Republicans? (New topic from I'll be at the Laker Game tonight)

21 Jun 2010 12:52 #61 by LOL
Because I am irresponsible, never saved, and poor VL. Gimme half your pension, share and re-distribute. :)

Why won't you share your pie with me?

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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21 Jun 2010 12:58 #62 by UNDER MODERATION

The Viking wrote:

Vice Lord wrote: In my 47 years of experience:

Republicans hate/fear gays, mexicans, almost all foriegners, poor people, single mothers and anybody that needs a little assistance in life. They are mosty grown up insecure pocket protector nerds that could'nt exsist in the dog eat dog world they talk like they want to create. Selfish, self centered and easily minipulated with fear..What kind of man in Conifer Colorado is afraid of terrorists? The odds of being involved in a terrorist attack here are like 8 billion to one, yet these cowards are willing to give up our treasury, are freedoms, everything because they fear this phantom arab bogeyman...The policies they promote go against this rugged freedom loving American image they have of themselves..I see them as the ultimate wimps...

A man never stands so tall as when he stoops down to help the less fortunate amongst us...

OK so I am not sure if you are just trying to stir things up, are totally full of crap, or actually believe what you just wrote, (which means you are either very naïve, uneducated about where Republicans stand, or you are just totally brainwashed by the main stream “media.) Either way, you are totally backwards.

Let’s break it down. You say. “Republicans hate/fear gays, Mexicans, almost all foreigners,” So you think that living in America, wanting to have everyone live by our Constitution and not just come over here and spit on it, means that we are Afraid of Mexicans? Where do you guys come up with this stuff. And I have more friends who are Republicans, who date or are married to people who are minorities. All we want is for the Constitution and our laws when it comes to immigrating to the US, to be followed. That is not hate or fear.

Now if you flip it and really look at the psyche behind the Democrats actions and motives, here is where I think that the actions of Most democrats are far more hurtful and out of fear and control. Racism is brought up almost all of the time by Democrats. And on top of that I believe Democrats keep minorities afraid and believing they can’t make it without the governments help. They continually give them ‘special’ benefits and exemptions just for the color of their skin. Like affirmative action. The Democrats use fear on minorities to keep them voting for them. So I think the Dems are afraid of minorities actually becoming independent and believing in themselves. Then they will think more clearly and realize it has been the Republicans who have been fighting for Minorities and trying to help them become equal and independent all along. Republicans believe in trying to teach them that they aer Americans and not ‘black’ Americans, or ‘Hispanic’ Americans. We are all equal and it is sad the Democrats try to keep them believing differently so they can control them

And as far as Republicans and gays go, many Republicans just believe strongly in the traditional family unit. That does not make us hate them or fear them. I have many friends who are gay and I love them dearly. I would do anything for them. Your fear mongering statement with these does not hold water.

Now lets go with this. “Republicans hate/fear…… poor people, single mothers and anybody that needs a little assistance in life.” This is a huge joke!! Republicans have been proven time after time to donate more time and money to those less fortunate and poor people, give to charities more, and go on mission trips to help those less fortunate. Democrats just want to give away other people’s money to take care of them. They are fine with that as long as they don’t have to dip in their own pocket. So they (people like you) like to sound all self righteous by taking from others to give to the poor. Most Democrats want to take credit for helping the poor and less fortunate just by the votes they give to take other people’s money. You guys try to portray yourselves as the heros for helping them when in fact if it normally the Republican’s money which they would have used to create jobs and help others. So it is in fact in one way or another Republicans that are helping the poor and less fortunate the most. Whether it is by choice or by force by Democrats votes.

Much more to follow. I only responded to the first sentence.

I'll get back to this later..I don't have the time now..I'm betting races on TVG...I just wanna say I was once a republican..I was so far right that I refused to pay taxes and i'd curse sewer workers who were fixing the sewer on my street because I saw them as leaches living on the government dole...Then around 22 my eyes were opened to the way things really work in this country...This is a plutocracy

Look it up

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21 Jun 2010 13:01 - 21 Jun 2010 13:04 #63 by UNDER MODERATION

Joe wrote: Because I am irresponsible, never saved, and poor VL. Gimme half your pension, share and re-distribute. :)

Why won't you share your pie with me?

Don't worry-I will support you with a program called Social Security. You won't have to spend your golden years in the poor house or begging for coins on street corners....We take care of our people in this country, we are the richest country on earth and we won't let our elderely starve, or die like a dogs in the streets when they are no longer able to work...

Feel better now?

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21 Jun 2010 13:02 #64 by The Viking

Vice Lord wrote:

Joe wrote:

Vice Lord wrote: Hey, everybody over 65 is a "dependent class of people"- Do you think you're gonna be able to save enough in today's wages to live in tomorrows world? Don't count on it. Nobodies saving, in fact most can't pay their credit cards or keep a roof over their heads right now.

Hey VL, a question for you if not too private. Do you have a pension right now? Are you living off your wealth that you earned? It must be something as you claim to be retired at 47.

If so, how about sharing 50% of your pension with those of us that do not get a pension from our jobs. Or why not have 1/2 of your wealth taxed to pay for the social programs you promote. Sounds like you wouldn't miss it with all your expensive travel habits.

