To you very few remaining Maes supporters

13 Oct 2010 09:45 #41 by archer
I just love watching republican's count the chickens before they are hatched......sheesh, the 2012 egges aren't even a gleem in the rooster's eye yet. A lot can happen in another 2 years.....but I do understand the need to prance about here touting the republicans new found favor with voters....there has been precious little to be proud of lately if you are a conservative.

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13 Oct 2010 10:12 #42 by Nobody that matters

archer wrote: Ithere has been precious little to be proud of lately if you are a conservative.

You're right, but it's only because there hasn't been any real conservatives running for office lately.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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13 Oct 2010 10:21 #43 by RenegadeCJ

archer wrote: I just love watching republican's count the chickens before they are hatched......sheesh, the 2012 egges aren't even a gleem in the rooster's eye yet. A lot can happen in another 2 years.....but I do understand the need to prance about here touting the republicans new found favor with voters....there has been precious little to be proud of lately if you are a conservative.

I've actually been quite proud of conservatives lately. They are finally on the offensive. Conservatism is actually very popular, if the politicians would actually follow thru on it's principles. The problem is, they haven't....we shall see this time. I'd love for more conservatives to attack the democratic union machine head on regarding their unsustainable principles. Chris Christie is doing just that....

Too bad future generations aren't here to see all the great things we are spending their $$ on!!

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13 Oct 2010 11:09 #44 by PrintSmith

archer wrote: I just love watching republican's count the chickens before they are hatched......sheesh, the 2012 egges aren't even a gleem in the rooster's eye yet. A lot can happen in another 2 years.....but I do understand the need to prance about here touting the republicans new found favor with voters....there has been precious little to be proud of lately if you are a conservative.

Tell me something archer, what Democrat Senator up for election 2 years from now that participated in the cramdown of the Health Insurance bill will be able to escape the same fate as the Democrat Senators are facing that are up for reelection this year? And what of the Senators 2 years after that, which include our very own Senator Udall? Do you think that the 60+% of us who were angered by that action are going to allow such deviation to go unpunished? Don't you think that the candidate who challenges Udall will be using the same ad about casting the deciding vote on that bill that is being used against Bennet? Do you think that 2 or 4 years from now we will have forgotten about the series of failed SwindleUs bills that only served to dig the existing hole deeper? Do you honestly feel like the voters will have forgotten the catastrophe that results whenever a single party is given complete power that was evidenced by both the first 6 years of the Bush administration and the first 2 years under Obama?

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13 Oct 2010 11:35 #45 by archer
yeah PS....I do think voters have short memories.....they vote for the flavor of the day.

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13 Oct 2010 12:12 #46 by outdoor338
The flavor you speak of archer is, liberal crap, and we will not forget that taste in the next two years, that I can promise you. Udall is the next to go! :wave:

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13 Oct 2010 12:34 #47 by The Viking

archer wrote: yeah PS....I do think voters have short memories.....they vote for the flavor of the day.

Like all the Dems voting back in the same Dems who have ran this country in the ground for the last 4 years? They have the shortest memories of all.

2002-2006 economy not great but not that bad and still creating jobs every month.
2006 Libs vote in enough Dems to take over all of congress and control all of the spending and bills.
2007-2008, they start one of the worst recessions in our history. They inflate a Tarp bill to over $700 billion and pass it. the economy continues into a freefall.
2008 The Dems and mnay unhappy Independents vote back in the same Dems :bash :bash
2008-2010 unemployment climbs to 10% and losing jobs every month. And they spend us close to bankrupcy, with no results, creating the highest deficit in history. Lowest approval rating for congress in history. So what do they do?
2010, many Dems are fighting to vote in the same Dems that got us here and then criticize those like the Tea Party for trying to vote in new more fiscally resonsible people.
:bash :bash :bash :bash :bash

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13 Oct 2010 12:38 #48 by The Viking
So either the Dems have the shortest memory in history or they really believe that by voting in the same people that have been in charge for the last 4 years, that they will all of the sudden have an epiphany and become fiscally responsible.

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13 Oct 2010 12:42 #49 by Nobody that matters
Dems don't want fiscal responsibility. They figure that if they keep voting them in, sooner or later they'll get around to paying off everyone's mortgage and giving us all cushy federal jobs with free healthcare.

The rich will pay for it all.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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13 Oct 2010 12:46 #50 by The Viking

dmcdd wrote: Dems don't want fiscal responsibility. They figure that if they keep voting them in, sooner or later they'll get around to paying off everyone's mortgage and giving us all cushy federal jobs with free healthcare.

The rich will pay for it all.

Like the saying goes........... 'The problem with Socialism (can be replaced with Obamanamics) is that eventually you run out of other people's money to give away'.

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