Like your lives are gonna change

06 Nov 2010 14:28 #91 by Pony Soldier

residenttroll wrote:

towermonkey wrote:

So your argument is that only the rich deserve an education? Sorry CG, but I'm about to force this discussion to the ring. This guy is an arrogant asshole.....!!!!!

Hey TM, speaking of meds, it appears the MMJ is relieving you of your cognitive ability instead of back pain. Did I argue that only the rich should get an education? Did I say discontinue the federally back loan program? Show me where I specifically said either of those statements.

You said this:

I think we heard the similar argument with the housing industry and look what that got us - a bubble. We need poor people in homes. We need everyone in homes.

Okay, you didn't come right out and say it but A=B and B=C, the A=C.

Each year, the colleges and universities (sometimes with approval of the state legislature) set a price for tuition. The student goes to the "financial aid office" of their respective school and "applies" for a loan each year. The loan is sent to a clearinghouse of applications and is typically approved at the amount requested for tuition, books, and in some case, living costs. Coupled with the federally back student loans are pell grants for students to fall below a certain income level.

Here's my quesiton to you? Would you co-sign a loan for a friend or friend's friend who has no work experience, no job, and has never earned an amount over the cost of one year of tuition?

Today a student can't get a summer job or even a part time job to pay for tuition. The operational costs of the education system is the problem, it's not the ability to give student money. Again, go back and read my post. Without an efficient delivery model, today's universities are going to be deemed useless. In many cases, they already have been. The myth that a college education will get you a job has been debunked during this recession. There are thousands upon thousands of graduates who are saddled with federally back student loans with degrees they will NEVER use (unless they find a government job). There are thousands upon thousands of graduates who are saddled with federally back student loans with degrees and no jobs available and the forecast is bleak. But they continue to pay their student loan payments and will continue to pay them for decades.

Additionally, there are high school graduates who have absolutely no business going to college. They don't have the academic capability or aptitude. Since there is loan money available, they go, they party, they leave, the schools paid up, and the kid is out $10 - 20K. All the while, the university accepted him/her knowing he/she would never make it....but why do they care, they got paid thousands upon thousands for the student to come and party. They probably consider it profit center.

There is a better way, a lower cost, higher quality way of providing education - until the federally back student loan program is harnessed we will continue to see school tuitions rise and the taxpayers will continue to listen to libtards scream that the schools are not getting enough money. I submit the schools are getting plenty of money, they just need to become more efficient and feeding them cash doesn't make them efficient.

Food for thought, why do we need three major universities with duplicate programs within fifty miles of each other? Just asking.

This all sounds as if your solution is to whittle down the number of student that get to go to college because somehow you have determined that there are many who don't belong there. You don't explain how we are supposed to compete on a global level with a bunch of half educated people. I do agree that the cost of education and these loans is exorbitant, but that is up to the student and their parents to decide if it is worth it or not. It is a loan that gets paid back, not welfare. That was my point the whole time, but your mental illness seems to not let that through.

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06 Nov 2010 14:30 #92 by Pony Soldier

major bean wrote:

towermonkey wrote: You're a puppet. Dance to their strings little puppet...

Very compelling argument - name calling.
I'm impressed and will most likely change my thinking because of it.

Sorry 'bout that MB, you snuck a post in there between. I was throwing that at RT. I'm pretty sure we're on the same side on this one.

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06 Nov 2010 16:48 #93 by major bean

LadyJazzer wrote: Oh, I'm just extrapolating your argument that government shouldn't provide student loans if the students are going to get an education in something that YOU think is a waste of student-loan money... You can take your personal insults and shove 'em up your nose.

Do not extrapolate anything that i post. I said exactly what I meant to say and did not allude to any government interference with a dicision by the student. i firmly believe that student loans are wonderful and believe wholeheartedly that a college education should be provided free by the government for those who can meet min. scholastic standards.

I stated plainly several times that the student is responsible for their foolish decision to go into debt for $100 grand in an area that will not normally pay them a living wage (such as anthropology).

Now do you want to talk about how I have said that the government should deny students a loan?

Major Bean

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06 Nov 2010 16:49 #94 by major bean
towermonkey, then please excuse me for being stupid. I sometimes take everything personally.

Major Bean

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06 Nov 2010 17:01 #95 by Residenttroll returns

navycpo7 wrote: Someone wants to grow up and get a hellva education, join the military. My school was the United States Navy during a 20 year career. I would be willing to match my education and experience against anyone else's in my field. I would be willing to bet that the technical training I got along with leadership training and a few others is second to none.

Most libtards detest the military, some detest America. You expect them to learn how to do real work and serve their country too? How dare you insult their intelligence, their dishonor, and lack of courage.

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06 Nov 2010 17:12 #96 by archer

residenttroll wrote:

navycpo7 wrote: Someone wants to grow up and get a hellva education, join the military. My school was the United States Navy during a 20 year career. I would be willing to match my education and experience against anyone else's in my field. I would be willing to bet that the technical training I got along with leadership training and a few others is second to none.

