Lots of teenagers need a time out from their parents. I don't know the circumstances, nor do I want to. It didn't result in an ethics violation apparently.
X_P, you are one of the most vicious posters here.
It did not end in an ethics violation. It was just what you suggested 2wlady. A time out for a teen.
Our family was trying to recover from the death of a close family friend who had been killed in Iraq.
Our son was very close to Tommy. (Our Godson)
I don't have a problem with anyone knowing about the situation.
I do have a problem with Willy attempting to make this something that it is not.
Willy is a scumbag coward. He plays this game hiding behind a nickname because he does not have the courage to stand behind his words with his good name.
You may not like what I have to say.
You may not agree with my point of view......but at least I stand behind my words with my name.
So Willy....once again....a job well done. We get to see just exactly what a piece of sh*t you are.
X_P wrote: Can you imagine a parent relinquishing responsibility of their children to the officers who hosted this party?
Can you imagine a citizen that would gladly let these officers raise their child because they were unable? (they must of been OK at one time)
Can you imagine this same person turning like a rabbi dog on these same officers that took on their parental responsibility and raised a good kid?
It is hard to imagine what lies underneath the covers and the false persona that some people weave online.
no....he called me a rabbi dog...keep up TM.
By the way....I hate to press this issue but I was wondering what kind of facts you have to support that the minor was a girl.
Exactly 2wlady. I don't mean to discredit anyone but deputy Hardey actually refers to the minor as a he in the Flume article.
I believe the quote came from the Investigative Report.