New Coroner/ New Truck?

09 Jan 2011 05:13 #41 by MamaRama
Replied by MamaRama on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
So I guess my question/s is ARE YOU HELPING to find and once again get those 700 plus people back involved.?. And my other question to you is "why don't you take that ANGER and DISTAIN you have for this County Administration and try and put it to making changes? don't change your screen name, change your plan in making a difference. Don't insult those, no matter how few that are trying to make a difference. Stop and look at where your anger and your statements have gotten you thus far. Isn't it time to take a NEW approach? Think about it.. Keep in mind too, that CHANGE no matter how small doesn't happen over night! These folks that are in the current Administration (probaly) have been lying and cheating for a lot longer than MOST of us have been telling the TRUTH.. Think about it. New year, New Approach. What have you got to lose.

I in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM agree that the Cororner should have gotten a New Vehicle , especially with our econmy in the shape it's in. I believe that he lied when he was running for his position, but here's the deal" He had a plan when he ran". Just like the people need a PLAN to get him and several others out. Think about that and where you can help put a plan in motion to get him and the others out.

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09 Jan 2011 05:39 #42 by Let the Wildlife run PC
So what are the plans to getting those "700" involved?

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09 Jan 2011 07:30 #43 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

4evryoung wrote: lol folks now feel like they are "so involved" because they gave 20 bucks to one cause in 12 years. We'll see how the money flows in June.

Another assumption based upon ZERO facts

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09 Jan 2011 07:36 #44 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

Sundance wrote:
To Xmas Porn, I truly feel your thinking is wrong regarding many of the employees of the County in that they are not the calibur of what you could get in Denver. Rather it is those who are in charge, THEY are the ones who could not cut it in a REAL PROFESSIONAL work environment. Picture it! August 10, 2010! Aside from a couple of good people, look who got in CHARGE! Until those pompass, pompass are removed from office this County will continue on the path of self destruction! The best we can try to be is Country Strong! Happy Healthy Hopeful New Year to all!

My post was based upon my experience of working with both leadership and people in the trenches across multiple departments. We have people that try hard but many don't have the real world experience or the opportunity to get this experience because our county seat is roughly 1.5 hrs (drive) from a major population center. It is OK if you don't have the same experiences as me.

Your rant appears to be focused on the office of the Sheriff, are you speaking about all Park County departments or just the PCSO?

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09 Jan 2011 07:39 #45 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

4evryoung wrote:

ColoradoXprss wrote: There is a small group who have been doing their due diligence, but it takes more than 5-10 people to get our taxpayer dollars and this county back on track.

I have said this a thousand times, we need those 700 plus people, otherwise, we DO look like the "rabid racoons" that we were labled. This has been going on since 1992 since Freddy was a Seargent!

We are speaking about county wide issues and you can only rant about the current Sheriff.

What has been going on since 1992? (Nice open ended implication that says absolutely NOTHING)

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09 Jan 2011 07:53 #46 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

4evryoung wrote: So what are the plans to getting those "700" involved?

Your full of piss & vinegar and accusations about everything that is wrong in our county, maybe you should tell us how your are going to take a leadership position and turn your accusations into a platform that can get 100's of people to support.

That is right, you don't know how to lead people, you have likely never been in a leadership position and you have no idea how to create a middle ground to maximize the number of people desiring to follow you and provide support for your ideas.

There are 700 that voted for Graves. That doesn't mean there are only 700 people that would like some change in how our county spends. For example I didn't vote for Graves because of the actions of people like yourself but I would like to see some change in how our county spends my tax $'s.

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09 Jan 2011 07:55 #47 by The Boss
Replied by The Boss on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

Xmas P_ rn wrote:

Nmysys wrote: 4everyoung:

Let me make you aware that Xmas Porn does care and has contributed towards the costs of our filing against the commissioners. What he or she seems to be against IMO is the arguing and public display of charges through the forum, instead of taking action, thereby not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk. Hopefully I am getting through to you in this regard. Too many have been throwing allegations out on the public forum and ending up making mostly fools of themselves.

exactly NMysys and I'm also against former employees that sit online throwing around a large number of unsubstantiated or unsupportable allegations of corruption about every single county employee. If this person was such a model county employee why were they given the choice to quit or be fired? That is not allegation, that came directly from this former county employee.

Yes there are things that can be changed in our county, but the continued unsubstantiated or unsupportable allegations of corruption about every single county employee is doing no one any good. It makes those who are crying wolf everyday look insane and it is likely covering up some real issues that citizens can get behind.