Most libtards detest the military, some detest America. You expect them to learn how to do real work and serve their country too? How dare you insult their intelligence, their dishonor, and lack of courage.

There you go again, throwing out lies to smear liberals. I don't know one liberal who detests the military, many are in the military, nor do they detest America.... I get mighty tired of your rants painting liberals with a broad brush that bears no resemblance to reality. Why can't you debate on the issues and leave out the hyperbole and smear tactics?

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06 Nov 2010 17:34 #97 by Residenttroll returns

towermonkey wrote: Okay, you didn't come right out and say it but A=B and B=C, the A=C.

Again, those arguments were made by others I didn't claim those arguments. Again, I believe all people in America should have the ability to acquire a college diploma at a competitive cost and without liberal indoctrination.

How about we provide all Americans (middle or poor class) a cost effective college program? A program where they don't have to BORROW thousands. A program where they can work part-time and pay for their education. Why can't we do that? Today we can't because the lack of efficiency in the education system. Why the inefficiency? Because there is plenty of cash via the mechanism called federally back student loans. Cut the federal funding, you cut the demand, and cost dramatically lowers at most institutions. In some cases, institutions consolidate or close. The fat gets trimmed and mediocre elitist libtards get early retirement. I would love to see the libtards eat each other for job survival. I guarantee you will see the cream of the crop in professors rising to the top and you will see more professors embracing real intellectual thought.

towermonkey wrote: This all sounds as if your solution is to whittle down the number of student that get to go to college because somehow you have determined that there are many who don't belong there. You don't explain how we are supposed to compete on a global level with a bunch of half educated people. I do agree that the cost of education and these loans is exorbitant, but that is up to the student and their parents to decide if it is worth it or not. It is a loan that gets paid back, not welfare. That was my point the whole time, but your mental illness seems to not let that through.

You have a bunch of half educated people now. Most are indoctrinated with globly goop. The only difference is they have billions of dollars in federal backed student loans. If you really believe that in order to get ahead in life you need an ethnic studies degree, you are sadly mistaken. I could list dozens upon dozens of degrees that are nothing more than profit centers for universities.

I don't advocate telling a person who and who can't attend. I say, if you can afford or have the academic record, you need to go. If you can't afford but have the academic record, we will lend you money. Otherwise, cough it up.
In fact, I would support a plan that says, if you have a strong academic record, your home state should grant you free tuition if you elect to attend a state supported institution. How's that for an idea?

Yes, I think university education should be whittle down to those who absolutely want an education - not an opportunity to take out money to sow your oats. I also want to see tenure professorships whittled down. We will never have top flight education in America until the student loan bubble pops.

Call me crazy, I've been called worse. You sir! are not TM, you've turned into TmMj.

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06 Nov 2010 17:37 #98 by Residenttroll returns

archer wrote:

residenttroll wrote:

navycpo7 wrote: Someone wants to grow up and get a hellva education, join the military. My school was the United States Navy during a 20 year career. I would be willing to match my education and experience against anyone else's in my field. I would be willing to bet that the technical training I got along with leadership training and a few others is second to none.

Most libtards detest the military, some detest America. You expect them to learn how to do real work and serve their country too? How dare you insult their intelligence, their dishonor, and lack of courage.

There you go again, throwing out lies to smear liberals. I don't know one liberal who detests the military, many are in the military, nor do they detest America.... I get mighty tired of your rants painting liberals with a broad brush that bears no resemblance to reality. Why can't you debate on the issues and leave out the hyperbole and smear tactics?

:Koolaid: :lol: :lol: You crack me up Archer. Blah Blah Blah! I wonder how many pages I could fill up with videos from Code Pink demonstrations in front of military recruiting centers and stories of liberal universities and public schools banning military recruiting and ROTC programs.

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06 Nov 2010 18:11 #99 by archer

residenttroll wrote: :Koolaid: :lol: :lol: You crack me up Archer. Blah Blah Blah! I wonder how many pages I could fill up with videos from Code Pink demonstrations in front of military recruiting centers and stories of liberal universities and public schools banning military recruiting and ROTC programs.

So glad you find it amusing to slander the many libs who support the military, support their country, work hard every day to provide for their families, believe that education is the key to a better are so out in right field you can't even see that this country is not, will never be, a country just for you and those like you.....try as hard as you like, you will never make it so.....and THAT is a good thing. I would hate to be as bitter and full of hatred for my fellow Americans as you seem to be.

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06 Nov 2010 18:20 #100 by Pony Soldier
TmMj - If only. I mentioned this a couple of times before, but I guess you missed it. I do have my MMJ license but can't put it to good use as I get drug tested at work. Some asshole that thinks he knows better than my doctor has made that decision for me.

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