I think all democrats getting a pension should give 1/2 to those who are not fortunate enough to have a pension, its only fair.

I will collect a union pension when I turn 55 and it will be taxed as income and I'm fine with that..A pension is differed income. The union and the company agreed to that, it's called a contract. It's good for the company because they can defer compensation and its good for the worker because he doesn't have to work until the day he dies..It's good for America. Why should pensioners have to give up half of what they've earned while you shelter your money in retirement 401k's and Roth IRA's?

So do you think it's fair for GM union workers to get 95% of their income when they retire? And then thye can't figure out why they are losing $2000 per car and going in the red every year. And then GM asks the government and tax payers to bail them out to help pay for a ridiculous retirement fund? So we as tax payers in the long run end up paying for Unions retirement plans. They are now paying for more workers to 'not' work than they are to work.

Read this. There are 575,000 retired union workers making around 95% of what they made when they worked. And only 513,000 actually working. And unions refuse to negotiate this and want tax payers to pay for their awful and greedy business sense. They really can't figure out why they are losing $2000 per automobile made? They are paying 2 people to do each job. :bash

Founded in order to represent workers in the automobile manufacturing industry, UAW members in the 21st century work in industries as diverse as health care, casino gaming and higher education. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, the union has about 513,000 active members and more than 575,000 retired members[1] in approximately 800 local unions, which negotiated 3,100 contracts with some 2,000 employers

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21 Jun 2010 13:03 #65 by The Viking

Vice Lord wrote:

Joe wrote: Because I am irresponsible, never saved, and poor VL. Gimme half your pension, share and re-distribute. :)

Why won't you share your pie with me?

Don't worry-I will support you with a program called social security. You won't have to spend your golden years in the poor house or begging for coins on street corners....We take care of our people in this country..We are the richest country on earth and we won't let you starve or die like a dog in the street when you are no longer able to work...

There won't be any SS when I get there in 20 years.

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21 Jun 2010 13:04 #66 by The Viking
Plus since they are raising the age to 70, it will be closer to 30 years and it will be bankrupt by 2041 for sure they have said and it will probably be a lot sooner.

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21 Jun 2010 13:06 #67 by LOL
So thats it, ok. I see the haves (pensioners) are not going to share with the have nots (non pensioners). Its so unfair.

If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2

Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.

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21 Jun 2010 13:08 #68 by The Viking

Joe wrote: So thats it, ok. I see the haves (pensioners) are not going to share with the have nots (non pensioners). Its so unfair.

Noooo...... If you have an 'R' behind your name you have to share. Those with 'D's will vote for it and take the credit for helping.

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21 Jun 2010 13:18 #69 by UNDER MODERATION

The Viking wrote:

Vice Lord wrote:

Joe wrote:

Vice Lord wrote: Hey, everybody over 65 is a "dependent class of people"- Do you think you're gonna be able to save enough in today's wages to live in tomorrows world? Don't count on it. Nobodies saving, in fact most can't pay their credit cards or keep a roof over their heads right now.

Hey VL, a question for you if not too private. Do you have a pension right now? Are you living off your wealth that you earned? It must be something as you claim to be retired at 47.

If so, how about sharing 50% of your pension with those of us that do not get a pension from our jobs. Or why not have 1/2 of your wealth taxed to pay for the social programs you promote. Sounds like you wouldn't miss it with all your expensive travel habits.

I think all democrats getting a pension should give 1/2 to those who are not fortunate enough to have a pension, its only fair.

I will collect a union pension when I turn 55 and it will be taxed as income and I'm fine with that..A pension is differed income. The union and the company agreed to that, it's called a contract. It's good for the company because they can defer compensation and its good for the worker because he doesn't have to work until the day he dies..It's good for America. Why should pensioners have to give up half of what they've earned while you shelter your money in retirement 401k's and Roth IRA's?

So do you think it's fair for GM union workers to get 95% of their income when they retire?

Thats a lie spread by the corporate media, and you swallowed it hook line and sinker. Every time the United baggage handlers would threaten to go on strike United would tell the Chicago Tribune that they have baggage handlers making 120k a year, and they'd print it, and everybody would repeat it. One guy made 120k, he worked 8 hours overtime after his regular 8 hour shift every day, and he'd do that on every one of his days off for a year. He lived at freakin the airport...Everyone else was makin 35k

And furthermore union contracts are an agreement. The company signed the contract, nobody put a gun to their heads. And didn't GM just repay in full government all those billions? I wonder why? They didn't want anybody lookin at their books because they might see all that money they were hiding...Ya think?

And you call me naive

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21 Jun 2010 13:22 #70 by UNDER MODERATION

The Viking wrote:

Vice Lord wrote:

Joe wrote: Because I am irresponsible, never saved, and poor VL. Gimme half your pension, share and re-distribute. :)

Why won't you share your pie with me?

Don't worry-I will support you with a program called social security. You won't have to spend your golden years in the poor house or begging for coins on street corners....We take care of our people in this country..We are the richest country on earth and we won't let you starve or die like a dog in the street when you are no longer able to work...

There won't be any SS when I get there in 20 years.

More fear tactics...Thats all you got..

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