Today’s Scripture
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1, NIV)
God is always with you. That means He is present at all times - continually, perpetually, throughout all time. In your day of trouble, He promises to be a help to you. How is He your help? “Help” means something different to each person. That’s because “help” is specific to your need. If you need money to pay your bills, a chocolate cake isn’t going to be much help! But we serve a God who is very specific. And because He is always with you, He always knows exactly what you need and is always ready to provide it!
Today, are you facing trouble or adversity? Know that God is with you. Look to Him for help. Trust that He has the answer, and that He is working things out in your favor. As you continue to believe Him and follow His direction, He will lead you in the way that you should go. He will comfort you, revive you, restore you and bless you! He will be your ever-present help because He is forever faithful to His Word!
A Prayer for Today
"Father God, thank You for being my ever-present help. I trust today that You are with me, that You are comforting me and restoring my soul. I lift my eyes to You this day. Help me to follow Your commands and honor You as You direct my steps in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
Today’s Scripture
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14, NIV)
“I’m God’s masterpiece. I’m wonderfully made. I’m talented. I’m original. God has given me everything that I need.” That’s what David was saying in Psalm 139. He praised God for making him in an amazing way and declared that what God had done was wonderful. Is that how you started your day?
Most people think they are being humble by putting themselves down. They say, “Oh, I’m not that talented. It was no big deal.” But really, we should be bold like David and say, “I’m amazing. I’m a masterpiece. God made me, and He doesn’t make junk! I am equipped, I am empowered, and I am talented!”
Today, make the decision to stop putting yourself down; stop focusing on your flaws and comparing yourself to others. Your Creator says “you are a masterpiece.” It’s time to get in agreement with God and realize how much He loves you. It’s time to realize how special you are. Make the shift by changing your words and start by saying what David said!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, I do praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for equipping me for every good work. Thank You for showing me Your love in a new way as I keep my heart and mind focused on You in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."(Malachi 3:10, AMPC)
God wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings on you today and every day of the year. But notice that today’s verse tells us that there is something we have to do first—we have to step out in faith and bring our tithes to Him. In other words, we have to be obedient to God with our finances.
We have to remember that we are stewards over the resources God has given us. When we are good and faithful stewards, the Lord entrusts us with more. He opens the windows of heaven. Have you ever thought about what kind of blessing would be so great that there would not be room enough to receive it? It may be hard to comprehend, but that’s what God’s Word promises—to overwhelm us with His blessings!
I encourage you today, be a giver. Be a tither. Put yourself in a position to receive His blessing. Begin to thank Him for His faithfulness. Lift up your eyes to Him. As the Scripture says, prove Him and see Him move mightily on your behalf!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for choosing to bless me. Thank You for opening the windows of heaven in my life. I choose to be obedient to Your Word. I choose to be a giver. I choose to be faithful and thank You for Your faithfulness to me in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me." (Psalm 131:1, NKJV)
When things happen in your life that you don’t plan, do you find yourself trying to reason it all out or look for a “file,” so to speak, in your mind to put it in? What happens when you can’t reason it out or make sense of it all?
Here’s the answer: Every one of us needs to create a file in our thinking called the “I Don’t Understand It” file. When things come up that don’t make sense, things that you can’t figure out, instead of getting frustrated or confused, put it in your “I Don’t Understand It” file and leave it alone. If you go through life trying to figure out why something bad happened or why things didn’t work out, it will cause you to become bitter and stuck in life. Part of trusting God means trusting Him when things don’t make sense because we know that His plan is always for good. We have to know that He will reveal all things in His time—even if that means in eternity.
Is there something that didn’t make sense in 2017 that you know you need to file away? Choose to trust God. Choose to keep moving forward. Know that He loves you, He is for you, and He has a great plan for your future!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, today I surrender my past. I surrender my need to have all the answers, and I choose to trust You. Fill me with Your peace. Fill me with Your grace and compassion as I press forward into the victory You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."(Psalm 100:4, NKJV)
As believers, we have the honor and privilege to enter boldly into God’s presence. Scripture says that we can come to His throne of grace and receive His mercy. Because He loves us, He has given us unlimited access to Himself 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
But notice that today’s verse tells us that we shouldn’t just come any old way to God. We shouldn’t come empty-handed to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. What can we bring? What do we have that’s worthy of Almighty God? Our praise. Our thanksgiving. Our worship. We are to enter His gates with an offering from our hearts of adoration because He is worthy!
We have to understand, praise isn’t just about singing songs on Sunday mornings. Praise is the expression of gratefulness to Father God for Who He is and all that He has done. Praise gets God’s attention. Praise is a powerful tool in the life of the believer because God inhabits our praises! When we enter His presence the right way, He enters our circumstances, and when God shows up, the enemy must flee! Today, enter into His gates with thanksgiving and open the door for Him to move on your behalf!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, I come to You today with thanksgiving in my heart. I enter into Your courts with praise. Today I declare that You are good, and Your mercy endures forever! Have Your way in me by the power of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"If you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments which I command you...all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you…"(Deuteronomy 28:1-2, AMPC)
A surprise is simply something good that you weren’t really expecting. It’s something that makes you feel special and lets you know that someone is thinking about you. Surprises bring us joy and lift our hearts. Your heavenly Father wants to surprise you and overtake you with His goodness. He wants to do things that make your life easier and lets you know how much He loves you.
