GOP. If I remember right MLK was against nullification. It sure seems as though the Tea Party is fighting FOR nullification. Wasn't MLK fighting for equal rights????? So far most of the ignorance and biggotry I have seen lately is coming from the Tea Party and GOP. MLK was pushing to open peoples minds.. Not stiffle with fear!

And Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, who says her uncle would attend the rally if he were alive today. But I guess you know him better than she does?

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28 Aug 2010 09:16 #58 by AspenValley
No, I will continue to discuss what THIS THREAD has been about, which is the timing and location of the rally and whether it was "accidental" or not.

However, I don't see a lot of actual content to address in posts like this last one from outdoor38. If he can't understand how to judge the likelihood of something being a truth or a lie from looking at the other actions, motivations, and personality of a person, there isn't much I can do to enlighten him. He'll just keep being a sucker for a con. Or an apologist for one. Take your pick.

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28 Aug 2010 09:16 #59 by outdoor338

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28 Aug 2010 09:21 #60 by outdoor338
AV, you choose to say.."if beck's doing it, I am against it" (sorry JMC). You can't possible agree there could have been a mistake on the date beck, been in way to many planning events, to see some thing like this happen, and it does! We disagree, that's ok..I have no problem with that.

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