In the past year I had opportunities to work with several different county employees as part of community effort. Generally I found most of the people to be hard working and trying to do their best. In a rural county it is difficult to get the caliber of employee one could hire in Denver and this fact alone seems to lead to some bad decisions by people who are trying their best leveraging their knowledge and experience or lack there of.

Any time I see anti county threads turning into a bunch of BS allegations, I will call foul.

I call BS on not being able to get the kind of employees we need for the county due to being rural. I have lived in rural communites my whole life, in and out of CO and many other states and they all work the is a good ol boys and girls club. Good employees are here, some of them in the county govt. but for the most part if you are not part of the club, you are not in. So it is not about qualifications or who is around, it is about the club and joining.

In fact this is true in non rural places. We should not expect puplic employees to be the best, that is what the private sector is for and why we should privatize more stuff. I say at least 50% of county svs are not needed because they are not done many other places and people are happy with their govt. unlike here (wait they love their govt here and keep electing them and you guys are doing good things but in reality wasting time becuase I bet nothing will change, I would bet money in 2012 and 2014 that no more than 1 elected official changes). Keep in mind what makes park different is that in most places the county or govt jobs are the bottom of the ladder not the top like here and in other places with this type of population out of CO, for the most part they just plow and put out fires, that is all the govt that is needed.

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09 Jan 2011 08:31 #48 by V_A
Replied by V_A on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?

rldbailey wrote: A couple of months ago, my brother was told by an employee of the Bailey Library that they may be closing their doors soon and yet, I read today that Fairplay, with donated funds, bought land to build a library in Fairplay.

Exactly who will pay for the taxes on this land while waiting for construction to begin and who will pay for the construction costs and ongoing operations of this new library when our county apparently can't sustain the little library we already have in Bailey? Seems to me that Fairplay is enjoying far more rewards from all of Park County taxes collected, when a good portion of those tax dollars comes from this side of Kenosha Pass.


Let me know if I'm going to fast for you.

The Friends of the Library in Fairplay is a group of private citizens who raise $ and seek donations to improve the public library. They have raised $ and had single donation for $150K. So private $ paid the $100K for the land. Has this part settled in?

I suspect (i.e. I don't know for sure) that the Friends of the Library is incorporated. This corp purchased the land & this corp will be responsible for the property tax. In the paper it said the Friends of the Library is also trying to raise more $ through donations and grants to fund a building on the site. So far, no Park County tax $.

When the new library is built, the old library would shut down and the operational budget would shift from one building to another. Will the budget go up or down? Hard to tell, there are many factors that could impact the budget positively & negatively.

Your whole argument is about the library, thus one is lead to believe that you based the following statement on your library argument "Fairplay is enjoying far more rewards from all of Park County taxes collected, when a good portion of those tax dollars comes from this side of Kenosha Pass." Given that your arguement for the library is false, then we must consider your above statement as false.

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09 Jan 2011 09:01 #49 by 2wlady
Replied by 2wlady on topic New Coroner/ New Truck?
4everyoung wrote "So what are the plans to getting those "700" involved?"

And no one has responded. I, too, am wondering about that. I'm not going back through the 5 pages to see if the answer is there.

Since you want involvement, where is ALL the information we folks need to determine if yours is a legitimate organization. I know you're suing the county. Who are you, what is the plan, what are your credentials that we can verify? I'm not getting involved unless I know this is an upright organization which is not suing just because they are former County employees.

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09 Jan 2011 13:02 #50 by Let the Wildlife run PC

Satchmo wrote: 4everyoung wrote "So what are the plans to getting those "700" involved?"

And no one has responded. I, too, am wondering about that. I'm not going back through the 5 pages to see if the answer is there.

Since you want involvement, where is ALL the information we folks need to determine if yours is a legitimate organization. I know you're suing the county. Who are you, what is the plan, what are your credentials that we can verify? I'm not getting involved unless I know this is an upright organization which is not suing just because they are former County employees.

Amen :yeahthat: I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for the answer, cause there isn't one. And "Porn" man, you have no idea the positions I've held in my life. As I have always been a leader and not a follower as a couple in this thread. This thread did start out on Kintz and the over the top truck we can't afford and just our opinions in regards to it, and quickly turned into the "5 rabid racoon bullies" thinking they are "holier than thou, respect my author-a-tee, or get out" attitudes....

Seems these guys all of a sudden in 12 years actually did ONE thing, and they are now the "almighty Park County government slayers". Mark my words, it won't work, we have a Judge at the top you have to get past first. Thats the problem, some of you don't have a clue as to how large and powerful our "Good ol' boys" are.... good luck!!

Now, back to that 700... Shoot, I'll even settle for 100, or even 50!!!

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