New Coroner/ New Truck?

04 Jan 2011 19:35 #1 by CC
New Coroner/ New Truck? was created by CC
Someone called me the other day and asked me if I had seen the article in The Flume about the new Coroner getting a brand new truck as he starts his term. Has anyone read the article?
If it is true....isn't that completely against the platform he ran on? I am gonna have go back and watch those videos but I am pretty disappointed that our new Coroner would break his promises so soon in the game. Not surprised but disappointed.
This county must be made of money.

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04 Jan 2011 20:23 #2 by Residenttroll returns
Yes, he asked for a new truck....look towards the bottom of this article. All in...about $ 50K for a new truck. How many dead bodies are there in Park County per year that require the coroner to examine? Sounds like Park County would be better off offering a car allowance. ... cleID=7725

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04 Jan 2011 22:56 #3 by AV8OR
Replied by AV8OR on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Perhaps, it is because the outgoing coroner, Sharon Morris, ran up serious mileage on her vehicle with all the trips out of state?

Did she teach her protege' the same?

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05 Jan 2011 04:47 #4 by Let the Wildlife run PC
I was completely dissapointed when reading the lengthy article too, keeping in mind his campaign strategy. I think he also requested a "part-time" employee to assist him on ALL these deaths in Park County. (I think there are probably maybe 5-8 per year)To me it sounds like he will be continuing with his other business to require an employee?? And I'm positive that truck will be used for his other business, just as we have deputies commuting way out of County with our vehicles....You know darn well he will be requesting an increase in pay real soon. In the article it explains in great detail about this "over-the-top" coroner truck, then it gets to the part of "approval" from the Commissioners, and of course no argument what so ever from them.... approved!!!

I don't know what these people are thinking, we're a bottomless pit of money? We can't meet our payment on the Jail each month, BUT, they want a $2.4 million dollar comm. center going to extremes of "where to borrow the money", they want 5 new cars, now they're giving Kintz whatever he wants..... Seems every week we're reading about another business shutting down in Park County, the foreclosure rate is increasing, unemployment up, people leaving Park County.... I don't get it...

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05 Jan 2011 06:13 #5 by Nmysys
Replied by Nmysys on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
Oh, you get it. It is business as usual!

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05 Jan 2011 07:23 #6 by navycpo7
Replied by navycpo7 on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
They can do all that, but the so called promise of giving our Park County Service Officer a raise must have "SLIPPED" thier minds.

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05 Jan 2011 10:18 #7 by CC
Replied by CC on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
What a bunch of scoop shovels.
Texas is looking better and better every day.
Heck....these guys are about as shifty as Texas 's neighbor to the east.

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05 Jan 2011 10:22 #8 by Martin Ent Inc
Too many Cockroaches.

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05 Jan 2011 10:42 #9 by AV8OR
Replied by AV8OR on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
JUNE 11, 2011 is a better alternative to moving out of Park County.

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05 Jan 2011 13:19 #10 by Residenttroll returns
8 dead bodies per year? ParkCO should pay the Coroner by the body...say $ 1500 per body includes's cheaper.

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