Why Are Anti-Christian Bigots So Eager to Prey On Tim Tebow?

18 Dec 2011 11:46 #171 by Arlen

Soulshiner wrote:

Rockdoc Franz wrote: That is exactly the kind of thing that I find so disgusting. People think they are cute dong things like this but they are expressing their flawed character instead.

I agree, Arlen was totally out of line.

I believe that I will respond to you. Please take note that archer interjected herself, rudely, in order to take over the direction of the conversation. She changed the "line" of conversation. I was perfectly just in my responses. She kept asking for more, so I obliged (afterall, I am a gentleman). However, I do believe (maybe wrongly) that Rockdoc was commenting upon your mention of a fellow puking/Tebowing. That is for him to say. But, right now, I think that you are putting words into Rockdoc's mouth.

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18 Dec 2011 12:02 #172 by Soulshiner
Apparently we have very different definitions of what a gentleman is.

When you plant ice you're going to harvest wind. - Robert Hunter

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18 Dec 2011 12:04 #173 by Arlen
I threw that one in there just for you. It absulutely demanded a response. You did not disappoint.

Oh!, by the way, a gentleman is not a dishrag.

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18 Dec 2011 13:40 #174 by Rockdoc
Arien, you are right. My response was with regard to the Tebow comment. It's another attempt to undermine an individual whom they can not attack directly.

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18 Dec 2011 13:46 #175 by Arlen
Thank you Rockdoc for being a stand-up fellow. My abmiration of Tebow is for his courage to follow his own path as he sees it. He inspires the better angels within his teammates and football fans everywhere.

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18 Dec 2011 13:50 #176 by ScienceChic

Arlen wrote: In the section of the country from which I originate liberalism is viewed as a disease. It is viewed much as drug addiction in which the mind is incapable of rational thought. So we do not answer the demented.

If liberalism is a disease, then so is conservatism.

http://www.livescience.com/17534-life-e ... lican.html
Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican
Adam Hadhazy
18 December 2011

Researchers have long wondered if some people can't help but be an extreme left-winger or right-winger, based on innate biology. To an extent, studies of the brains of self-identified liberals and conservatives have yielded some consistent trends, Schreiber said.

Two of these trends are that liberals tend to have more activity in parts of the brain known as the insula and anterior cingulate cortex. Conservatives, on the other hand, have demonstrated more activity in the amygdala, known as the brain's "fear center."

Altogether, these findings suggest liberals can more easily tolerate uncertainty, which might be reflected in their shades-of-gray policy positions. Conservatives, meanwhile, have a more binary view of threats versus non-threats.

I agree that it's the media blowing Tebow's faith out of proportion, using it to generate ratings by manufacturing unfounded controversy. I personally have no problem with him expressing gratitude and humility, even if I myself believe his success is more self-created rather than granted from on high, but everyone being different and having different beliefs is what makes life interesting! I wish the media would move on to other topics already, it's tiring to see this topic repeatedly. I'd rather discuss playoffs! :)

"Now, more than ever, the illusions of division threaten our very existence. We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” -King T'Challa, Black Panther

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill

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18 Dec 2011 13:58 #177 by CinnamonGirl
Did someone post this? OMG this is funny. 'The holy bible is my play book.' LOL


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18 Dec 2011 13:58 #178 by Rockdoc
I think another aspect of this whole issue is the wantabe population tries to find a moment of fame either by riding the coat tails of someone successful or by trying to elevate themselves into the spotlight through mockery, thinking that it makes them look bigger than they really are. Mostly I see the failures of others to acknowledge talent. THose who are successful, classy and know what they are talking about (read Tom Brady) express respect and recognize leadership and talent. Many ought to take a page from that type of behavior than the anal acts and assertions the losers engage in making.

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18 Dec 2011 14:27 #179 by Photo-fish

Arlen wrote: It is the media who has created the exception and stirred the liberals into a lather about Tebow being over the top.

I don't understand this part of your post AT ALL!! Really?? You can politicize football?? It's the Liberals that are against Tebow's success and media attention? I gotta ask you for some kind of source on that. Please no generalized, broad brush answers on this.

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18 Dec 2011 14:47 - 19 Dec 2011 19:46 #180 by Arlen
Here is one:
(Please do not attack the source. That would only deflect from the conversation.)

Rabbi apologizes to Tebow over column
Updated Dec 16, 2011 5:02 PM ET

A rabbi has apologized for going too far in a column expressing fear that continued success by Tim Tebow might lead to a spree of religion-fueled hate crimes.

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Hammerman’s column had noted that the beliefs of Tebow, an Evangelical Christian, have become part of the national conversation as the quarterback has led his team to seven wins in eight games heading into an anticipated NFL matchup Sunday with the New England Patriots.

“When you combine the religion that is football with the religion that is religion, the mix can be dangerously flammable,” Hammerman wrote. ...........................

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Hammerman’s vision for what might happen should the Broncos roll to a victory in Super Bowl XLVI, included speculation Tebow’s “emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America has become more inclusive since Jerry Falwell's first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts back considerably.”

(link added)

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