New Coroner/ New Truck?

11 Jan 2011 21:53 #61 by mtntrekker
Replied by mtntrekker on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

a more effective thing would be for folks to write to the crt with their reasons & support of the filing, rather than coming to crt like a lynch mob. It is called being professional.
no, it doesn't do any good to write the court with reasons and support of the filing as the clerks are instructed not to provide any information to the judge other than the filings. this is to keep the judge unbiased. same with going enmasse to the court room, it is not supposed to have any influence but i have seen judges work harder to be fair when there are many present. our chief judge puts on quite a performance if he has an audience. i suspect judge groome would do the same.

i read the flume article to my dad who was an attorney and is familiar with the bozo's we call 'your honor' and commented that the courts will rule for the commissioners so the best bet is to get a petition, preferably when there is an upcoming election rather than have more expense of a special election and get the issue on the ballot, e.g. limiting the amount of debt the commissioners can incur w/o vote of the people. he thinks you will get better results, better than a recall.

i am grateful to av8or and nmysys for going into court and bringing this to the attention of others.

bumper sticker - honk if you will pay my mortgage

"The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." attributed to Margaret Thatcher

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." Thomas Jefferson

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12 Jan 2011 07:52 #62 by 2wlady
Replied by 2wlady on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Let's also remember that there IS a black list in this county. Wonder who the new folks are on it? This came out in a criminal case and is on the record.

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12 Jan 2011 08:39 #63 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

Satchmo wrote: Let's also remember that there IS a black list in this county. Wonder who the new folks are on it? This came out in a criminal case and is on the record.

Black list of what kind of people?
Who created and maintains the list?
Was the list ever introduced into evidence in the trial?

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12 Jan 2011 15:41 #64 by Sundance
Replied by Sundance on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
4evryoung, I did just see that, & sent a post., very well put (and I agree with) right up to the man in the black robe. There is an agency (the BGA) better government assoc. which were very influential in looking into unethical government practices, employees etc. Do not know if we have something like this here., aside from the Atty General or that an opinion of unnecessary spending in bad times would fall under his watch. They always seem to weasel out of things. Probably because of the good ole' boy network. Have seen in the past, & you may have, where there have been take overs for those who have messed up or basically been in too long & got too comfortable. We can only hope for what goes around comes around. I will continue to be vigilant....

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12 Jan 2011 17:10 #65 by Sundance
Replied by Sundance on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
To: mtntrekker,

Totally agree with what your dad said about getting a petition started to be put on the ballot. Had some of the propositions passed last Nov, they would have taken care of this subject.

Not to argue, having been trained in the courts, the role of the clerk is to be impartial, & cannot give any legal advice, therefore, anything someone wants to submit to the crts has to be date stamped, taken in & presented to the judge. It is not the clerk's decision what may or may not be submitted to the judge. If the clerk of court is instructed by the judge to handle a case in a certain way, then that is different, but it is never a blanket procedure on how to handle all filings. On some filings they may look to make sure all forms are there as in divorce filings.

I am also familiar with as you call them (bozos) good name. Yes, it sticks in my throat to call any of them "your honor" . Mr chief judge is right in with groome having seen some of his last rulings. He has scumbbed to the evils of the commissioners & county atty. Very sad for the resident taxpayers of this county. He does not live here, so what does he care. You could be right on with your take in numbers. I would hope it would more than anything make them uncomfortable. When the last 2 district & county crt judges retired, we the citizens of park county lost 2 wonderful men of integrity, fairnes, knowledge, kindness & compassion. What a great loss for all of us....

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12 Jan 2011 17:45 #66 by 2wlady
Replied by 2wlady on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

Black list of what kind of people?
Who created and maintains the list?
Was the list ever introduced into evidence in the trial?

1 - of people who have issues with decisions of the board and make it known
2 - apparently the BOCC and secretary
3 - yes, it was

One of our more colorful posters was criminally charged with harrassment and threatening one or more BOCC members.

At trial, which he won, this black list was accidentally mentioned by a county employee at which point it was introduced into evidence.

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12 Jan 2011 17:47 #67 by JMC
Replied by JMC on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

Satchmo wrote:

Black list of what kind of people?
Who created and maintains the list?
Was the list ever introduced into evidence in the trial?

1 - of people who have issues with decisions of the board and make it known
2 - apparently the BOCC and secretary
3 - yes, it was

One of our more colorful posters was criminally charged with harrassment and threatening one or more BOCC members.

At trial, which he won, this black list was accidentally mentioned by a county employee at which point it was introduced into evidence.

Any link to County Gov. we can see?

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13 Jan 2011 06:15 #68 by MamaRama
Replied by MamaRama on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Can you give a date when that trail took place so we look up the transcripts?

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13 Jan 2011 07:29 #69 by 2wlady
Replied by 2wlady on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Let me check with the defendant. I'll get the docket # or whatever it is and post it.

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13 Jan 2011 10:09 #70 by MamaRama
Replied by MamaRama on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Thank you Satchmo, something that would help research this out would be great..Providing the defendant doesn't mind..

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