Maybe she should attend a college and learn how to do something other than answer a phone. I can reserve a plane ticket online now, check it out. Its called the internet. Expedia, Travelocity, etc.
If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2
Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.
Joe wrote: Maybe she should attend a college and learn how to do something other than answer a phone. I can reserve a plane ticket online now, check it out. Its called the internet. Expedia, Travelocity, etc.
She's married to a rich guy..She quit shortly after that..She thought a job would be fun..Ha
You know Joe- You need to read a history book...Go back to the turn of the century before the depression..White collar "im so valuable to my company" geeks like you worked 6 days a week, 10-12 hours a day for peanuts..10 guys had all the money in this country and the rest of us lived in squalor. The Robber Baron period-It's called history, look into it
Nope, I'm an independent contractor consultant, I set my own wages approx. 2x what my slave salary would be, and get paid over-time. Bennys I take care of myself. I dont take any crap from corporations and have paid a price for it sometimes, but thats the way it goes. I'm happy, and don't look back. I told my manager one time after he said "you're lucky we kept you working on contract after you quit full time, I said you're lucky you have an experienced worker to call in" That was the last time they had me work there. Oh well, life goes on.
Your'e funnny, lets have a beer sometime. I like that Steamworks in Durango too!
For the record, I think alot stinks about corporate management. They suck up stock options they don't deserve, and the tax code needs to be fixed to stop alot of abuses. I am in favor of low tax rates and clean up all these BS deductions and loopholes.
If you want to be, press one. If you want not to be, press 2
Republicans are red, democrats are blue, neither of them, gives a flip about you.
Joe wrote: IQ? Arguing with you VL is like debating a 3rd grader, no offense to 3rd graders. I am glad more of your friends are showing up, I need more of a challenge, you are too easy. Bring it on!
I remember when I was a youngster the Russian leader Yuri Andropov said the difference between Russians and Americans is that the Russian people don't believe the propaganda, while the American people do...It pissed me off and I thought it was the stupidiest thing I ever heard. Then one day I realized he was right, and one day you'll realize that I am right-I piss you off now because you don't want to believe you're ignorant, naive and have been minipulated....
Look at you- You judge yourself and others on how valuable they've made themselves to some corporation. I bet you monitor your credit score everyday too don't you.. "My company likes me!" "Oh the banks love me!" "I'm a huge success!"
For all your great acomplishments - do you own anything?