Delmar answers, “come on in boys, the waters fine!"

01 Jun 2010 08:34 #11 by DrMike
Enjoy the Journey
But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day" (Proverbs 4:18, ESV)

Oftentimes, people tend to get wrapped up and busy with things that don't really matter in eternity. It's easy to get consumed by your career and stay focused on your goals. It's good to work hard, but you've got to learn how to play hard, too, so you can stay in balance. I heard somebody say, "It's not that life is so short, it's that we wait so long to begin living." If we want to truly enjoy the journey of life, we have to take time to stop and smell the roses. Do you appreciate the people you love? Do you hug your children before you leave each day and give your spouse a kiss? When was the last time you called your parents to tell them how much you love them? That's how we can enjoy the journey. If you'll stay determined to enjoy the journey of life, you'll live with no regrets. You'll see your path shine brighter and brighter, and at the end, you'll be able to say, "I made the most of my life. I enjoyed my family. I enjoyed my friends. I finished my course with joy."
Heavenly Father, thank You for the people You have placed in my life. Teach me to enjoy my relationships more because they are all that matters in eternity. Help me to enjoy the journey of life as my path shines brighter and brighter until the full day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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02 Jun 2010 08:53 #12 by DrMike
One Thing is Needed

"But only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:42, NIV)

In today's world, most people find that life is full. We have over 500 channels on TV, an unlimited number of sites to browse on the internet, cell phones and PDA's to keep us connected 24 hours a day. Everywhere you look there is something to do or some kind of entertainment all the time. If we're not careful, we'll fall into the trap of thinking that we've always got to be busy doing something. But Jesus invites us to be still because really, only one thing is needed.

I heard somebody say one time, what if we treated our Bibles like we do our cell phones? Can you imagine people in the elevators, lobbies and shopping malls thumbing through their Bibles all day long? Can you see people reading and studying the Word while sitting in traffic and at red lights? Not that you should do that, but the point I'm making is that we need to live our lives in balance and make the Word of God a priority. Let's make sure we don't allow the distractions of life to keep us from the one thing that is needed.


Heavenly Father, today I set my heart and affections on You. I choose to lay down the distractions of life and put You first because You are the one thing that is needed. Help me keep my mind focused on You as I declare Your praises throughout the day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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03 Jun 2010 08:34 #13 by DrMike
A Spirit of Unity
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus" (Romans 15:5, NIV)

Do you find that you are surrounded by people all the time, but yet you still feel disconnected? In your family, is everyone going in different directions, always busy, always doing their own thing? I've found that we really have to make a conscious effort to walk and live in unity with the people in our lives and not allow distractions to pull us apart. Walking in a spirit of unity goes beyond just getting along, it's about going the extra mile to support one another and lift each other up. If you want to get the most out of life, you've got to draw a line in the sand and say, "I'm going to slow down and connect with the people I love. I'm not going to take my relationships for granted."
Start today by calling a friend or family member that you haven't talked to in a while. Reach out to them and let them know they are important. Make time to have dinner as a family and support each other's activities. When you walk and live in unity, you bless the Lord and open the door for His supernatural blessing in your own life in return!

Father in heaven, thank You for the relationships in my life. Help me find creative ways to connect with the people I love. Help me to walk and live in a spirit of unity as You commanded. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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04 Jun 2010 07:39 #14 by DrMike
Open Your Heart
"…he who has been forgiven little loves little" (Luke 7:47, NIV)

Forgiveness is such a powerful gift from heaven above. It's like a door on our heart. When we choose to forgive, it opens our heart so that we can receive everything God has in store for us. But when we hold onto unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment, it closes up our heart and keeps us from moving forward in the blessings of God.
The scripture tells us that if we don't forgive others, God cannot forgive us. That's because the door on our heart is closed. If forgiveness doesn't go out, forgiveness can't come in. But when we choose to forgive, we open our heart so we can receive His forgiveness and allow His love to flow freely through us. Forgiveness increases our capacity to receive!

Today remember, people will let you down, they will hurt you and they will disappoint you. Don't let the actions of others block your relationship with the Father by holding unforgiveness. Instead, choose to forgive so that you can increase your capacity to receive everything He has in store for you!

Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving me and setting me free. Today I choose to forgive others so that I can have room in my heart to receive Your forgiveness and love. Thank You for setting me free. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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07 Jun 2010 07:46 #15 by DrMike
"The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple" (Psalm 119:130, NIV)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the obligations of everyday life? Does your schedule sometimes feel complicated?
One of the enemy's greatest tactics is to keep people so busy doing so many good things that there isn't time for the most important thing. Jesus said that in this life one thing is needed and that is to sit at His feet and spend time in His Word. When His Word is a priority in our lives, everything else in life will fall into place.