The word “overtake” can also be translated “to catch by surprise.” Your heavenly Father longs to be good to you—He wants to catch you by surprise! He wants to help you accomplish your dreams and overcome your obstacles. He wants to amaze you with His goodness and mercy. We should wake up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do today!”
Make room in your heart and mind for what God wants to do in your life today. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. As you do, you’ll see His surprises. You’ll see His hand of blessing overtake you and bring you to new levels in every area of your life!
A Prayer for Today
"Father in heaven, I open my heart and mind to You right now. Fill me with Your goodness and overtake me with Your blessings. I honor You today and invite You to use me to be a blessing to others in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." (Proverbs 14:30, NIV)
It’s so easy to let the pressures and distractions of life pull our thoughts away from the Father. It doesn’t take long before we are so focused on earthly things that we feel overwhelmed and all stressed out. But we weren’t meant to live anxious about life; we were meant to live in peace.
Did you know the best thing you can do for health is to set your heart at peace with God? Peace isn’t just a feeling, it’s a powerful position. Peace literally means “to set at one again.” In other words, we can be settled in our minds and hearts when we are in alignment with the Word of God. It is a position of life,strength and confidence!
Today, choose to keep your heart at peace by staying focused on God the Father. Give life to your body by staying in agreement with Him. Let His peace guard your heart so that you can be equipped to live the abundant life He has promised to you!
A Prayer for Today
"Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. I praise You because You are the Prince of Peace, and You give peace to my heart and mind. I choose to stay focused on You today. Thank You for guiding my every step in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
Today’s Scripture
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV)
Are you giving thanks in every circumstance? This might seem like a stretch at first, especially when you are going through a season of difficulty. But notice today’s verse doesn’t say to give thanks “for” everything, it says give thanks “in” everything. In other words, no matter what’s going on, find something to be thankful for. Don’t just focus on what’s wrong in your life; focus on what God will do in your life.
When you are thankful, it opens the door for God to move on your behalf. That’s why it says “this is God’s will for you.” He wants you to be close to Him to receive His strength and power by giving thanks. That’s why we should always have the attitude that says, “God, in spite of what’s happened, I choose to be grateful. I may be sick, but Father, thank You for being my healer. Thank You for givingme great friends and family.” Or, “I may be struggling in my marriage, but God, thank You for being my restorer. Thank You for giving me another sunrise.” As you give thanks in everything, you will see God’s hand move mightily on your behalf, and you’ll come out of that difficulty better, stronger and wiser than before.
A Prayer for Today
"Father God, today I choose to thank You in all things! I know that You are a good God, and You have good plans in store for my future. I bless You and thank You for another day to sing Your praise in Jesus’ name! Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"The vision is yet for an appointed time…" (Habakkuk 2:3, NKJV)
The Scripture says, “The vision is for an appointed time.” That means there is a specific time already determined for the fulfillment of the desires God has placed in your heart. The appointed time is the best time! We have to trust that God can see the big picture for our lives. He knows what’s up ahead. He knows what we’re going to need, who we’re going to need, and when they need to show up. If God did everything we ask on our timetable, it would limit us because sometimes what we’re asking for is too small. Sometimes the person we think we can’t live without, God knows in ten years they’re not going to be good for us. So He is closing the door right now. Sometimes the promotion we want so badly, if God gave it to us right now, He knows it would keep us from a much bigger promotion that He has three years down the road.
Remember, God has the advantage of seeing it all. The longer I live, the more I trust Him. The more I see His hand of faithfulness, the more I know that His plan is better than my plan. Today, trust that He knows what He’s doing. Trust that He has an appointed time, and it is the best time to bring to pass His promises in your life!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, today I put my dreams, desires,hopes and longings into Your loving hands. I trust that the vision You have given me is for an appointed time. I know Your timing is best so I will praise You until I see the promise in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9, NKJV)
I’d love to tell you that if you stay in faith, if you believe, then God will always answer your prayer within 24 hours, or at least within the first week. But we know that’s not reality. God promises He will be true to His word, but He never puts a time frame on it. In fact, He tells us that we need patience to see the promises come to pass. Sure, it would be a lot easier if God told us when we were going to get well, when we would meet the right person, or when our child would straighten up. But the truth is, that wouldn’t take any faith. It takes faith to say, “God, I don’t know when You are going to do it, but I trust You enough to believe that You will do it, that the answer is already in my future.”
Today and every day let this be your prayer: “God, give me the grace to accept Your timing.” That means you’re asking for God’s strength, His supernatural empowerment to stand strong while you are waiting. Choose to keep believing, choose to praise Him, and choose to accept His timing knowing that He is faithful and has untold blessings in store for your future!
A Prayer for Today
"Father, thank You for Your hand of favor, blessing and mercy on my life. You are good and faithful. Because of that, I trust You. I trust Your love, and I trust Your timing in Jesus’ name. Amen."
Pastor Don Hicks is head of COFA's prayer Ministry and loves getting men and women to pray for you. He is always looking for people to join the prayer team ministry. Contact Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested. If you do have any prayer requests send them to Pastor Don at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Guidelines for all prayer requests, last names must be withheld due to privacy issues, no gossip, or slandering of people you want prayer for. If you have an immediate prayer need you can call Mike 303.456.0555