Survey markers versus crosshairs, are libs this stupid?

11 Jan 2011 10:27 #41 by archer
defend what?....90% of the hate in this thread has been directed at me.....

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11 Jan 2011 10:31 #42 by outdoor338
Grady, your a bow hunter as I am and I have never seen a scope that archer is talking about..still waiting :pop
Lets see that scope you are talking about with the cross outside the scope..and its not all about you archer, its about you defending LJ with his hate speech moments after the shooting attacking the tea party, republicans, and conservs..and no evidence. Are you defending his actions, many of us want to know...

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11 Jan 2011 10:31 #43 by Scruffy

outdoor338 wrote: nope, typical liberal spin libs brought up the gun sights, right after the shooting..and as far as palins better spin obamas remarks about bringing guns to political fights and debates..spin that while your at at..

archer, this thread is exposing the hate speech from your liberal side, and you say nothing about it except to defend it..

No, it's not. This thread is about your allegation that the crosshair symbols on Palin's map of targeted politicians was a surveying symbol.

Spin it however you want, but that's what it's about. You started this thread.

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11 Jan 2011 10:35 #44 by outdoor338
I have shown my evidence..there are no mill spots on survey markers..keep spinning scruffy and do your will never find them..all you libs can not prove me wrong..and you hate it..just show me any survey markers that have mill spots to mark cities...

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11 Jan 2011 10:46 #45 by archer

outdoor338 wrote: I have shown my evidence..there are no mill spots on survey markers..keep spinning scruffy and do your will never find them..all you libs can not prove me wrong..and you hate it..just show me any survey markers that have mill spots to mark cities...

Sorry outdoor...but it is you that are wrong......I guess that is hard to admit after so much time spent spinning in circles over this.....go to the web site I posted.....see that one of the labeled CROSSHAIR symbols is the same as what was used on Palin's map. Now maybe the Palin staff is a bunch of idiots that don't know a crosshair symbol from a survey symbol (however when they find clip art that labels it as crosshair you can't blame them for believing that it's true) , their intent was clearly to use a crosshairs symbol, it was that for 6 months, till they decided it wasn't because of bad publicity. You can spin in circles all day and not change that FACT.

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11 Jan 2011 10:48 #46 by Scruffy
Why would Palin put survey markers on a map and then call them crosshairs?

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11 Jan 2011 11:00 #47 by outdoor338
read my evidence and it proves you are will not accept it, as it means you have been wrong..that's ok, pride goes before the can keep spinning this..what can't you understand that survey markers don't have mill dots..survey markers were used on palins site..and yet, you still say its a scope..funny how wrong you are, still waiting for your defending LJ and his attacks against tea party, republicans and conservs...with no evidence..

crosshairs are a reference point scruffy, I thought you knew that.. ... -112464866

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11 Jan 2011 11:04 #48 by Rockdoc
What is amusing is the argument regarding a symbol when few of you have taken the time to honestly look at what varius symbols mean other than what you want it to mean depending on your point of view. As a map maker for the oil industry we use a variety of "crosshairs" to represent well data and survey points. In the old days we also used "crosshairs" as registration marks to align overlays. Here are some "crosshairs and what they mean to me:

File Attachment:

1. Dry and abandoned well
2. Abandoned oil well
3. productive gas well
4. salt water disposal well
5. registration mark for aligning overlays
6. destroyed water well
7. Principle point on a topographic map

Conclusion: A "crosshairs" does not have necessarily imply a target. It may imply a type of well location, survey marker, or registration mark, and a symbol like this is far more likely to depict one of these symbols on a map rather than a rifle crosshairs. Just because the press reports it as a crosshairs does not make it as they or you portray it to be. The general populous is not knowedgable about mapping symbols either, so popular opinion only means how many people are clueless. In the end crosshairs is a generic not specific term. Depending on your political perspective, you can spin it any way you wish.

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11 Jan 2011 11:07 #49 by LadyJazzer
Doesn't answer Scruffy's question: "Why would Palin put survey markers on a map and then call them crosshairs?"

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11 Jan 2011 11:10 #50 by archer
Wow have decided that Palin and her staff lied for months about the map, but now have decided to tell the truth? Ok, I'll go with that since you seem so hell bent on believing it. It surely doesn't put Palin and her staff in a very favorable light. I'm trying to imagine what they would have said if the symbols were intended to be survey markers.....can you imagine the press conferences?

Palin: We have decided to beat these democrats by surveying them.....yeah, that has a nice ring to it.

How about

Palin:this survey will defeat those pesky democrats

Maybe she could have tried

Palin: We have those democrats in our survey, that ought to scare them

almost forgot this one

Palin: Don't retreat, survey

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