Today, do you need to simplify your life in order to make room in your schedule for Him? If you're not sure how to order your day, simply ask Him to give you wisdom and show you how to manage your time. He loves you so much, and He loves it when you call upon His name. Remember, He longs to be good to those who are looking for His goodness. Simplify your life today so you can receive the light and understanding He desires to give to you.

Father God, today I surrender everything to You. I give You my mind, will, and emotions. I give You my schedule and ask for Your wisdom to order my days. I choose to put You first and thank You for leading me and guiding me in every decision I face today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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08 Jun 2010 06:55 #16 by DrMike
He Prepares the Way for Victory

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…" (2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)

There are times in life when we all face situations that seem impossible. It's easy to get discouraged and think that things won't ever work out. But the Scripture tells us that God goes before us and makes our crooked places straight. In other words, even though you may not have the connections you need right now, you don't have to worry. God is going before you lining up the right people, arranging the right breaks, and setting up the right opportunities. He is preparing the way for victory!

Today, if you are facing difficulty, don't fall into the temptation to get negative and sour. That adversity is no a surprise to God. He's not up in the heavens scratching His head and thinking, "Oh, no. Now what am I going to do?" No, He already has every day of your life written in His book. Before you had that problem, God already had the solution. He is going before you right now preparing the next chapter of your life. Stay in faith and keep the right attitude because He is moving you forward into the victory He has prepared for you!


Father God, thank You for ordering and directing my steps. Thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. I choose today to trust in You, knowing that You are good, and You always lead me into victory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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08 Jun 2010 07:28 #17 by TPP
You da Man....

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09 Jun 2010 06:25 #18 by DrMike
Quicker Than You Think

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise…" (2 Peter 3:9, NIV)

Do you realize that as a believer in Jesus, you have a tremendous advantage in life? The Creator of the Universe is not only fighting your battles, but He is lining up the right people, the right breaks, and the right opportunities to move you forward. You may be facing a situation right now that looks like it's never going to turn around, but I believe that you're going to see some changes quicker than you think. You're going to come out of debt quicker than you think. You're going to accomplish your goals much quicker than you think. That relationship is going to be restored quicker than you think!
Remember, God is not slow in keeping His promise. I believe we are entering into a decade where we're going to see the hand of God move like never before. He is going to open up doors that no man can shut. He is going to turn impossible situations around and take you places that you never dreamed. It's time to get ready for more of God's favor because that breakthrough is going to happen quicker than you think!

Father in heaven, thank You for being faithful to Your Word. I trust that You will complete the work You've begun in me. Help me keep my heart and mind focused on You as I stand strong in faith to see Your promises come to pass in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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10 Jun 2010 06:30 #19 by DrMike
Pray for One Another

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" (James 5:16, NIV)

All throughout Scripture, we see that God's system operates on the principle of sowing and reaping. If you sow blessing and mercy into the lives of others, that's what you'll reap in your life in return. The same thing happens when you pray for one another. There's a spiritual dynamic at play when you get your mind off yourself and onto others. You're sowing a seed so that God can do something in your own life.

Is there someone in your life you can pray for? Maybe it's a friend or a family member in need. They don't have to be present, you can pray for them as you go about your day or even driving in your car on the way to work. Remember, when you pray for others, God will make sure someone is praying for you. It's that connection of faith that opens the door for God to move mightily on your behalf.


Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to be used by You. I choose to pray for the people in my life as You have commanded. Direct my thoughts and prayers today so that I can be a blessing to others and honor You in everything I do. In Jesus' Name. Amen

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11 Jun 2010 07:05 #20 by DrMike
The Moment We Pray
"My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help" (Psalm 56:9, NLT)

Are you believing for God to do something in your life today? I want to encourage you because God is already working behind the scenes on your behalf! Just because you don't see anything happening, doesn't mean that God isn't working. The moment we pray, God sets the miracle into motion. The thing we have to remember is that God doesn't say, "I'll deliver you in one hour, or next week, or Tuesday at 5:00 p.m." No, He doesn't put a time frame on it. That's where trust comes in. We have to know that our enemies retreat as soon as we call on Him for help. We have to choose to go back to the place of peace knowing that He is working things out.
Today, shake off the temptation to get discouraged during the waiting process. Shake off offense, shake off discouragement. Remember, all it takes is one touch of God's favor to take you years ahead. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping because the answer is on its way the moment we pray!

Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing me the moment I pray. Today I choose to trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf no matter what I see in the natural. I will praise You today and always because You are faithful. I love You and bless You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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