New Coroner/ New Truck?

08 Jan 2011 17:06 - 08 Jan 2011 17:17 #31 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

I did not say you were a fool. I said people are making fools out of themselves making these allegations online. If you choose to get offended, there is nothing I can say or do about it. I was trying to point out my perception of what Xmas_Porn has been trying to say about these type of posts for quite awhile. If you read back you will see that I was able to get AV8OR to understand and get involved with me in doing something rather than talking about it here on this forum. As a result, Xmas_porn helped pay some of the court costs. I personally find that to be more productive. I hope you will too. Hope you had a great Holiday Season, by the way.

( You might also be surprised at who else contributed, but I don't think that person would want me to disclose the screen name )

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08 Jan 2011 17:13 #32 by MamaRama
Replied by MamaRama on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

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08 Jan 2011 17:51 #33 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

MamaRama wrote: :yeahthat:

Ditto :)

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08 Jan 2011 19:08 #34 by Sundance
Replied by Sundance on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
To: 4everyoung, Nmysys, & Xmas Porn,

As you can see I have just joined & not very good at sending posts back. Hopefully, I will get better. First of all, you are welcome 4everyoung. It seems you are all talking about saying things without proof. I just posted a statement with proof & experience & yet what Xmas Porn was saying about gurneys, 10hr position was the exact same thing Nmysys is talking about simply going on about something you know nothing about or experience.

To Nmsys, sometimes there are things we can do instead of talk the talk & rather walk the walk. But, many times there is nothing we can do legally, and we simply have to eat it. I commend you & Avbor for taking the plunge. Wish I could have been there to help with some of my legal knowledge. I think Xmas Porn's contribution IS commendable. But, he or she should also start to talking the correct talk & not defend something he or she knows nothing about. Speaking to a few folks is nothing & until you actually are around or work with people for a while you will never know what anyone is about.

To Xmas Porn, I truly feel your thinking is wrong regarding many of the employees of the County in that they are not the calibur of what you could get in Denver. Rather it is those who are in charge, THEY are the ones who could not cut it in a REAL PROFESSIONAL work environment. Picture it! August 10, 2010! Aside from a couple of good people, look who got in CHARGE! Until those pompass, pompass are removed from office this County will continue on the path of self destruction! The best we can try to be is Country Strong! Happy Healthy Hopeful New Year to all!

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08 Jan 2011 22:21 #35 by ColoradoXprss
Park County Administration is and always has been GREAT at their smoke screen validations of why we need this, why we need that, we'll just keep spending spending spending, nothing ever changes nothing ever will until the Park County Taxpayers stand up together and make a stand...I will never believe the MAJORITY of Park County is all FOR the current administration and how they run this county into the ground and spend our tax dollars like they've won a new lottery every week. The Park County Administration is nothing more than a contradiction in terms.
I will state here again...put up or zip it...if YOU want to see change then YOU must become active in helping your fellow neighbors/residents of Park County get this county back on track, we can't do it all FOR YOU.
There is a small group who have been doing their due diligence, but it takes more than 5-10 people to get our taxpayer dollars and this county back on track.
I/we have been working behind the scenes trying to be pro-active in bringing change and forward thinking to this community; to bring back the accountability, the transparency, the honesty and the integrity this community deserves to have as its representation 24/7, 365 days a year.
I have been so sickened by some of the threads and comments I've read here, I have stayed away..because it saddens me knowing some of you on here personally and yet you won't help in any way shape or form. Elections over, didn't get what you wanted and so now you're done; washed your hands, that is very sad IMHO.

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08 Jan 2011 22:29 #36 by MamaRama
Replied by MamaRama on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Once again I will say " :yeahthat: " and :woo hoo:

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09 Jan 2011 00:05 #37 by CC
Replied by CC on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
He broke a promise and misled the public....All in less than a few day of taking office.

Can we all just say "integrity" !!!

Geeeez....where is the "I told you so" smiley?

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09 Jan 2011 04:05 #38 by Let the Wildlife run PC
lol folks now feel like they are "so involved" because they gave 20 bucks to one cause in 12 years. We'll see how the money flows in June.

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09 Jan 2011 04:20 #39 by Let the Wildlife run PC

It seems you are all talking about saying things without proof. Nmysys, sometimes there are things we can do instead of talk the talk & rather walk the walk. But, many times there is nothing we can do legally, and we simply have to eat it. I think Xmas Porn's contribution IS commendable. But, he or she should also start to talking the correct talk & not defend something he or she knows nothing about. Speaking to a few folks is nothing & until you actually are around or work with people for a while you will never know what anyone is about.

To Xmas Porn, I truly feel your thinking is wrong regarding many of the employees of the County in that they are not the calibur of what you could get in Denver. Rather it is those who are in charge, THEY are the ones who could not cut it in a REAL PROFESSIONAL work environment. Picture it! August 10, 2010! Aside from a couple of good people, look who got in CHARGE! Until those pompass, pompass are removed from office this County will continue on the path of self destruction! The best we can try to be is Country Strong!


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09 Jan 2011 04:28 #40 by Let the Wildlife run PC

ColoradoXprss wrote: There is a small group who have been doing their due diligence, but it takes more than 5-10 people to get our taxpayer dollars and this county back on track.

I have said this a thousand times, we need those 700 plus people, otherwise, we DO look like the "rabid racoons" that we were labled. This has been going on since 1992 since Freddy was a Seargent!

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